MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Tony Gaschler

MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis - Tony Gaschler

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more and, if you have a reasonably good TP, this attempt will definitely succeed.

      Should a TP be afraid that he/she will be hypnotized without his/her knowledge and against his/her will in this exercise, (which you may not do, as it could be interpreted as deprivation of personal liberty and can be subject to prosecution!) then say: “I will not yet hypnotize you in this experiment!” In this way you remove any fear and yet do not give any counter-suggestions. If, however, you were to say: “I will not hypnotize you!” this could represent a counter-suggestion for later hypnosis experiments.

      However, as you say: “I will not yet hypnotize you in this exercise!” you keep hypnosis open for a later experiment. You can see from this how important individual words can be. Now we have reached the end of the first part. If you want to become a proper hypnotist, please do not continue to the second part of this self-study method before you have completely and fully mastered this first part, in both the theory and the practice. The exercises featured have been chosen specially so that they are completely sufficient to give you knowledge of the fundamentals of the suggestion technique and are actually so simple that, if you follow the correct sequence, you will undoubtedly accomplish them.

      Now we are going to start with the practical work. Study the individual lessons in-depth. Mark everything that seems particularly important to you with a red pen. After you have studied everything twice, then you can begin with the exercises. As I have already explained to you, it is a good idea to carry out imaginary exercises first, that is, exercises with imagined and visualized TPs, who are not present in person. This type of practice will make you more familiar with the exercises and will give you the confidence necessary to carry them out later with TPs.

Part II

       Lesson 7

      If I commence the 7th lesson with a warning, I am not doing it because I want to give you a moral sermon. No! I would only like to warn you against carrying out the exercises and experiments described in this book thoughtlessly or when you are under the influence of alcohol.

      If you are going to carry out experiments, then please only carry them out to obtain experience and knowledge. Please never carry them out to impress or do a favor for friends and acquaintances. Experiments that are of value to you are justified, but never those that only serve to satisfy curiosity and to gain prestige. Such experiments should be refused.

      And now we come to the first hypnosis experiment. If you have not already gathered a large amount of experience and previous knowledge, then please only start the experiment when you have successfully completed all the suggestion exercises given in Part I several times. Doctors and alternative practitioners, who only want to use hypnosis for therapy purposes, may go directly to the actual hypnosis following an in-depth study of the theoretical treatises in the first part. As they are usually experienced in dealing with people and in suggestion techniques, doctors and health professionals find it easier to master hypnosis experiments.

       The first hypnosis experiment

      For this experiment, use a very good TP with whom you have successfully carried out all the suggestion exercises. Stand this person in front of you. Then start to carry out the eighth suggestion exercise and, as soon as the TP can no longer open his/her eyes, say to him/her:

       “Now your eyes are closed. Do not try any more to open them. Relax your whole body and listen closely to my words. You are becoming very sleepy, sleepier and sleepier. You want to sleep, to fall into a deep, sound sleep. After a few seconds you are going to fall deeply and soundly asleep. You will then only hear my voice and nothing else. --- You are now becoming sleepier and sleepier -—sleepier and sleepier. --- When I have counted to three, you will be deeply and soundly, very deeply and soundly asleep. Nothing will wake you up until I tell you to wake up. You are going to sleep deeply, very deeply. --- One --- you are becoming sleepier and sleepier – ever sleepier and sleepier. --- Two --- you now feel a deep and sound sleep falling over you, exactly as if snowflakes were falling over you --- sleep falls over you exactly the same way --- more and more, and soon you will fall deeply and soundly asleep, very deeply and soundly --- THREE! YOU ARE NOW DEEPLY AND SOUNDLY ASLEEP!”

      Say these last words with a raised voice, insistently and firmly.

      The TP will now sleep and you can carry out several experiments, including those described in Part III of this self-study method. For your first hypnosis experiment, however, only carry out a little test.

       The first hypnosis test

      Lift the TP's right arm, as shown in ill. 14, hold it firmly and then say: “When I have counted to three, you arm will be stiff, completely stiff --- one --- two --- THREE! --- Your arm is now completely stiff and can’t be bent anymore.” Now take your hand away and try to bend the TP’s arm carefully, it will not bend as it really is completely stiff. Then say: “When I have counted backwards from three, your arm will be completely normal again and will fall relaxed and normal to your side: --- three --- two --- one! --- Your arm is normal again.” Now the arm will fall relaxed to the TP's side, as it was before. Go on to say: “Now open your mouth --- wide --- wide! --- And when I have counted to three, you will no longer be able to close your mouth. --- One --- two --- three! You can no longer close your mouth! Try it! It doesn’t work!” When the TP has tried in vain for a few seconds, then say: “Now I am going to count backwards from three and when I reach the number ONE, you will be able to close your mouth again: --- three --- two --- ONE! You can now close your mouth again! Close your mouth!”

      We do not want to do anything else with the TP, as this small test experiment is only to show you that you really have hypnotized the TP. Now waken the TP according to the following methods that have already been described in Part I.

       The simple wake-up method

      You are already familiar with this simple wake-up method from Lesson 5 in Part I. However, I am going to describe it here again. Say to the TP: “I am now going to wake you up. When I have counted to three, you will be completely awake and will feel refreshed and alert. One --- two --- three! You are now wideawake and feel refreshed and alert!” Please do not forget to learn this simple wake-up method entirely by heart before you carry out the first hypnosis experiment. Should a TP not wake up immediately, repeat the method, saying the number “THREE" very firmly and loudly and shaking the TP’s shoulders forcefully. This will definitely result in the TP waking up, for you can wake up those who are hypnotized in exactly the same way as those who are sleeping normally.

      Sometimes, in works of fiction, you will find stories of people who have been hypnotized and cannot be woken up, who then sleep for weeks and finally die of starvation. Such horror stories do not reflect reality. The reality is that a hypnotized TP can always be woken up and, should one of the standard wake-up methods not work because the TP is too comfortable perhaps or too lethargic to wake up, you can call them forcefully by name and firmly shake them awake, just like a person who is sleeping in bed.

       A wake-up formula for deep hypnosis

      When a TP is in a deep hypnosis, which usually occurs when a number

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