Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County. William Alexander Taylor

Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County - William Alexander Taylor

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provisions of the act entitled "an act fixing and establishing the permanent and temporary seats of government."

      Matthias Corwin, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

      Thos. Kirker, Speaker of the Senate.

      Attest—R. Osborn, C. H. R.

      Attest—Carlos A. Norton, C. S.

      February 20, 1812.

       Looking to Removal.

      Resolution, for the removal of the state papers, etc., to Chillicothe.

      Resolved by the general assembly of the state of Ohio, That the doorkeepers of the senate and of the house of representatives shall take charge of the state furniture belonging to their respective houses, and deliver it to the secretary of state, who is hereby authorized to expose and sell the same at public auction for cash, giving ten days' notice by advertisement in the Muskingum Messenger, printed in the town of Zanesville, and pay the proceeds of such sale to the state treasurer for the use of the state, taking his receipt for the same, which he shall deposit with the auditor of public accounts.

      Resolved, That immediately after the rising of the legislature the clerk of each house shall make a true inventory of all papers, books, maps and stationery belonging to the state in their possession and immediately deliver the same with the inventory to the secretary of state.

      Resolved, That the secretary, treasurer, and auditor shall deliver to the order of Duncan M. Arthur, James Dunlap, Abraham Claypool, William Sterrett, Samuel Monett and Thomas Renick, all the books, papers, etc., in their respective offices belonging to the state for the purpose of transporting them to the town of Chillicothe in the county of Ross, Ohio, subject to the order of the next legislature; and the secretary, treasurer and auditor are hereby required to superintend the delivery and transportation of the state, books, papers, etc., in their respective offices agreeably to the provisions of the law fixing the permanent and temporary seats of government passed this session.

      Matthias Corwin, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

      Thos. Kirker, Speaker of the Senate.

      Attest—R. Osborn, C. H. R.

      Attest--C. A. Norton, C. S.

      February 21, 1812.

       The Town Officially Named.

      Resolution giving a name to the permanent seat of government.

      Resolved by the general assembly of the state of Ohio, That the town to be laid out, at the Highbank, on the east side of the Scioto river, opposite the town of Franklinton, for the permanent seat of government, of this state, shall be known, and distinguished, by the name of Columbus.

      Matthias Corwin, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

      Thos. Kirker, Speaker of the Senate.

      Attest—R. Osborn, C. H. R.

      Attest—C. A. Norton, C. S.

      February 21, 1812.

       Director's Duties Defined.

      An act ascertaining the duties of the director of the town of Columbus.

      Section 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Ohio, That the director appointed by the legislature, shall, within thirty days after his appointment, enter into a bond, with sufficient security, payable to the treasurer of this state, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars, and take and subscribe an oath, faithfully to discharge the duties enjoined on him by law; and shall hold his office to the end of the session of the next legislature: Provided, That in case the office of director aforesaid, shall become vacant by death, resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature, the governor shall fill the same: Provided also, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to exonerate the proprietors of the town of Columbus, from any responsibility of their original contract.

      Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said director, to superintend the erection of the public buildings, in the town of Columbus, agreeably to the plans laid down by the late director, except in his opinion, alterations are necessary in the internal arrangement of said buildings, in which case he is hereby authorized to direct the same, in such manner as he shall judge most likely to answer the purpose for which such buildings are erected; and in all things to see that the said public buildings are supposed, in all their parts, of proper materials, and built in a good and workmanlike manner; and he is hereby authorized and required, to object to any materials, not of proper quality, or any work not of the description aforementioned; and if the director shall perform, or cause to be performed, for his own private advantage, any part of the above work, he shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit the amount of his penal bond.

      Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the director, for the time being, to prevent and abate all nuisances, either in the streets or public squares of said town, by digging for brickyards, or any other purpose, and to preserve from trespass all wood and timber, the property of the state, within the said town, and to cut and dispose of such part as he may deem proper for the use of the state, and annually account for the proceeds of the same.

      Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the director to make a report of his proceedings, and of the progress made in the erection of said buildings, whether in his opinion the same is composed of good materials, and built in a workmanlike manner, to the next legislature, with twenty days after the commencement of its session.

      Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the director shall be entitled to receive for his services, at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum, for all the time he may be engaged in discharging the duties of his office, payable quarter yearly on the certificate of the governor, that the services have been performed, being presented to the auditor, who is hereby authorized to issue bills for the same, payable at the office of the treasurer of state.

      John Pollock, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

      Thomas Kirker, January 28, 1813. Speaker of the Senate.

       Taxing Concessions to the Proprietors.

      An act directing how the tax on lots in the town of Columbus shall be assessed and disposed of.

      Section 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Ohio, That it shall not be lawful for the commissioners of the county of Franklin, to levy any tax upon lots in the town of Columbus, previous to the first day of January, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.

      Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the lots in said town of Columbus, shall, hereafter, until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, stand charged annually, with an amount of tax equal to the amount levied and assessed upon said lots by the commissioners of said county of Franklin for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, to be collected by the director of the town of Columbus, in the same manner as other county taxes.

      And said director is hereby authorized and required to proceed to collect said taxes, in the same manner, and with the same authority, as other township collectors: Provided, That if the proprietors or owners of lots of said town, shall, on or before the first day of August in each year, pay to the said director, the sum of one-half of the full amount assessed as aforesaid, the said lots shall be exonerated from all, charge of tax for each year, for which the sum aforesaid shall be paid.

      Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said director shall proceed to lay out and expend the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, if so much shall be needed, of the monies which he shall receive, by virtue of the provisions of this act, for the purpose of sinking and completing a well at the state house; the balance to be applied in improving within the county of Franklin, the state road leading from the town of Columbus to Greenville, in the county of Licking. And said director shall yearly make report of all his proceedings under this act, to the legislature.

      John Pollock, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

      Othniel Looker, January 27, 1814. Speaker of the Senate.


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