A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages. Black William

A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages - Black William

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       William Black

      A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages

      And of the Diseases and Casualties by Which They Are Destroyed or Annoyed. Illustrated With Charts and Tables

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664604477


       The Solar System

       CHAPTER I.

       A GENERAL CHART, with different Tables, Exhibiting the Gradations of Mortality in City and Country.

       A CHART of all the Fatal Diseases and Casualties in London, during 75 Years; Beginning from 1701, and ending with 1776.

       A MEDICAL CATALOGUE of all the principal Diseases and Casualties by which the Human Species are destroyed or annoyed.

       Intermittent Fevers ,

       Remittent Fevers

       Nervous and Putrid Fevers.

       Inflammatory Fevers ,

       Small Pox ,


       Scarlet fever.


       Sweating Sickness ,

       Of the predisposing and occasional Causes of fevers,

       Of Febrile Prognosticks.

       The phlogistick group of febrile diseases

       Inflammation of the Brain.


       Inflammation of the Lungs and Organs of Respiration ,

       Inflammation of the Liver ,

       Inflammation of the stomach ,

       Erysipelas ,

       Rheumatism, acute and chronic.

       Gout ,

       Of internal suppuration

       Diseases of the Lungs and Organs of Respiration ,

       Pulmonary Hemorrhage ,

       Pulmonary Phthisis.

       Species of Consumption


       Dyspnœa and Coughs

       Catarrh ,

       Hooping Cough ,

       Croup ,

       A Miscellaneous cluster of diseases


       Night Mare ,


       Of lethargy, coma, carus, cataphora.

       Of vertigo,



       Tetanus ,

       Spasms and cramps

       St. Vitus’s Dance.

       Catalepsis, and extasis.

       Fainting and asphyxy

       Palpitation of the Heart.

       Polypi of the Heart, internal Aneurism, and Ossification.


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