Early European History. Hutton Webster
(N. Y., 1899, Harison, 60 cents). A well-written, fully-illustrated account of prehistoric man and the beginnings of history in Babylonia.
———Early Egypt (N. Y., 1900, Harison, 60 cents).
Abbott, Evelyn. Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens (N. Y., 1891, Putnam, $1.50). "Heroes of the Nations."
Baikie, James. The Sea-Kings of Crete (2d ed., N. Y., 1912, Macmillan, $1.75). A clear and vivid summary of Cretan archaeology.
Blümner, Hugo. The Home Life of the Ancient Greeks, translated by Alice Zimmern (3d ed., N. Y., 1910, Funk and Wagnalls Co., $2.00).
Bulley, Margaret H. Ancient and Medieval Art (N. Y., 1914, Macmillan, $1.75). An elementary treatment, particularly designed for schools.
Church, A. J., and Gilman, Arthur. The Story of Carthage (N. Y., 1886, Putnam, $1.50). "Story of the Nations"
Davis, W. S. The Influence of Wealth in Imperial Rome (N. Y., 1910, Macmillan, $2.00). An interesting treatment of an important theme.
———A Day in Old Athens (Boston, 1914, Allyn and Bacon, $1.00).
———An Outline History of the Roman Empire (N. Y., 1909, Macmillan, 65 cents). Covers the period 44 B.C.-378 A.D.
* Dennie, John. Rome of To-day and Yesterday; the Pagan City (5th ed., N. Y., 1909, Putnam, $3.50).
Fowler, W. W. Rome (N. Y., 1912, Holt, 50 cents).
———The City-State of the Greeks and Romans (N. Y., 1893, Macmillan, $1.00). The only constitutional history of the classical peoples intelligible to elementary students.
———Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero (N. Y., 1909, Macmillan, 50 cents). In every way admirable.
———Julius Caesar and the Foundation of the Roman Imperial System (2d ed., N. Y., 1897, Putnam, $1.50). "Heroes of the Nations."
* Gardner, E. A. Ancient Athens (N. Y., 1902, Macmillan, $3.50).
Gayley, C. M. The Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art (2d ed., Boston, 1911, Ginn, $1.60). Of special importance for the illustrations.
Goodyear, W. H. Roman and Medieval Art (2d ed., N. Y., 1897, Macmillan, $1.00).
Grant, A. J. Greece in the Age of Pericles (N. Y., 1893, Scribner, $1.25).
Gulick, C. B. The Life of the Ancient Greeks (N. Y., 1902, Appleton, $1.40).
* Hall, H. R. Aegean Archeology (N. Y., 1915, Putnam, $3.75). A well- written and well-illustrated volume.
Hawes, C. H., and Hawes, HARRIET B. Crete, the Forerunner of Greece (N. Y., 1909, Harper, 75 cents).
How, W. W. Hannibal and the Great War between Rome and Carthage (London, 1899, Seeley, 2_s_.).
Jones, H. S. The Roman Empire, B.C. 29-A.D. 476 (N. Y., 1908, Putnam, $1.50). "Story of the Nations."
* Lanciani, Rudolfo. The Ruins and Excavations of Ancient Rome (Boston, 1898, Houghton Mifflin Co., $4.00).
Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek Life (N. Y., 1876, American Book Co., 35 cents).
———What have the Greeks done for Modern Civilization? (N. Y., 1909, Putnam, $1.50).
Mahaffy, J. P., and Gilman, Arthur. The Story of Alexander's Empire (N. Y., 1887, Putnam, $1.50). The only concise narrative of the Hellenistic period.
* Mau, August. Pompeii: its Life and Art, translated by F. W. Kelsey (N. Y., 1899, Macmillan, $2.50).
Morris, W. O'C. Hannibal and the Crisis of the Struggle between Carthage and Rome (N. Y., 1897, Putnam, $1.50). "Heroes of the Nations."
Oman, Charles. Seven Roman Statesmen of the Later Republic (N. Y., 1902, Longmans, Green, and Co., $1.60). A biographical presentation of Roman history.
Pellison, Maurice. Roman Life in Pliny's Time, translated by Maud Wilkinson (Philadelphia, 1897, Jacobs, $1.00).
Pickard-Cambridge, A. W. Demosthenes and the Last Days of Greek Freedom (N. Y., 1914, Putnam, $1.50). "Heroes of the Nations."
Powers, H. H. The Message of Greek Art (N. Y., 1913, Macmillan, 50 cents).
Preston, Harriet W., and Dodge, Louise. The Private Life of the Romans (N. Y., 1893, Sanborn, $1.05).
Robinson, C. E. The Days of Alcibiades (N. Y., 1916, Longmans, Green, and Co., $1.50), A picture of Greek life and culture in the Age of Pericles.
* Seymour, T. D. Life in the Homeric Age (N. Y., 1907, Macmillan, $4.00).
* Stobart, J. C. The Glory that was Greece: a Survey of Hellenic Culture and Civilization (Philadelphia, 1911, Lippincott, $7.50).
———The Grandeur that was Rome: a Survey of Roman Culture and Civilization (Philadelphia, 1912, Lippincott, $7.50).
Strachan-Davidson, J. S. Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic (N. Y., 1894, Putnam, $1.50). "Heroes of the Nations."
Tarbell, F. B. A History of Greek Art (2d ed., N. Y., 1905, Macmillan, $1.00).
Tozer, H. F. Classical Geography (N. Y., 1883, American Book Co., 35 cents). A standard manual.
Tucker, T. G. Life in Ancient Athens (N. Y., 1906, Macmillan, $1.25). The most attractive treatment of the subject.
———Life in the Roman World of Nero and St. Paul (N. Y., 1910, Macmillan, $2.50).
* Walters, H. B. The Art of the Greeks (N. Y., 1900, Macmillan, $6.00).
*———The Art of the Romans (N. Y., 1911, Macmillan, $5.00).
* Weller, C. H. Athens and its Monuments (N. Y., 1913, Macmillan, $4.00).
Wheeler, B.I. Alexander the Great and the Merging of East and West into Universal History (N. Y., 1900, Putnam, $1.50). "Heroes of the Nations."
Wilkins, A. S. Roman Antiquities (N. Y., 1884, American Book Co., 35 cents).
Adams, G. B. The Growth of the French Nation (N. Y., 1896, Macmillan, $1.25). The best short history of France.
Archer, T. A., and Kingsford, C. L. The Crusades (N. Y., 1894, Putnam, $1.50).
Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (N. Y., 1869, Longmans, Green, and Co., $1.25).
Bateson, Mary. Medieval England (N. Y., 1903, Putnam, $1.50). Deals with social and economic life. "Story of the Nations."
Cheyney, E. P. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England (N. Y., 1901, Macmillan, $1.40). The best brief work on the subject.
Church, R. W. The Beginning of the Middle Ages (N. Y., 1877, Scribner, $1.00).
Cutts, E. L. Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages (London, 1872, De La More Press, 7s. 6d.). An almost indispensable book; illustrated.
Davis, H. W. C. Medieval Europe (N. Y., 1911, Holt, 50 cents).
———Charlemagne, the Hero of Two Nations (N. Y., 1899, Putnam, $1.50). "Heroes of the Nations."
Emerton, Ephraim. An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages (Boston, 1888, Ginn, $1.10). The most satisfactory short account, and of special value to beginners.
Foord, Edward. The Byzantine Empire (N. Y., 1911, Macmillan,