MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Tony Gaschler

MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis - Tony Gaschler

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       Download the Hypnosis Pendulum Board

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       The Chevreul Pendulum

      There is no instrument that is simpler and easier to use, when carrying out basic suggestion and hypnosis experiments, than the “Chevreul pendulum”, as it is known. (The pendulum owes its name to Chevreul, who had already begun to use it in experiments at the start of the 18th century.) Moreover, experiments with the pendulum – we will use the shorter name – can be very interesting and fascina-ting.

      You can make your own pendulum, like the one illustrated (ill. 1). It comprises a thin length of string or cord with a weight attached. You can use, for example, a signet ring, a metal sphere or any other small item as a weight. The string or cord should not be too thick and should measure about 16 to 24 inches long. The material you use is not important.

      Ill. 1

      Ill. 2

       The first basic exercise (Chevreul's Pendulum)

      Take the pendulum board, which has been included with the book, and the pendulum you have made. Sit at a table (ill. 2). Hold the pendulum over the large dot in the centre of the circle and try, as best you can, to hold the pendulum still. If necessary, use your other hand to hold it steady for a while. When the pendulum has come to a standstill, take your other hand away. Now relax your entire body, especially your arms, and look at the pendulum (at the object you are using as a pendulum). Try to form a picture in your mind, as vividly as you can, of the pendulum starting to circle in a clockwise direction round the circle. The more vividly you can visualize this, the sooner the pendulum will start to move in the direction you are imagining. When you carry out this exercise, think only of the pendulum and picture very vividly in your mind the pendulum starting to move clockwise. This exercise works best if you observe the following:

      1.Keep your body and arm fairly relaxed – do not tense your body or arm, or hold yourself stiffly!

      2.Hold the pendulum completely still and try not to make any involuntary movements!

      3.Close off any conscious thoughts and focus all your attention on the vivid picture in your mind of the pendulum’s movement.

      4.Although this visualization must be totally vivid, it should not be too much of an effort if you do it correctly.

      5.Before the pendulum makes the movement you are visualizing, you have to experience and feel it mentally.

       Why the pendulum swings

      It is a well-known effect that a pendulum will swing in the direction that has been visualized vividly. In earlier times, the pendulum’s movement was deemed to have been caused by secret and magical powers, or by magnetic rays etc. Today we know that it is ideomotor actions that cause the pendulum to move. As a result of vivid vsualization, which is identical to creating vivid ideas (vital ideas), very slight muscle movements are triggered in the ideomotor system (unconscious state) in the arm muscles, which correlate with the visualization, and these cause the pendulum to move. This phenomenon is actually one of the most important and most fundamental aspects of suggestion and hypnosis.V i v i di d e a s (produced by vivid visualization)c a u s ei d e o m o t o ra c t i o n s .This is the first basic law of suggestion.

       The second basic exercise

      Sit at the table again with the pendulum and the pendulum board (ill. 2) and bring the pendulum to a standstill. Now picture the pendulum in your mind as it swings back and forth from left to right along the thick L - R line. Once the pendulum starts swinging distinctly along the line, change the image in your mind, so that now you picture the pendulum swinging from top to bottom along the O - U line. In just a few seconds the pendulum’s movement will change. First of all, it will form the shape of a flat oval, and then it will gradually change and adjust to the new direction. When the pendulum swings distinctly along the O - U line, then you have completed the exercise.

       The task-oriented ideomotor system

      This exercise shows clearly that the ideomotor system is task-oriented. The pendulum’s movements (ideomotor actions) always adjust to match the goal of the vivid mental visualization. In other words, dynamic ideas (triggered by vivid mental visualization) cause task-oriented actions through the ideomotor system. This is what hypnotherapy, for example, is based on. In hypnotherapy, task-oriented suggestions for healing are made to the patient’s ideomotor system (subconscious), which then produces the appropriate effect (ideomotor actions).

      The second basic law therefore is:t h ei d e o m o t o rs y s t e m(subconscious)w o r k si nat a s k - o r i e n t e dm a n n e r .This is especially important for the suggestion technique, as it follows from this law that each suggestion must be clearly formulated and expressed with a clear goal to achieve, so that the ideomotor effect triggers the desired action in just the same way. Suggestions that are formulated unclearly not only lead to failure, they can also be dangerous!

       The third basic exercise

      Sit at a table with the pendulum and the pendulum board (ill 2.). Think about a time early tomorrow morning when you want to wake up. Now choose a time that is half an hour earlier than you would usually wake up. Hold the pendulum still and picture the pendulum vividly in your mind as it swings over the area where the number is that represents the hour you want to wake up. (For the half hour, use the dividing line between the individual number sections). After just a few seconds, the pendulum will start to swing. Now follow the pendulum with your

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