A Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great War. R. P. P. Rowe

A Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great War - R. P. P. Rowe

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African Government to undertake an expedition against German South-West Africa.

      Sept. 10 (Thur.)

      The victory of the Marne is complete (see Sept. 6): the Allies advance rapidly.

      Poland:—The Austrians are defeated in the Second Battle of Krasnik.

      The Serbians occupy Semlin (Hungary).

      The Emden appears in the Bay of Bengal.

      Sept. 11 (Fri.)

      The French reoccupy Châlons. The British cross the Ourcq. The Battle of Nancy ends in complete failure by the Germans (see Aug. 22).

      Australian military and naval forces occupy the Bismarck Archipelago.

      Sept. 12 (Sat.)

      The Battle of the Masurian Lakes (see Sept. 6) ends in the defeat and further retreat of the Russians: East Prussia is cleared of the invader.

      Sept. 13 (Sun.)

      The Battle of the Aisne begins (see Sept. 28); the British force the passage of the river. Soissons and Amiens are reoccupied by the French.

      Galicia:—The Battle of Grodek (see Sept. 6) ends in a complete Russian victory.

      The German light cruiser Hela is sunk off Heligoland by the British submarine E9 (the first successful submarine attack by the British).

      Sept. 14 (Mon.)

      High ground north of the Aisne is captured by the British 1st Corps. The Germans evacuate Rheims.

      In Galicia, the Russians advance across the San.

      H.M.S. Carmania (auxiliary cruiser) sinks the German auxiliary cruiser Cap Trafalgar off Trinidad after a sharp action.

      Sept. 15 (Tues.)

      The Russians take Czernowitz, in the Bukovina (see Oct. 22).

      The Serbians defeat the Austrians on the Drina: this ends the second Austrian invasion of Serbia (see Sept. 7).

      The rebellion in South Africa begins, but the accidental shooting of De la Rey delays the open outbreak designed and upsets the rebel plans (see Oct. 9, 22).

      Sept. 16 (Wed.)

      East Africa:—Longido is occupied by the Germans.

      Sept. 17 (Thur.)

      The Belgians fall back on Antwerp.

      Hungary:—Semlin is evacuated by the Serbians (see Sept. 10).

      Sept. 19 (Sat.)

      British marines are landed at Dunkirk.

      South-West Africa:—Luderitz Bay is occupied by Union troops.

      Sept. 20 (Sun.)

      The Germans bombard Rheims Cathedral.

      H.M.S. Pegasus is sunk by the Königsberg off Zanzibar (95 casualties).

      Sept. 21 (Mon.)

      The French retake Noyon (see Sept. 25).

      The German forces advancing from East Prussia reach the Niemen.

      Sept. 22 (Tues.)

      The Russians invest Przemysl.

      The Serbians invade Bosnia again (see Aug. 12).

      South Africa:—General Botha assumes command of the Union forces.

      H.M.S. Cressy, Aboukir, and Hogue (cruisers) are torpedoed by a German submarine off the Hook of Holland: 1400 lives are lost.

      The Emden shells Madras.

      A British naval air-raid on Düsseldorf.

      Sept. 23 (Wed.)

      The Germans capture St. Mihiel.

      The Russians take Jaroslav (Galicia).

      Sept. 24 (Thur.)

      The Germans occupy Péronne.

      Australian forces occupy German New Guinea.

      China:—A British force is landed to aid the Japanese in their operations against Tsingtau.

      Sept. 25 (Fri.)

      Noyon is retaken by the Germans (see Sept. 21). The Battle of Albert (see Sept. 29) begins, the Germans attacking.

      Sept. 26 (Sat.)

      The Battle of the Niemen (see Sept. 28) begins, the Russians standing on the line of the river against the German attack.

      Sept. 27 (Sun.)

      The Germans fail to cross the Niemen and retire.

      The Cameroons:—Duala surrenders to the Allies.

      Sept. 28 (Mon.)

      The Germans attack Antwerp.

      The Battle of the Aisne (see Sept. 13) ends in trench warfare.

      The Battle of the Niemen (see Sept. 26) ends in the definite retreat of the Germans.

      The occupation of Galicia is completed by the Russians, who threaten Cracow and invade Hungary.

      Sept. 29 (Tues.)

      End of the Battle of Albert (see Sept. 25): the Germans are repulsed.

      The Battle of Augustovo (see Oct. 4) begins: the Russians, having advanced from the Niemen, attack the Germans.

      Sept. 30 (Wed.)

      The French re-enter Arras and reoccupy Lille.

      Oct. 1 (Thur.)

      The transfer of the British Army from Champagne to Flanders begins (see Oct. 19).

      Oct. 3 (Sat.)

      The Germans attack from Varennes to Verdun.

      Before Antwerp the Belgians retire to the line of the Nethe.

      Oct. 4 (Sun.)

      Lens and Bailleul (see Oct. 14) are occupied by the Germans in their movement towards the coast.

      The end of the Battle of Augustovo (see Sept. 29): the Russians re-enter East Prussia.

      Oct. 5 (Mon.)

      The British Naval Division reaches Antwerp.

      The first German advance on Warsaw begins.

      Oct. 6 (Tues.)

      The British 7th Division is disembarked at Ostend.

      The British submarine E9 sinks a German destroyer off the mouth of the Ems.

      Oct. 7 (Wed.)

      The Belgian Government moves from Antwerp to Ostend.

      Japan occupies the Marshall Islands.

      Oct. 8 (Thur.)

      The city of Antwerp is bombarded; the garrison retires across the Scheldt. A force of Belgians and 2000 British are driven into Dutch territory.

      A British air-raid on Cologne and Düsseldorf.

      Oct. 9 (Fri.)

      The end of the second Russian advance into East Prussia.

      South Africa:—Maritz openly rebels and joins forces with the Germans on the border of South-West Africa (see Oct. 22).

      A British naval air-raid on Düsseldorf, by which a Zeppelin is destroyed in its shed.

      Oct. 10 (Sat.)

      Antwerp is captured by the Germans.

      Oct. 11 (Sun.)

      The Battle of La Bassée begins (see Oct. 31); the British (2nd Corps) attack

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