Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County. William Alexander Taylor

Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County - William Alexander Taylor

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the opposition, and the bill was amended by adding the latter clause to the end of the second section, and then passed.

       The First Historian a Wise One.

      This last proposition was at some time lost from the file of papers in the state treasurer's office, and that fact was possibly the means of saving the seat of government at Columbus. From the time of the repeal of the law for the erection of a new state house, in 1840, the subject of the removal of the seat of government from Columbus became agitated, and at the session of 1842-43, a committee of the legislature was appointed on that subject, who being divided in opinion or feeling, made a majority and a minority report. The majority assumed as a first ground that it had been permanently established at Columbus by the act of February 14, 1812, accepting the proposals of the proprietors of the town; and then referring to the conditions of the first proposals, insisted that it could not be removed without a violation of the faith of the state. The arguments of the two reports are principally confined to that proposition—the second proposal not being known of, apparently, by either party. And the compiler of the "Brief History of Columbus," prefixed to Mr. J. R. Armstrong's Columbus Directory, published in 1843, while the subject of removal was still in agitation, was, as a citizen of Columbus, perhaps excusable in giving the proprietor's first proposals, while he suppressed the second, which would have upset all the fine arguments in favor of the permanent location.

       The Original Legislative Act.

      The law referred to, accepting the proposals of the proprietors, and establishing the seat of government, was passed the 14th day of February, 1812, and reads as follows:

      Section 1. That the proposals made to this legislature by Alexander McLaughlin, John Kerr, Lyne Starling and James Johnston, to lay out a town on their lands, situate on the east bank of the Scioto river, opposite Franklinton, in the county of Franklin, on parts of half sections numbers nine, ten, eleven, twenty-five and twenty-six, for the purpose of having the permanent seat of government thereon established; also to convey to the state a square of ten acres and a lot of ten acres, to erect a state house and offices, and a penitentiary, as shall be directed by the legislature, are hereby accepted, and the same, and their penal bond annexed thereto, dated the 10th of February, 1812, conditioned on the faithful performance of said proposals, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, and shall remain in the office of the treasurer of state, there to be kept for the use of the state.

      Sec. 2. That the seat of government of this state, be and the same is hereby fixed and permanently established on the lands aforesaid; and the legislature shall commence their session thereat on the first Monday of December, 1817, and there continue until the first day of May, 1840, and from thence until otherwise provided for by law.

      Sec. 3. That there shall be appointed by joint resolution of this general assembly, a director, who shall within thirty days after his appointment, take and subscribe an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties enjoined on him by law, and shall hold his office to the end of the session of the next legislature; provided, that in case the office of the director aforesaid, shall, by death, resignation or in any wise, become vacant during the recess of the legislature, the governor shall fill such vacancy.

      Sec. 4. That the aforesaid director shall view and examine the lands above mentioned, and superintend the surveying and laying out of the town aforesaid, and direct the width of the streets and alleys therein; also to select the square for public buildings, and the lot for the penitentiary and dependencies, according to the proposals aforesaid; and he shall make a report thereof to the next legislature; he shall, moreover, perform such other duties as will be required of him by law.

      Sec. 5. That said McLaughlin, Kerr, Starling and Johnston, shall, on or before the first day of July next ensuing, at their own expense, cause the town aforesaid to be laid out, and a plat of the same recorded in the recorder's office of Franklin county, distinguishing therein the square and the lot to be by them conveyed to this state; and they shall, moreover, transmit a certified copy thereof to the next legislature, for their inspection.

      Sec. 6. That from and after the first day of May next, Chillicothe shall be the temporary seat of government, until otherwise provided by law.

      And by an act amendatory to the above act, passed February 17, 1816, it was enacted: That from and after the second Tuesday of October next, the seat of government of this state shall be established at the town of Columbus, and there continue, agreeably to the provisions of the second section of the act entitled "An act fixing and establishing the permanent and temporary seats of government," passed February 14, 1812.

      That the auditor, treasurer and secretary of state, shall, in the month of October next, remove, or cause to be removed, the books, maps and papers in their respective offices, to the offices prepared and designated for them severally, in the town of Columbus; and the treasurer shall also remove any public money which may be in his office; and the said public officers shall there attend and keep their offices respectively, from and after that time, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

      Then followed various acts of legislation looking to the completion of the steps that had been taken looking toward the establishment of a permanent seat of government.

       Building Committee and Plans.

      Resolution, for the appointment of a committee to lay down the plan on which the state house and penitentiary shall be erected.

      Resolved, That a committee of three members be appointed by the senate, to act jointly with such committee as may be appointed by the house of representatives, to agree upon and lay down the plan on which the state house and penitentiary shall be erected, and to point out the materials whereof they shall be built, and make a report of their proceedings to the house of representatives.

      Matthias Corwin, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

      Thos. Kirker, Speaker of the Senate.

      Attest—R. Osborn, C . H. R.

      Attest—Carlos A. Norton, C. S.

      February 18, 1812.

       Laying Down a Plan.

      Resolution, Laying down and agreeing to a plan on which the state house and penitentiary shall be erected.

      Resolved by the senate and house of representatives, That the director, after selecting the squares and sites whereupon the state house and penitentiary shall be built, shall proceed to lay down the size and dimensions of the said buildings as follows, viz: The state house to be seventy-five feet by fifty, to be built of brick, on a stone foundation, the proportions of which shall be regulated by said director, according to the most approved models of modern architecture, so as to combine, as far as possible, elegance, convenience, strength and durability.

      The penitentiary to be sixty feet by thirty, to be built of brick, on a stone foundation with stone walls projecting in a line with the front fifty feet on each end so as to form a front of one hundred and sixty feet, and to extend back from the front one hundred feet, forming an area of one hundred and sixty by one hundred feet.

      The walls to be fifteen feet high. The proportion of the penitentiary shall be regulated by the director, according to the best models which he can obtain from those states where theory has best been tested by experience and the said director shall make a report of his proceedings in the premises, with a plan of said buildings to the next legislature within ten days after the commencement of the session.

      Matthias Corwin, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

      Thos. Kirker, Speaker of the Senate.

      Attest—R, Osborn, C. H. R.

      Attest—Carlos A. Norton, C. S.

      February 20, 1812.

       A Director Appointed.

      Resolution appointing a director, agreeably to the act entitled "an act fixing and establishing the permanent and temporary seats of government."

      Resolved by the general assembly of the state of Ohio, That Joel Wright, of Warren county, be and he is hereby appointed director agreeably

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