MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Tony Gaschler

MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis - Tony Gaschler

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SELF CENTER are deactivated. This is why modern methods of hypnosis do not pose a risk for healthy people who have the normal amount of blood in their bodies. However, for those people who, either through injury or donating blood etc., have lost a certain amount of blood, no suggestions of heaviness should be made until the lost blood has been replaced.

      To summarize: The heaviness videes will trigger the relaxation and widening of the blood vessels in the outer limbs through the ideomotor system, which automatically causes the SELF CENTER in the brain to deactivate. Thus the SELF can no longer use counter-videes to prevent or neutralize subsequent videes that are introduced. In essence, this is the whole secret of hypnosis.

       Hypnosis and the human gender function

      Nature, itself, uses a similar process to that of modern methods of hypnosis, that of reducing blood in the SELF center in the human gender function.

      Videes will trigger a stronger flow of blood to the genital area. The reduction of the amount of blood to the brain does not completely deactivate the SELF, as it is too slight for that, but rather deactivates only a part of the SELF center, namely the part responsible for reason and criticism.

      When you understand this process, you can understand why so many people make their biggest mistakes in love. There is a general saying: “When love comes in the door, reason flies out the window!” Now you know why this is so. You now have the knowledge that lets you protect yourself from such videes (attractions), which could harm you in this respect.

       Systematic hypnosis – now possible

      Once you understand the processes that play a role in hypnosis, and especially those that play a decisive role, then you are in a position to start hypnotizing properly. It used to be the case that you could obtain some instructions and then have a try. Of course it was possible to have some success that was pure fluke, but no systematically achieved success. The people who can hypnotize properly are those who can follow the theory and who understand why some things are possible and why others are not. Even hypnotists who have had a lot of practice will have failures again and again if they have no knowledge of the theory. They can only carry out their experiments based on experience, as they have no fundamental, systematic and theoretical considerations to base them on.

       Lesson 9

       Two types of hypnosis

      In modern methods of hypnosis there are two distinct types of hypnosis.

       1. Indirect hypnosis

      This process starts with easy suggestion exercises and the SELF is forced out of the centre of consciousness by vivid and influential words and gestures. When this is repeated often, the SELF remains passive and inactive, allowing further videes to penetrate the ideomotor system unhindered.

      You also need to know that the SELF has a certain inertia. Once it has been forced out of the center of consciousness, it has a tendency to remain as it is if no compelling reason or strong stimulus causes it to return to the center of consciousness.

       2. Direct hypnosis

      In this process, an attempt is made to deactivate the SELF directly through changing the blood flow patterns in the TP’s body. Suggestions of heaviness direct the blood toward the outer limbs and the SELF center in the brain must switch off as a result. The deactivation of the SELF, by removing blood from the SELF center, will be maintained until a stimulus or natural necessity directs the blood back to the SELF center again. Then the TP will wake up.

      If the stimulus threshold at which the SELF is re-activated is to be increased, so that only very strong stimuli can waken the SELF, then the hypnosis has to be deepened. We have already learnt one method of doing this and another method will be introduced later.

      For indirect hypnosis, it is essential to make suggestions as vividly and effectively as possible, so that the videes contained therein are as intensive as possible. For direct hypnosis, it is only necessary for the TP to be as relaxed as possible, so that the videes of heaviness can take effect. This effect comprises, as already described, of an increase in blood flow to the outer limbs and the associated reduction in blood flow to the SELF center in the brain.

       The only difficulty with hypnosis

      When a TP has an open mind, and both physically and mentally allows him/herself to be relaxed and hypnotized, then success is practically guaranteed, at least with the direct method. However, there is one strong factor that can cause any hypnosis process to fail: FEAR. If a TP has any fear of hypnosis, or of the hypnotist, then the self cannot be deactivated. This is because when a person is afraid, a certain protection mechanism leaps into place that prevents the SELF center from being deactivated. This protection mechanism serves to ensure the safety of the individual and is bound up with the self-preservation instinct, which is one of the strongest drives in any person.

      The heaviness videe cannot work as the adverse-effects reflex, as this protection mechanism may also be called, always takes effect automatically, so that the muscles and blood vessels become tense. Of course it is then impossible to cause the blood vessels to relax or dilate. Thus the SELF always has sufficient blood and does not switch off. Preventing or removing the TP's fear is the single most significant difficulty in hypnosis.

       How this single difficulty is removed

      I would now like to give you a list of some possible ways in which you can remove the difficulties described above to a great extent.

      1.When you notice that a TP is afraid of hypnosis, try to have a calm and confident talk with the TP to find out the origins of this fear. At the same time, try to respond to all the TP's doubts completely and to refute them factually.

      2.Explain to the TP that hypnosis is completely without risk and, in addition, it is extremely interesting and informative for the TP him/herself.

      3.Try to make it clear to the TP that you really are capable in this area. The best proof would be if you were to show the TP what you can do using suggestion exercises, and that is not difficult to do. The TP must feel confident that you can hypnotize safely and without any risk.

      4.Sometimes, due to unrealistic books or through hypnosis shows, a TP has a false or mistaken view of the entire process. Disprove this view in clear, factual words that inspire confidence.

      5.Always ensure that nervous TPs can sit or lie fully relaxed and comfortable, as physical relaxation also brings about a mental relaxation.

      6.Tell the TP before the hypnosis that they should remain completely passive and simply let him/herself go, that the TP should neither try to help you, nor try to work against you. The TP should definitely not attempt either to try to do something or try not to do something.

      7.Never say: “I will now try to hypnotize you!” as this will cause the TP to doubt whether you really can do it. Always say very plainly, simply and with confidence: “I am now going to hypnotize you!”

      8.Carry out your hypnosis experiments in a calm, comfortable room. As far as possible, ensure the temperature is comfortable and that there are no distractions in the form of loud noises. If there is any noise in the immediate vicinity, then you can have music playing quietly in the background. If possible, only play classical, serious music, and as quietly as possible. Subdue the lighting by closing curtains

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