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والعَرافيص العِرْفاص السوط يعاقب به السلطان * والمخافق المخفقة الدِرَّة او سوط من خشب *

      ولا بالرماح الطاعنات والسيوف الباترات والنبال الصاردات والنصال المدميات والمقادع المولمات والمقارع المضنيات والصُلُب المهلكات والخوازيق النافذات والاغلال المصلصلات والنيران المتاججات والغارات والغزوات والنكايات والكبسات والاستلابات والافتضاضات والاثكالات والعداوات والمشاحنات وآخر الجميع بالركاكات *

or maqāmiʿ, “the miqmaʿah [singular] is a piece of wood with which people are beaten on their heads”
or maqāfiʿ, “the miqfaʿah [singular] is a piece of wood with which the fingers are beaten”
or the ḥadaʾah, “a double-headed axe”
or the minqār, “the metal blade of the axe”
or mahāmiz, “the mihmazah [singular] is the same as the whip (miqraʿah) or the stick (ʿaṣā)”
or ʿarāfīṣ, “the ʿirfāṣ [singular] is the whip with which the secular power metes out punishment”
or makhāfiq “the mikhfaqah [singular] is the whip, or a lash made of wood”

      or lacerating lances or severing swords or shooting shafts or blood-letting blades or stinging sticks or weakening whips or crucifying crosses or impaling posts or chinking chains or flaming fires or invasions or raids or murderous onslaughts or surprise attacks or looting or rapine or the bereavement of mothers or feuds or grudges or, last but not least, the rough treatment of women during intercourse.


      فكم لعمرى من دم سفكوا * وجند اهلكوا * وعرض هتكوا * وحرمة انتهكوا * وذى اهل ربكوا * وعزب همكوا * ونسآ ايّموا * واولاد يتّموا * وبيوت خرّبوا * واموال نهبوا * ومصون اذالوا * وحرز نالوا * ومستور فضحوا * وحرام اباحوا * فهل فعل ذلك من قبلهم سَدَنة *

الاَنْصاب الانصاب حجارة كانت حول الكعبة تنصب فيهلّ عليها ويذبح لغير الله تعالى *
والكَعَبات الكعبات او ذو الكعبات بيت كان لربيعة كانوا يطوفون فيه *
والرَبَّة كَعْبة لمَذْحِج *
وبُسّ بيت لغطفان بناها ظالم بن اسعد لما راى قريشا يطوفون بالكعبة ويسعون بين الصفا والمروة فذرع البيت واخذ حجرا من الصفا وحجرا من المروة فرجع الى قومه فبنى بيتا على قدر البيت ووضع الحجرين فقال هذان الصفا والمروة واجتزأ به عن الحج فاغار زهير بن جناب الكلبى فقتل ظالما وهدم بنآءه *
وعَبَدة مَرْحَب صنم كان بحضرموت *
والعَبْعَب صنم *
والغَبْغب صنم *
ويَغُوث صنم كان لمَذْحِج *
والبَجَّة والسَّجَّة صنمان *
وسَعْد صنم كان لبنى مِلْكان *

      Dear God, how much blood they have shed! How many a soldier they have destroyed! How many a virgin’s honor they have defiled! How many a time they have violated the sanctity of the home, thrown men into confusion before their families, tormented bachelors, made wives into widows and sons into orphans, reduced houses to ruins, pillaged wealth, ripped veils from the faces of decent women, made off with treasure chests, ravished that which was protected, and violated sanctuaries! Were such things done by those who, before them, were custodians of

al-Anṣāb, “al-Anṣāb were stones that formerly stood around the Kaaba [of Mecca] at which they used to celebrate and make sacrifice to other than God Almighty”
or al-Kaʿabāt, “al-Kaʿabāt, or Dhū al-Kaʿabāt, was a holy house that belonged to the tribe of Rabīʿah which they used to circumambulate”
or al-Rabbah, “a kaaba belonging to the tribe of Madhḥij”
or Buss, “a holy house belonging to the tribe of Ghaṭafān built by Ẓālim ibn Asʿad when he saw Quraysh circumambulating the Kaaba of Mecca and running between al-Ṣafā and al-Marwah: he measured the holy house [of the Kaaba], took a stone from al-Ṣafā and a stone from al-Marwah, and then returned to his people, built a holy house of the same size as the house [of Mecca], set down the two stones, and said, ‘These are al-Ṣafā and al-Marwah’ and he set up his own pilgrimage to rival that of Mecca. Then Zuhayr ibn Janāb al-Kalbī raided [Ghaṭafān] and killed Ẓālim and demolished his house”
or ʿAbdat Marḥab, “an idol that used to be in Haḍramawt”
or al-ʿAbʿab, “an idol”
or al-Ghabghab, “an idol”
or Yaghūth, “an idol belonging to the tribe of Madhḥij”
or al-Bajjah and al-Sajjah, “two idols”
or Saʿd, “an idol belonging to the Banū Milkān”


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ووَدّ صنم ويضم *
وآزَر صنم *