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249 1611 A Winter’s Tale 251 1611 The Tempest 252 Fanciful interpretations of The Tempest 256 Unfinished plays 258 The lost play of Cardenio 258 The Two Noble Kinsmen 259 Henry VIII 261 The burning of the Globe Theatre 262 XVI—THE CLOSE OF LIFE Plays at Court in 1613 264 Actor-friends 264 1611 Final settlement at Stratford 266 Domestic affairs 266 1613, March Purchase of a house in Blackfriars 267 1614, Oct. Attempt to enclose the Stratford common fields 269 1616, April 23rd. Shakespeare’s death 272 1616, April 25th. Shakespeare’s burial 272 The will 273 Shakespeare’s bequest to his wife 273 Shakespeare’s heiress 275 Legacies to friends 276 The tomb in Stratford Church 276 Shakespeare’s personal character 277 XVII—SURVIVORS AND DESCENDANTS Mrs. Judith Quiney, (1585–1662) 280 Mrs. Susanna Hall (1583–1649) 281 The last descendant 282 Shakespeare’s brothers, Edmund, Richard, and Gilbert 283 XVIII—AUTOGRAPHS, PORTRAITS, AND MEMORIALS Spelling of the poet’s name 284 Autograph signatures 284 Shakespeare’s portraits 286 The Stratford bust 286 The ‘Stratford portrait’ 287 Droeshout’s engraving 287 The ‘Droeshout’ painting 288 Later portraits 291 The Chandos portrait 292 The ‘Jansen’ portrait 294 The ‘Felton’ portrait 294 The ‘Soest’ portrait 294 Miniatures 295 The Garrick Club bust 295 Alleged death-mask 296 Memorials in sculpture 297 Memorials at Stratford 297 XIX—BIBLIOGRAPHY Quartos of the poems in the poet’s lifetime 299
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