Ameboid movement. Asa A. Schaeffer

Ameboid movement - Asa A. Schaeffer

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       Asa A. Schaeffer

      Ameboid movement

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066167554


       CHAPTER I Introduction

       CHAPTER II Historical Sketch

       CHAPTER III The General Features of Endoplasmic Streaming

       CHAPTER IV The Transformation of Endoplasm into Ectoplasm

       CHAPTER V Pseudopods and the Nature of the Ectoplasm

       CHAPTER VI The Species Question

       CHAPTER VII Experiments on the Surface Layer of the Ameba


       CHAPTER IX The Surface Layer and Theories of Ameboid Movement

       CHAPTER X Streaming, Contractility and Ameboid Movement

       CHAPTER XI The Surface Layer as a Locomotor Organ

       CHAPTER XII The Wavy Path of the Ameba

       CHAPTER XIII The Wavy Path of the Ameba and the Spiral Paths of Ciliates and other Organisms

       CHAPTER XIV Conclusions


       Table of Contents

      Although the subject of ameboid movement is discussed in this book chiefly because of its intrinsic interest, yet the interests of the student of medicine, the psychologist, the physiologist, the evolutionist and the general biologist have constantly been kept in mind. For the medical investigator probably finds no better means of approach to the study of the reactions and especially the movements of the white blood corpuscles, which play such an important part in the economy of the human body, than the ameba; white blood corpuscles and amebas are strikingly similar in many characteristics and in the fundamental processes of the movement they are probably identical. The comparative psychologist is keenly interested in the activities of the ameba because it exhibits to him the operation of the animal mind in its greatest simplicity. To the physiologist ameboid movement has for a long time represented the simplest phase of muscular contraction as it is known in the vertebrates. The philosophical evolutionist sees in the ameba, both in its structure and in its activities, a close approximation to the earliest ancestor of the animals. And the general biologist, aside from his usual interest in the properties of living matter wherever it may be found, is especially interested in discovering how many of the activities of the ameba are common to other organisms.

      But in addition to presenting an account of the main facts concerned in the movement of the ameba from the various points of view mentioned above, this book has a second object which is scarcely subsidiary to the main one. This second object is to present the thesis that moving organisms in which orienting organs are absent or not functioning, always move in orderly paths, i.e., in helical or true spiral paths. The movements of the ameba under controlled conditions, which, as the following pages will show, take the form of a helical spiral projected on a plane surface, therefore serve as an introductory study to the movements of organisms generally. For the presumption is strong that there is an innate tendency in all organisms that move which compels them, when free from stimulation, to move in definite predictable paths. This thesis is discussed at some length in Chapters XII and XIII.

      In view of the fact that ameboid movement has been considered largely as a theoretical question heretofore, I wish to state at once that my discussion of this subject is based directly on observation and experiment. I have no new theory of ameboid movement to offer; the list of theories is already extensive enough. I am, on the other hand, strongly of the opinion that this fundamental question, if it is to be solved at all, can be solved only by persistent observation and experiment on the ameba and related organisms themselves. “All knowledge is vain and erroneous excepting that brought into the world by sense perception, the mother of all certainty” (Leonardo).


       Table of Contents

      The manner of movement common to amebas has attracted the attention of biologists ever since the discovery of ameba by Rösel v. Rosenhof in 1755. In his description of “Der kleine Proteus” he records the observation that the various form changes which the ameba undergoes are associated with the streaming of the endoplasm. This observation marks the very beginning of the investigation of ameboid movement. And this investigation also possesses the distinction of being the most important single observation that has thus far been recorded in this special field, for it is now generally understood that by ameboid movement is meant movement due to the streaming of protoplasm.

      The phenomenon of ameboid movement as discovered by v. Rosenhof, was an isolated phenomenon. It attracted attention mainly because of its uniqueness, for it was the only instance of the kind that was then known. It could not be compared with any other form of movement; and the animal itself, considered apart from the streaming of the protoplasm, was unique also, because of its remarkable form changes which it alone, of all the animals then known, exhibited.

      But when Corti in 1774 discovered streaming protoplasm in the cells of chara and various other plants, the ameba could no longer be said to occupy this position of isolation. Although streaming is not accompanied by locomotion in chara, it had been observed that movement in the ameba was always accompanied by streaming, so it came to be generally accepted that the really fundamental feature of ameboid movement was the streaming of the protoplasm.

      The ameba came to be of especial interest to the physiologists later on when the finer structures of the larger animals were studied more carefully. Thus when the normal movements of the white blood corpuscles were discovered, no one failed to be struck with their ameboid characteristics in almost every detail of movement, feeding habits and gross structure. The great importance

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