Ameboid movement. Asa A. Schaeffer

Ameboid movement - Asa A. Schaeffer

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The direction in which an ameba moves was assumed to depend therefore not upon the physical character of the substrate, as suggested by Berthold, but upon such internal changes as control the movement of the more liquid part of the internal protoplasm to the outer surface.

      Rhumbler (’98) wrote extensively on the subject of ameboid movement, especially from the point of view of the feeding habits of amebas. He concluded that the flow of protoplasm, while engulfing a food object, was a direct result of the lowering of the surface tension of the protoplasm by contact with the food object (p. 207), thus causing its envelopment. Numerous other writers of the time, including Quincke (’88), Verworn (’89, ’92), Blochmann (’94), Bernstein (’00) and Jensen (’02), agreed in a general way with Rhumbler’s position that surface tension changes are the cause of locomotion in ameba.

      In 1904 the general subject of ameban behavior was extensively studied by Jennings, and from his observations he concluded that surface tension cannot account for many of the reactions observed. Other factors, he held, must be at work, such as contractility, which, acting in the posterior region, causes the endoplasm to flow forward. But Jennings found it impossible to explain on the same basis the extension of free pseudopods, and the creeping of a pseudopod, or of the whole ameba, over a solid substratum.

      From further observations Rhumbler (’05, ’10) came to modify his earlier views as stated above. The rapid advances in the study of the chemistry of colloids doubtless suggested to Rhumbler that the change from endoplasm to ectoplasm resembled the change from a sol to a gel state, and that in this process of gelation lay the source of energy manifested in ameboid movement. In thus calling attention to, and emphasizing the colloidal nature of, the conversion of endoplasm into ectoplasm and vice versa, the problem of ameboid movement came to be discussed from an entirely new angle. Certain phases of Rhumbler’s theory are developed and elaborated by Hyman (’17) who agrees in general with Rhumbler’s conclusions.

      In a series of papers on feeding and other reactions of ameba, Schaeffer (’12, ’16, ’17) concluded that Rhumbler’s general statement, wherein he says that changes in behavior are directly deducible from the action of stimuli in effecting liquefaction or gelation of the ectoplasm, does not hold in many cases of feeding, and that the mechanism controlling locomotion and feeding is not external, as maintained by Rhumbler, but internal.

       The General Features of Endoplasmic Streaming

       Table of Contents

      The streaming of the endoplasm is the most conspicuous feature of ameboid movement. It is even more noticeable than the movement of the pseudopods themselves, because of its greater speed and because it occurs in all parts of the ameba. Its importance in movement is essential, for no continued locomotion can be observed unless accompanied by streaming. It may be profitable therefore to enquire into the general features of streaming, and to observe some of the necessary consequences streaming imposes upon such an animal as the ameba.

      Let us take as an example an Amoeba proteus (Pallas, ’66, emend. Leidy, ’79, emend. Schaeffer, ’16) in characteristic movement (see Figure 11, p. 37). The main streams of endoplasm are in the same direction as that in which the ameba moves. In the withdrawing pseudopods the current is, of course, toward the main mass of the ameba. The endoplasmic stream is continuous from the posterior end to the tips of the advancing pseudopods. The retracting pseudopods flow into the main stream as tributaries. If, as often happens, the ameba is without pseudopods, there is then a single stream arising in the posterior end and flowing to the anterior end. In such a case it is readily observed how absolutely dependent locomotion is upon endoplasmic streaming.

      It often happens, such as when the ameba is receiving a strong stimulus, that streaming is arrested and brought to a stop for a few seconds, more or less. Presently however the endoplasm begins to flow as before. At what point, in such a case, is the first movement of endoplasm detectible? Is it at the free end of the pseudopod, at its middle region, at its base, or at the posterior end of the ameba? Bütschli (’80, p. 116) observed that in a withdrawing pseudopod the streaming begins at the free end of the pseudopod; but his (’92, p. 201) later explanation of ameboid movement seems to require that the endoplasm must begin to move at the base of the withdrawing pseudopod. Jennings (’04, p. 157) observed that in a withdrawing pseudopod the current of endoplasm begins at the base of the pseudopod.

      From numerous observations directed toward this point, it appears that the conditions under which streaming is resumed after a pause, whether in the same or in the reverse direction, are of great variety. The shape, size, slenderness, and the position on the ameba of the pseudopod, as well as the strength and character of the stimulus, are among the factors capable of changing in whole or in part the flow of endoplasm in a pseudopod. In an ameba that has been moving along a homogeneous flat surface, as nearly unstimulated as may be, the endoplasm first begins to flow out of the lower half of the retracting pseudopod, if the pseudopod is more or less uniformly conical in shape and rather slender. In such a case it may be said that the retracting pseudopod was withdrawn “by the ameba,” and that it did not itself receive an external stimulus producing retraction. If, however, the tip of a pseudopod as described receives a strong negative stimulus, the endoplasm frequently flows back from the tip while it is still flowing into the pseudopod at the base. But very soon thereafter, in such an event, the streaming becomes unified and the pseudopod is withdrawn. In broad pseudopods about to be withdrawn, the endoplasm may begin to move anywhere along its length. This is undoubtedly due to the continuous local changes in the walls of the pseudopod, which are characteristic of this species of ameba (see p. 20).

      In an ameba which has been brought to a standstill, as by a sudden flash of light, the first sign of recurring streaming is in the anterior half, whether the original direction of streaming is resumed or reversed. If the direction is reversed, the active pseudopods retract for a considerable distance before a new one is projected. The endoplasmic stream in a slender withdrawing pseudopod may not reach to the tip for from several seconds to a minute, if the tip is slightly positively stimulated. One may then observe ectoplasm streaming toward the tip and toward the base, in the respective regions, at the same time, with considerable fluctuation back and forth of the neutral zone separating the two streams. The fate of such a pseudopod depends on its size, on its position on the ameba, and the strength of the stimulus affecting it and the rest of the ameba. That is, if the pseudopod is small or on the posterior half of the ameba, or only slightly stimulated, it will be retracted; but if it is large, or on the anterior end of the ameba, or more strongly stimulated than the rest of the ameba, it may again become active.

      The fact that protoplasm is practically incompressible makes it clear that if streaming can be observed to begin after a pause at some point after it begins at others, the ectoplasmic walls of the ameba must give way in the region where streaming begins. Since it has been established by observation that the ectoplasm may give way at any point, it follows that one of the principal factors affecting streaming is the elasticity and liquefiability of the ectoplasm.

      The streaming in an ameba is coordinated. The direction in which the endoplasm flows in the several pseudopods, when there are no stimuli received externally that produce visible changes in behavior, gives one the impression that there is a “centre” controlling movement. The several pseudopods do not act at all capriciously. The ameba seems to move the pseudopods, not the pseudopods the ameba. If this impression of coordination is correct, it is of the first importance in a study of ameboid movement. Further on, this point will be taken up at length in connection with the character of the path an externally unstimulated ameba describes (p. 109); but there are certain observations which aid in the analysis of the problem of coördination from the point of view of the pseudopod, instead of that of the ameba as a whole, and to these observations we may now direct our attention.

      The mass of endoplasm within a pseudopod moves practically always in one direction. In any cross-section of a pseudopod that is more or less cylindrical in shape, the endoplasm in the center moves most rapidly, that near to it less rapidly, while that near the ectoplasm moves very slowly. One never observes a

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