MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Tony Gaschler

MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis - Tony Gaschler

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      This exercise, which appears very impressive, is actually very simple to carry out. It is excellent for performing in front of an audience, who can themselves then take part as TPs. Take a TP from category I or II and look the TP straight in the eyes. Then say: “Place your feet completely side by side, so that your heels and toes are touching (ill. 6). I am now going to carry out an exercise with you, in which you fall backwards. Do not be afraid, I will catch you safely. During this exercise you will feel everything exactly as I tell you.”

      Now move behind the TP and hold your hands in front of his/her face (ill. 5) so that your middle fingers are touching each other and are about four inches in front of the TP’s eyes (ill. 7). Then say: “Look now at the two fingertips that are touching each other! --- Listen to my words. --- Now relax your whole body – and now relax your arms – relax even more. --- Now feel how your arms become heavy – very, very heavy! --- Focus on your arms – they are becoming heavier and heavier and heavier -- heavier and heavier. --- You feel it very clearly now. --- Now watch my fingertips closely. --- When I now move my fingertips away from each other, -- you will feel a very distinct force --- that draws you backwards! --- It draws you further and further backwards!” (Now move your two middle fingers about one to two inches apart). “--- Now a force is drawing you backwards. --- It draws you further and further backwards, it draws you more and more – draws you more and more --- and when I now move my hands back away, it draws you totally backwards and you fall backwards – I’ll catch you! --- It draws you --------“ (now move your hands slowly back away from the TP’s face). “Draws you! You fall! You’re falling --- falling --- falling … you FALL!“

      When the TP falls backwards, catch him/her safely so that nothing happens to the TP. TPs that are very easily influenced fall much earlier than others. Therefore always be ready to catch a TP! Particular care must be taken with female TPs who are wearing high heels. When falling backwards their shoes might tip to one side and the TPs may hurt their feet. Therefore always make sure anyone wearing high heels removes their shoes before starting the exercise.

      When the TP has fallen backwards and, after catching him/her, stand in front of the TP again, say: “The exercise is now over! You feel fine, refreshed and wideawake! Even your arms feel completely normal again and you no longer have an impulse to fall backwards! You are wide-awake and feel extremely well and refreshed!”

      Ill. 5

      Ill. 6

      Ill. 7

       The dynamic moment during your exercises

      When carrying out your exercises, try to develop a certain dynamic momentum. Use your whole body to express everything that you say to the TP. You must be able to demonstrate your control over your TP, just as an animal tamer demonstrates his control over wild animals. Your whole body, your eyes, your face, your hands, your bearing and even your breathing, must convey this control. Only in this way will you be able to force the TP's SELF out of the center of his/her consciousness when he/she is awake. Later, during the hypnosis experiments, it will no longer be as important, for the SELF will already have been deactivated by the hypnosis procedure. However, during suggestion exercises, the SELF of the TP always has to be forced out of the center of consciousness every time.

       The core problem of the suggestion technique

      The core problem of the suggestion technique is that videes are expressed in each individual part. More particularly so, because videes mainly involve verbal suggestions that are expressed in language. To overcome this problem, you have to learn how to animate your speech. When you say: “It draws you …”, then you must feel that the word itself is drawing you because it is so vivid. When you say: “You are calm!”, then this word itself must convey such complete repose that you can actually feel it.

      Your words, gestures, actions etc. must always convey exactly those feelings that you want to express, and in such a way that those feelings can be felt by others. At the same time, you must pay attention to your gestures, movements etc. to ensure that they match your words exactly and that they clearly strengthen and emphasize your words. What has an effect on the TP, and what finds its way into the ideomotor system, are not the words or gestures, it is solely and uniquely the videes that are contained therein! You need to be aware of the full significance of this.

      Videes are irrational and cannot be understood by rational thought. You can only feel and experience them. Try it yourself. Say the word “yes” aloud with the following meanings: agreeing – doubting – quietly and gently – happily – questioningly – definite and firm - confused - relieved - annoyed. You will immediately realize that each time you say it, it embodies and expresses a different videe, although the rational mind only hears the same word every time. What is important is how it is said!

       Lesson 5

       The fourth suggestion exercise

      In this exercise, which you can carry out immediately following the previous one, the TP falls forward.

      Stand the TP in front of you (ill. 8) and say: “Close your eyes! --- Breathe deeply and slowly --- deeply and slowly --- very deeply and slowly! --- In a few seconds you will feel a force that pulls you forward --- further and further forward --- do not be afraid when you fall --- I will catch you --- it is pulling you forward --- you will soon fall forward --- it is pulling you more and more --- soon you will fall --- let yourself go --- it is pulling --- it is pulling more and more --- now you can hardly hold yourself up --- it is pulling --- forward --- now you fall --- you fall --- fall --- you FALL!”

      Catch your TP again. Then say to your TP: "You feel very well --- you are wideawake and alert! You feel fine and well. The exercise is now over!”

       What to do if hypnosis occurs during suggestion exercises

      It can sometimes happen with good TPs that hypnosis proper occurs during suggestion exercises. In this case, simply say to the TP: “I am now going to wake you up. When I have counted to three, you will be completely awake and feel refreshed and alert. One --- two --- three! You are now wide-awake and feel refreshed and alert!” Please learn this wake-up formula by heart.

       How to form suggestions with words

      During the last exercise the TP had his/her eyes closed and your suggestions only consisted of the spoken word. When you have understood everything that has been introduced so far about videes, then such exercises will be easy for you to carry out. However, when doing so, please pay attention to the following:

      1.Word suggestions must be clear and unambiguous.

      2.Always adapt your voice to suit the intended effect.

      3.Do not speak hesitantly or

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