A Book of Simples. Various
326. To make a Posset without Milk.
328. The Lady Jenkinsons Plumme Cake.
329. To make Light Bread the French Way.
330. The Lady Buttons Almond Butter.
331. The Lady Bidollyps Rasberry Wine.
332. The Lady Ashfields Metheglin.
334. To make ye Spanish Cream.
336. My Lord Howards Re ct for Sherbett.
337. To keep Damsons all the Year.
340. The Lady Seymours way to Coller Beefe.
341. To boyle a Rump, Surloine, or Rearing of Beef.
342. To preserve Oranges or Lemons.
343. To preserve Pippins Green.
345. The Carraway Comfit Cake without Fruit in it.
347. To preserve Chyna Oranges.
348. A Cake for Ordinary Uses.
349. Madame Brewen’s French Way to make ye Runnet or Trifle Cream.
350. Cowslips into Plummes to make Wine.
351. My Lady Seymours Pancake.
352. My Lady Ffosters Metheglin.
353. A Metheglin to be made at Barthollemew Tide.
354. To preserve Grapes for all the Year.
356. To Candie Irringoe Roots.
357. To make a Sweetmeat like Rashers of Bacon.
358. To Preserve Oranges in Jelly.
359. Mathew Cariers Ollio or Pottage.
362. Balls to take Stains out of Linnen.
363. To Pickle Green Ashen Keys, Elder Buds, Broom Buds, or ye like.
364. To Preserve White Pear Plummes Green.
369. To make a Conserve of Clove Jilly Flowers as an excellent Cordiall.
370. Apricockes the best way to preserve in Jelly.
371. To pickle Violets for Sallets.
372. To preserve Goosberrys in Jelly.
375. To make Vinegar of Unripe Grapes.
376. A Re ct of Harts Horne Jelly.