MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Tony Gaschler

MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis - Tony Gaschler

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has been purposefully deepened, which will be described next, then please use the set wake-up phrases that I, myself, use most often:

      “Your sleep will now become lighter --- lighter and lighter. --- I am now going to wake you up slowly. --- You will not feel any headaches or drowsiness after you wake up. --- Your sleep is becoming lighter and lighter. --- I am now going to count to three --- when I reach the number THREE, open your eyes and you will be completely awake --- one --- your sleep is becoming lighter and lighter --- two --- you are already starting to wake up --- THREE! You are awake, completely wide-awake! You feel fine!”

      When you say the number THREE, say it loudly and like a command. Should a TP not immediately wake up, repeat the entire set of phrases in a loud and clear voice and, when you reach THREE!, shake the TP’s shoulders firmly saying: “YOU ARE WIDE AWAKE! COMPLETELY WIDE AWAKE!” There is never a problem waking up normal TPs, it usually only happens with highly strung (fragile) people, therefore never use such people as TPs!

       A simple method to deepen hypnosis

      I will now describe one of the simplest methods to deepen hypnosis.

      After you have hypnotized a TP, say to the person: “I am now going to wake you up and immediately afterwards put you to sleep again --- then your sleep will be much deeper and sounder than it is now.” Then wake up the TP and, after a few seconds, start to put the TP to sleep again. When the TP is asleep, say: “With every breath you take, your sleep is now becoming deeper and deeper --- ever deeper and deeper!"

      Then, to the rhythm of the TP's breathing, say to the TP each time he/she breathes out: “Deeper --- deeper --- deeper --- “ and so on. After about 20 to 30 breaths, then say: “Now you are sleeping completely deeply and soundly and only hear my words, you hear nothing else, only my words!” Then you can carry out those experiments for which a deeper hypnosis is preferable.

      Note for doctors: to apply hypnosis as a therapy, a light sleep is sufficient. The ideomotor system is wide open in that state and your healing suggestions (videes) can enter and either become reality immediately or they can be stored up and then later become reality or, for long-lasting suggestions, become reality over a period of time. Deepening hypnosis is only important if experiments are to be carried out that could possibly activate the SELF consciousness prematurely. This will be delayed by a deep hypnosis.

       Lesson 8

       The second hypnosis experiment (a quick method)

      Stand the TP in front of you and place both your hands on his/her shoulders, as shown in ill. 14. Then look the TP in the eyes and begin.

      Ill. 14


      Ill. 15

      Say to the TP: “Look into my eyes. --- Imagine now that you are becoming sleepy --- completely sleepy --- more and more sleepy. --- Look deep into my eyes. --- You now feel how your arms are becoming heavy, ever heavier and heavier --- heavier and heavier --- and feel how your legs are now becoming heavy, ever heavier and heavier --- heavier and heavier --- and how the feeling of heaviness now comes over your whole body, as though snowflakes were falling down on you. --- Your whole body is becoming heavier and heavier --- heavier and heavier --- and now your eyelids are becoming heavy, completely heavy --- ever heavier and heavier. --- You are becoming more and more sleepy --- your eyelids are becoming as heavy as lead. --- You can hardly keep your eyes open --- I am now going to count to three. --- Your eyelids are becoming even heavier and you are becoming even sleepier --- when I reach the number THREE, your eyelids will be so heavy that they close --- you will be so sleepy that you fall asleep --- you fall deeply and soundly asleep --- one --- your whole body is heavy and your eyelids are as heavy as lead --- two --- you are so sleepy that you can hardly stay awake --- in a moment you are going to fall asleep --- deeply and soundly asleep --- THREE! You are asleep --- your eyes close --- you are deeply and soundly asleep! SLEEP! SLEEP DEEPLY AND SOUNDLY! COMPLETELY DEEPLY AND SOUNDLY!”

      This method functions quite quickly if you have a normal TP. In order also to understand the theoretical process that takes place in hypnosis, we are now going to analyze this method.

       The theory of hypnosis

      In the above method of hypnosis the following occurs:

      1.Through the words: “Look into my eyes …”, the hypnotist is placed at the TP’s center of attention. This causes the SELF of the TP to be forced very easily out of the center of consciousness, which allows the videes from the hypno-tist to take effect immediately.

      2.The picture: “… that you are now becoming sleepy”, presents a videe that wants to achieve a goal and, as the SELF has already been somewhat weakened, will have the effect of weakening the SELF even further. (Note how the SELF is deactivated more and more in stages and how videes can be realized more and more as they become less weakened by the SELF.)

      3.The suggestion: "becoming heavy”, which spreads to the arms, legs and ultimately the whole body by drawing attention to them, causes a physiological process, which changes the flow of blood to the brain. This is necessary to deactivate the SELF and will be explained in more detail soon.

      4.When the TP feels heavy, the SELF has already become passive and every additional videe can be realized more easily, that is to say, can penetrate the ideomotor system and trigger actions.

      5.When at the end of the hypnosis process the hypnotist says: “SLEEP!”, then the SELF is already incapable of producing even the weakest counter-videe, which would have to be: “I AM STAYING AWAKE!"

      The hypnosis process must therefore deactivate the SELF step by step as far as possible, until the SELF is totally passive and the decisive videe: “SLEEP!” can enter the ideomotor system and place all the processes in the body and in the brain in a state of sleep. Then the SELF has been completely deactivated and made totally passive.

       The mysterious physiological hypnosis process

      The determining hypnosis process in modern hypnosis methods consists of actually producing heaviness in the limbs through the videe of heaviness. This is achieved by the ideomotor system alone, which works in a fully task-oriented manner, making it possible to actually achieve this heaviness. That is to say, the ideomotor system causes the blood vessels in the limbs to relax and to expand. This causes more blood to enter the limbs and they really do become heavy. Thus the ideomotor system is so task-oriented in the way it works that, in response to the videe “HEAVIER” or “HEAVY” in the limbs, attention is directed to the limbs and an actual heaviness is produced. This is essentially the main factor that takes effect in modern methods of hypnosis. When more blood is present in the limbs due to their relaxation, then the brain has less blood available, and what happens if the brain has less blood available?

      When the flow of blood to the brain lessens, even if only a little, then part of the brain automatically closes down. This is what we call the SELF CENTER and it is exactly what we need for hypnosis. The SELF CENTER must be deactivated so that the SELF can no longer function and can no longer produce any counter-videes. At the same time, all the other brain functions remain completely active, as does the ideomotor system. When carried out on healthy people, the flow of blood to the brain cannot be reduced to such an extent by suggestions of heaviness that centers

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