The First Births and Death in the Colony
Captain Brown’s Journey to the Coast
Special Conference in the Valley
President Young’s Instructions and Blessing
Organization of a Stake of Zion
Population at the Close of 1847
Organization of the First Presidency
The Sustaining Vote of the Saints
Kanesville—Pottawattamie County
President Young’s Second Trip Across the Plains
The Beginning of New Settlements
Filling Vacancies in the Council of the Twelve
The First Political Convention
Territorial Officers Appointed
Announcement of the Plural Marriage Doctrine
Laying the Corner Stones of the Salt Lake Temple
Success in Foreign Mission Fields
The Foundation for Future Labors
The Willie and Martin Companies
The Question of Traveling Considered
The Babbitt and Margetts Tragedies
Extreme Suffering on the Sweetwater
The Assassination of Parley P. Pratt