Early European History. Hutton Webster
Scott, (Sir) Walter. "Flodden Field" (Marmion, canto vi, stanzas 19–27, 33–35).
Shakespeare, William. Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, King John, Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth, parts i and ii, Henry the Fifth, Henry the Sixth, parts i, ii, and iii, Richard the Third, Henry the Eighth, and The Merchant of Venice.
Shelley, P. B. To the Nile, Ozymandias, Hymn of Apollo, Arethusa, and Song of Proserpine.
Tennyson, Alfred. Ulysses, Oenone, The Death of Oenone, Demeter and Persephone, The Lotus-Eaters, Boadicea, St. Telemachus, St. Simeon Stylites, Sir Galahad, and The Revenge: a Ballad of the Fleet.
Thackeray, W. M. King Canute.
Wordsworth, William. Laodamia.
Full information regarding the best translations of the sources of ancient, medieval, and modern history is to be found in one of the Reports previously cited—Historical Sources in Schools, parts ii-iv. The use of the following collections of extracts from the sources will go far toward remedying the lack of library facilities.
Botsford, G. W., and Botsford, Lillie S. Source Book of Ancient History (N. Y., 1912, Macmillan, $1.30).
Davis, W. S. Readings in Ancient History (Boston, 1912, Allyn and Bacon, 2 vols., $2.00).
Duncalf, Frederic, and Krey, A. C. Parallel Source Problems in Medieval History (N. Y., 1912, Harper, $1.10).
Fling, F. M. A Source Book of Greek History (N. Y., 1907, Heath, $1.12).
Munro, D. C. A Source Book of Roman History (N. Y., 1904, Heath, $1.12).
Ogg, F. A. A Source Book of Medieval History (N. Y., 1907, American Book Co., $1.50).
Robinson, J. H. Readings in European History (Abridged ed., Boston, 1906, Ginn, $1.50).
Thallon, Ida C. Readings in Greek History (Boston, 1914, Ginn, $2.00).
Thatcher, O. J., and McNeal, E. H. A Source Book for Medieval History (N. Y., 1905, Scribner, $1.85).
Webster, Hutton. Readings in Ancient History (N. Y., 1913, Heath, $1.12).
———Readings in Medieval and Modern History (N. Y., 1917, Heath, $1.12).
Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History (N. Y., 1894–1899, Longmans, Green, and Co., 6 vols., each $1.50).
Most of the books in the following list are inexpensive, easily procured, and well adapted in style and choice of topics to the needs of immature pupils. A few more elaborate and costly volumes, especially valuable for their illustrations, are indicated by an asterisk (*). For detailed bibliographies, often accompanied by critical estimates, see C. K. Adams, A Manual of Historical Literature (3d ed., N. Y., 1889, Harper, $2.50), and the Bibliography of History for Schools and Libraries, parts iii-v.
Carlyle, Thomas. On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History (N. Y., 1840, Dutton, 35 cents).
Creasy, E. S. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World from Marathon to Waterloo (N. Y., 1854, Dutton, 35 cents).
Gibbins, H. De B. The History of Commerce in Europe (26. ed., N. Y., 1897, Macmillan, 90 cents).
Herbertson, A. J., and Herbertson, F. D. Man and His Work (3d ed., N. Y., 1914, Macmillan, 60 cents). An introduction to the study of human geography.
Jacobs, Joseph. The Story of Geographical Discovery (N. Y., 1898, Appleton, 35 cents).
Jenks, Edward. A History of Politics (N. Y., 1900, Dutton, 35 cents). A very illuminating essay.
Keane, John. The Evolution of Geography (London, 1899, Stanford, 6s.). Helpfully illustrated.
Myres, J. L. The Dawn of History (N. Y., 1912, Holt, 50 cents).
Pattison, R. P. B. Leading Figures in European History (N. Y., 1912, Macmillan, $1.60). Biographical sketches of European statesmen from Charlemagne to Bismarck.
Reinach, Salomon. Apollo; an Illustrated Manual of the History of Art throughout the Ages, translated by Florence Simmonds (last ed., N. Y., 1914, Scribner, $1.50). The best brief work on the subject.
Seignobos, Charles. History of Ancient Civilization, edited by J. A. James (N. Y., 1906, Scribner, $1.25).
———History of Medieval and of Modern Civilization, edited by J. A. James (N. Y., 1907, Scribner, $1.25).
Clodd, Edward. The Story of Primitive Man (N Y., 1895, Appleton, 35 cents). Generally accurate and always interesting.
———The Childhood of the World (2d ed., N. Y., 1914, Macmillan, $1.25).
Elliott, G. F. S. Prehistoric Man and His Story (Philadelphia, 1915, Lippincott, $2.00).
Holbrook, Florence. Cave, Mound, and Lake Dwellers (N. Y., 1911, Heath, 44 cents).
Mason, O. T, Woman's Share in Primitive Culture (N. Y., 1900, D. Appleton, $1.75). The only work on the subject; by a competent anthropologist.
* Osborn, H. F. Men of the Old Stone Age (N. Y., 1915 Scribners, $5.00). An authoritative, interesting, and amply illustrated work.
* Spearing, H. G. The Childhood of Art (N. Y., 1913, Putnam, $6.00). Deals with primitive and Greek art; richly illustrated.
Starr, Frederick. Some First Steps in Human Progress (Chautauqua, N. Y., 1895, Chautauqua Press, $1.00). A popular introduction to anthropology.
Tylor, (Sir) E. B. Anthropology (N. Y., 1881, Appleton, $2.00). Incorporates the results of the author's extensive studies and still remains the best introduction to the entire field.
Baikie, James. The Story of the Pharaohs (N. Y., 1908, Macmillan, $2.00). A popular work; well illustrated.
* Ball, C. J. Light from the East (London, 1899, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 15s.). An account of Oriental archaeology, with special reference to the Old Testament.
Banks, E. G. The Bible and the Spade (N. Y., 1913, Association Press, $1.00). A popular presentation of Oriental archaeology.
* Breasted, J. H. A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest (2d ed., N. Y., 1909, Scribner, $5.00). The standard work on Egyptian history.
Clay, A. T. Light on the East from Babel (4th ed., Philadelphia, 1915, Sunday School Times Co., $2.00).
* Erman, Asolf. Life in Ancient Egypt (N. Y., 1894, Macmillan, $6.00).
* Handcock, P.S. P. Mesopotamian Archaeology (N. Y. 1912, Putnam, $3.50).
Hogarth, D. G. The Ancient East (N. Y., 1915, Holt, 50 cents). "Home University Library."
* Jastrow, Morris, Jr. The Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria (Philadelphia, 1915, Lippincott, $6.00). A finely illustrated work by a great scholar.
Macalister, R. A. S. A History of Civilization in Palestine (N. Y., 1912, Putnam, 35 cents). "Cambridge Manuals."
Maspero, (Sir) Gaston. Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria (N.Y., 1892, Appleton, $1.50). Fascinating and authoritative.