Essentials in Church History. Joseph Fielding Smith
A General Missionary Call
Eternity of the Marriage Covenant
The New and Everlasting Covenant
In the Temple these Blessings are Obtained
Conspiracy Against Joseph Smith
His Arrest by Reynolds and Wilson
Reynolds and Wilson Under Arrest
President Joseph Smith’s Discourse at Pawpaw Grove
The Trial Before the Municipal Court
The Citizens of Lee County Thanked
Reynolds’ Further Attempt to Obtain Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith and the Presidency of the United States
Views on the Powers and Policy of the Government
The Contemplated Expedition to the West
Experience of Scott and Harris
Apostates Attempt to Organize a Church
The Expositor Declared a Nuisance
Appeal to the Governor for Protection
Hyrum Refuses to Leave his Brother
The Proposed Journey to the West
Joseph Smith Accused of Cowardice
The Governor’s Demand for Arms
Governor Ford’s Promise to the Mob-Militia