Ameboid movement. Asa A. Schaeffer

Ameboid movement - Asa A. Schaeffer

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behaves as if it were startled. A similar reaction is observed if a small perpendicular beam of light is flashed near the anterior end of the ameba. Here also streaming is resumed with accelerated speed toward the beam of light. Harrington and Leaming (’00) showed that if strong light, especially at the blue end of the spectrum, is suddenly thrown on the ameba, movement is arrested for a short time. Miss Hyman (’17) has shown recently that if an ameba is strongly stimulated with a glass needle, streaming is arrested momentarily, but the direction of streaming when resumed subsequently, depends partly upon the former direction of streaming and partly upon the location of the stimulus. All of these cases of temporarily arrested movement are strikingly similar to what is observed in the higher animals under similar conditions.

      The ingestion of a large food mass produces usually a marked change in streaming. A more or less spherical form is assumed, and if the food mass be a live organism such as a large ciliate, the ameba frequently remains quiet for a considerable interval. If a large amount of food is eaten, as for example a dozen or two colpidia, the ameba may suspend concerted streaming for an hour or more. During this time small pseudopods are projected here and there, but there is no locomotion. But if an ameba eats large masses of carmine, there is usually no pause following ingestion, and the same thing is true when the ameba is induced to eat bits of glass and other indigestible substances. It follows therefore that the interrupted streaming of the endoplasm due to feeding is not caused by the act of ingestion as such, but rather by the onset and continuance of the normal digestive processes on a large scale. These reactions are again strikingly similar to what is observed in many vertebrates, in which a more or less definite body sense, whose sense organs are in the splanchnic region, is supposed to be involved; but what the explanation of similar behavior in ameba is, is not at all clear.

      Another factor of great importance in endoplasmic streaming is the nucleus. It was observed by Hofer (’90) that amebas lacking nuclei did not move in a coordinated manner. Štolc (’10) however records a number of observations in which characteristic movement was observed in enucleate amebas ten or more days after the enucleate ameba had been cut off from a normal ameba. Hofer’s amebas died after nine or ten days, while Štolc’s remained alive, some of them for over thirty days. Recently Willis (’16) confirmed Hofer’s findings, but does not discuss Štolc’s results.

      The cutting of an ameba into two pieces, one with and the other without a nucleus, is a very simple operation. It is also very easy to observe that within an hour or so the enucleate ameba does not move normally, and that there is no concerted endoplasmic streaming while the nucleate ameba seems to behave normally. But Štolc’s contention that enucleate amebas move characteristically (l. c., p. 159, 160, 167) is not necessarily contradicted by these observations, for Štolc’s observations refer to amebas that lived much longer than the enucleate amebas of Hofer and of Willis. Even if an enucleate ameba is able to recover, after many days, its power of concerted movement, there can be no doubt that enucleate amebas do not move characteristically for a short time after the operation, and that this effect is due to the lack of a nucleus.

      Very likely the action of the nucleus on the locomotory processes is neither direct nor specific. The metabolic balance must be disturbed by so fundamental an operation as the removal of the nucleus, and all fundamental activities must in consequence be affected. That food organisms (chilomonas and coleps) may be eaten and digested as Štolc (’10) states, indicates however that the metabolic balance may after a time be regained in some degree, for feeding undoubtedly calls for concerted streaming, and digestion for the formation and transfer of enzymes. Until this point receives further attention therefore, it remains unknown in what way the removal of the nucleus disturbs streaming for some time after the operation; but of the fact that streaming is disorganized for some time, there can be no doubt.

       The Transformation of Endoplasm into Ectoplasm

       Table of Contents

      Perhaps none of the factors influencing the streaming of the endoplasm mentioned above exercises as profound and constant an influence as its capacity to form ectoplasm. As has been intimated earlier (p. 3–9) streaming as observed during locomotion is not supposed to be possible at all unless accompanied by the formation of ectoplasm at the forward ends of pseudopods, and its transformation into endoplasm at the posterior end of the ameba. We may therefore next consider the rôle ectoplasm plays in locomotion, and in some other fundamental activities of the ameba.

      In the first place it is necessary to define the word ectoplasm, for two entirely different meanings are sometimes given to it. It is used often to designate the clear non-granular layer of protoplasm which thinly covers some of the commoner amebas, and is especially prominent in some of the small species, where the larger part of the anterior end often consists of protoplasm quite free from granules. The other use to which the word is put is to designate the layer of protoplasm on or near the outside of the ameba which is more or less rigid and motionless, resembling the gel state of a colloid. It is the latter meaning that is given the word as used in this discussion, while I shall follow Jennings (’04) and other, earlier, writers in using the word hyaloplasm in speaking of the outer clear layer. It may be necessary to add that neither of these two words is strictly definable, for in some cases, at least, hyaloplasm is not more rigid than the endoplasm, while in other cases it is. Strictness of definition can, of course, come only as investigation proceeds; and these words as well as the word endoplasm, should not be taken as defining the properties of the substances to which they refer, but only as labels.

      The demonstration of the most conspicuous and important property of ectoplasm in Amoeba proteus is easily made. With the high power of the microscope one focusses on the upper surface of an active pseudopod, paying especial attention to the small crystals imbedded in the protoplasm. These crystals, although they dance about slightly (Brownian movement) and otherwise change position to a slight extent, nevertheless appear to be held in place by a very viscous medium. Such movement as is observed in these crystals appears more or less erratic; it is not coordinated and it is only by chance in the direction of locomotion of the ameba. While observing the practically stationary crystals of the ectoplasm one can at the same time, though indistinctly, see the forward sweep of the crystals and other granules in the endoplasm below. But observation fails to detect a definite line of separation between the stationary ectoplasm and the mobile endoplasm; the one grades off insensibly into the other.

      The formation of ectoplasm in proteus is a much more complicated process than in almost any other ameba, excepting the large species Amoeba carolinensis[1] discovered by Wilson (’00). We shall have occasion however to refer at length to the method of ectoplasm formation in proteus later on, so we may consider proteus first from this point of view, and then take up a few other species in which the process is simpler.

      It is a fact more or less familiar to observers of amebas that proteus, as distinguished from the other amebas, has a number of large irregular, roughly longitudinal folds or ridges on its pseudopods and on its main body (Figure 3). Under normal conditions these are never absent. They are not found at the free ends of advancing pseudopods, but they take their origin at some little distance from the ends. It is this characteristic of ridge formation that complicates the process of the transformation of endoplasm into ectoplasm; for instead of having to deal with ectoplasm formation at the anterior ends of pseudopods only, we find this process taking place irregularly all over the surface of the ameba.

      These folds or ridges were first observed by Leidy (’79) and it is an eloquent tribute to the keen observation of this

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