A Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great War. R. P. P. Rowe

A Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great War - R. P. P. Rowe

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the Königsberg in the Rufiji River (German East Africa) (see Oct. 30 and July 11, 1915).

      Nov. 11 (Wed.)

      A critical day in the First Battle of Ypres: a great attack by the Prussian Guard is repulsed.

      The Russians begin the Second Siege of Przemysl (see March 22, 1915).

      The British torpedo-gunboat Niger is sunk by a German submarine off Deal.

      Nov. 12 (Thur.)

      A fresh German assault on the Klein Zillebeke position is partially successful.

      South Africa:—Botha completely routs the rebel forces under De Wet at Mushroom Valley in the Orange Free State.

      Nov. 14 (Sat.)

      Death of Lord Roberts at British G.H.Q. in France (St. Omer).

      Nov. 15 (Sun.)

      The Russians advance rapidly in East Prussia.

      Nov. 17 (Tues.)

      South-West Africa:—The Germans again invade Angola (see Oct. 23).

      East Africa:—Longido is occupied by the British.

      Libau is shelled by a German squadron.

      Nov. 18 (Wed.)

      The Second Battle for Warsaw begins (see Dec. 28).

      The Goeben and the Breslau are attacked by a Russian squadron in the Black Sea, the Goeben being damaged.

      Nov. 20 (Fri.)

      The Germans invade Uganda.

      Nov. 21 (Sat.)

      The end of the First Battle of Ypres (see Oct. 19).

      Basra, at the head of the Persian Gulf, is occupied by British forces from India.

      A British air-raid on the Zeppelin sheds at Friedrichshafen.

      Nov. 23 (Mon.)

      The Germans attack the Indians at Festubert; trenches are lost and recovered.

      The Russian front is broken near Lodz.

      Zeebrugge is bombarded by two British battleships.

      The German submarine U18 is rammed and sunk off the north coast of Scotland.

      Nov. 24 (Tues.)

      The Russian line near Lodz is restored.

      Nov. 25 (Wed.)

      Mesopotamia:—A naval reconnaissance up the Tigris to Gurneh.

      Nov. 26 (Thur.)

      H.M.S. Bulwark (battleship) is destroyed by an accidental explosion off Sheerness with heavy loss of life.

      Nov. 27 (Fri.)

      The Russians begin to evacuate Lodz.

      Dec. 1 (Tues.)

      South Africa:—De Wet is captured by Union troops at Waterburg (100 miles west of Mafeking) (see Oct. 22).

      Dec. 2 (Wed.)

      A French success at Vermelles.

      Belgrade is occupied by the Austrians.

      Dec. 3 (Thur.)

      The Battle of the Ridges, between the Serbians and the Austrians, begins (see Dec. 6).

      Dec. 4 (Fri.)

      South Africa:—Part of the rebel forces surrenders near Reitz.

      Dec. 6 (Sun.)

      The Battle at Lodz (see Nov. 23, 24 and 27) ends in the capture of the town by the Germans.

      The Battle of the Ridges (see Dec. 3) ends in the rout of the Austrians.

      Dec. 7 (Mon.)

      The Russians attack the forts of Cracow.

      Mesopotamia:—A British success at Mezera.

      Dec. 8 (Tues.)

      The Battle of the Falkland Islands: a German squadron under Admiral von Spee is destroyed by a British cruiser force under Admiral Sir F. Doveton Sturdee; only the Dresden escapes.

      South Africa:—General Beyers, after a crushing defeat south of Bothaville, is drowned in attempting to escape across the Vaal River. The main rebel force surrenders to General Botha (see Oct. 22).

      Dec. 10 (Thur.)

      The Cameroons:—Bare is occupied by the British.

      Dec. 11 (Fri.)

      The Goeben is driven from Batum.

      Dec. 12 (Sat.)

      The Austrians take the Dukla Pass. The Russians are forced to retreat from Cracow.

      Dec. 13 (Sun.)

      The British submarine B11 passes under the Dardanelles mine-fields and sinks the Turkish battleship Messudiyeh.

      Dec. 15 (Tues.)

      The end of the third Austrian invasion of Serbia: the Serbians retake Belgrade and again drive the Austrians out of the country (see Nov. 1).

      Dec. 16 (Wed.)

      German cruisers bombard Scarborough, Hartlepool, and Whitby.

      Dec. 18 (Fri.)

      The Khedive of Egypt, Abbas II., is deposed, and Prince Hussein Kamel Pasha, a son of the ex-Khedive Ismail, is appointed Sultan of Egypt by Great Britain (see Oct. 9, 1917).

      Dec. 19 (Sat.)

      An attack by the Indian Corps at Givenchy: ground is gained and lost.

      Dec. 20 (Sun.)

      The Germans capture Indian positions near Givenchy.

      The Russians recapture the Dukla Pass and advance in the Carpathians.

      A British air-raid on Brussels airship sheds.

      Dec. 22 (Tues.)

      The situation near Givenchy is restored by a British counter-attack.

      Dec. 24 (Thurs.)

      A British air-raid on the German airship sheds near Brussels.

      Dec. 25 (Fri.)

      German warships are bombed by British seaplanes off Cuxhaven.

      South-West Africa:—Walfish Bay is occupied by Union troops.

      Dec. 26 (Sat.)

      Valona (Albania) is temporarily occupied by the Italians (see May 29, 1915).

      Dec. 28 (Mon.)

      The Second Battle for Warsaw (see Nov. 18) ends in failure for the Germans.

      Dec. 29 (Tues.)

      The Caucasus:—The Battle of Sarykamish begins, between the Russians and the Turks (see Jan. 2, 1915).

      Dec. 30 (Wed.)

      A raid by German aeroplanes on Dunkirk.

       Table of Contents

      Jan. 1 (Fri.)

      A new British decoration, the 'Military Cross,' is instituted.

      The Caucasus:—Ardahan is occupied by the Turks.

      H.M.S. Formidable (battleship) is torpedoed in the English Channel (600 lives lost).

      Jan. 2 (Sat.)

      The Caucasus:—The

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