MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Tony Gaschler

MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis - Tony Gaschler

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and self-assurance, and should also express the factors that are to have an effect on the TP.

      4.Do not try to express only words or sentences. Express clear videes, for only these can have the intended effect on the TP’s ideomotor system.

      5.When an exercise is over, do not simply leave the TP standing there. After every exercise, always say the counter-suggestions that have been given above: “You feel well. --- You are completely normal again. --- You are wideawake. --- The exercise is over!” Naturally, these statements are not fixed and can be extended and made more specific depending on the exercise. These statements must also include all the counter-suggestions for any special, additional suggestions that were given during the exercise.

      6.The best way to practice is by trying to have an influential effect outside of the exercises, i.e. by speaking dynamically wherever you go and always trying to express videes. Remember one thing: PRACTICE makes perfect!

       The fifth suggestion exercise

      You can carry out this exercise immediately following the last two. For this exercise, use TPs with whom all the previous exercises have worked well.

      Place the TP close to the corner of a room facing into the room. In this position the TP should receive the videe that something is leading the TP into the middle of the room. Then look the TP firmly between the eyes and say: “Look into my eyes. --- In a few seconds you will feel a force that pulls you forward --- further and further forward. --- So that you do not fall, you have to take a step forward. --- It pulls you further and further forward --- more and more firmly. --- Look deep into my eyes. --- It is pulling you --- it is pulling you forward ---“. (When you notice that the TP is leaning slightly forward say:) “Take a step so that you do not fall ---“ (at the same time take a step backwards slowly yourself, so that the TP can follow you.) “It is pulling you more and more --- further and further forward.” (Always take a step backwards slowly at the same time). “You are being pulled further and further forward,keep following so that you don’t fall! Further --- further --- further” (ill. 9). (When the TP follows you, stop speaking and lead the TP only by your fixed gaze and by moving backwards slowly). “Now stop! You can stand still again. You feel extremely well.” --- (Then, at the same time, clap your hands and say:) “You are now wide-awake and can move again as you like! The exercise is over, you feel very well!”

      Ill. 8

      Ill. 9

       Is a hypnotic gaze necessary?

      During this exercise you have to look the TP in the eyes calmly and steadily for a longer period of time. However, you do not need a so-called hypnotic gaze for this. It will be sufficient if, now and then, you practice looking calmly and steadily at a spot for two or three minutes. To do this, you can fix your gaze on a spot on the wall or look at yourself between the eyes in a mirror. As the human gaze is not usually very steady, this type of exercise should help you to develop a fixed, calm and steady gaze.

       The diversity of expression

      When a young boy stands in front of you aiming a water pistol at you, what feeling do you experience? (Please imagine it as vividly as you can!)

      When you stand on the stage in a theatre and your rival is standing in front of you aiming a gun with blanks at you, what kind of feeling do you have then? (Please imagine it!)

      Finally, when you find yourself in a dimly lit room and a burglar is aiming a gun at you, what do you feel then? (Imagine!)

      Please picture yourself very clearly in each of these different situations. You will realize from this that the same action being expressed (someone is aiming a gun at you) has a different effect on you each time. Even if the same thing happens a hundred times, it is never the same. This depends not only on how something is expressed, but also on the meaning attached to it, that is, on the content of the videe.

      Even an apparently material object, for example a dress, can express very diverse videes, which actually trigger emotions in the observer (ideomotor actions) and through this can influence the observer’s mood and behavior. Amongst others, a dress may trigger the following feelings: sadness – youthful spirits – dowdiness – pleasure – pretty – attractive – ugly – slimming – fattening – repulsiveness etc.

      If you make a habit of viewing and expressing everything as videes, then you will have the best chance of being much more successful in carrying out the exercises. This applies not only to the exercises, but extends to all aspects of your life.

       The sixth suggestion exercise

      Fix your gaze on the TP standing in front of you and say: “Now place your feet side by side so that your heels and toes are touching (ill. 6) --- Now imagine very vividly that you cannot stand up straight anymore --- that you have to sway back and forth --- towards the front --- to the left --- to the right --- to the back and so on. --- Picture it in your mind very vividly. I am now going to count to three --- when I say the number three, it will be impossible for you to remain standing straight. --- One --- two --- three! You sway --- you sway back and forth like a drunk ---“ (please ensure that someone is standing behind the TP in case the TP falls and they can catch the TP safely. You should also be ready to catch, as it could be that TPs who respond very easily to videes lose their balance.) “ ---Now sway forward --- forward --- now sway to the right --- to the right --- to the back ---to the back ----“ and so on.

      When you want to end the exercise, say to the TP: “I am now going to count backwards from three. --- When I say the number one, you will be able to stand up normally and straight again. Three --- two --- one! You are now wide-awake and feel refreshed and alert!”

      In this exercise it is possible that your TP will still feel drunk afterwards. If this is the case, look the TP in the eyes and say: “Now you feel the same as before the exercise --- you feel completely sober!”

       The advisable sequence of exercises

      In the interests of increasing your chances of success, it is advisable that you carry out the exercises in this section in the order in which they are written whilst you are still a beginner. The exercises are structured in such a way that they build upon each other according to difficulty. If you do not succeed in completing the first suggestion exercise with a TP, it would be nonsense and a waste of time if, for example, after this you were to carry out the fourth or fifth exercise with the same TP. To start with, follow the sequence given and only when you have gained some experience should you try the exercises in the following different sequence: (1) The first suggestion exercise with the pendulum. (2) The third suggestion exercise with falling backwards. (3) The fourth suggestion exercise with falling forward. (4) The seventh suggestion exercise with the hand clap finish. (5) The eighth suggestion exercise with the eye finish. Then you can carry on to the hypnosis described in the next part; again, carry these out with the same test person.

       Lesson 6


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