What 'Isa ibn Hisham Told Us. Muhammad al-Muwaylihi
and so susceptible to the novelties of civilization that they’re eager to separate themselves from their peers. As a result they’re beset by the twin diseases of listlessness and boredom. The only way they can be cured is by staring at rocks and coming into contact with people in countries less civilized than their own, visiting their hovels and indeed rubbing shoulders with panthers and monkeys in their lairs. The second group consists of scholars who have used their knowledge to despoil countries and grab control of them. They can put up with hardships and be exposed to all kinds of danger in the earth’s remotest corners and most distant lands, and all because people in their own homelands are so crowded and their salaries are so limited; everyone feels indentured and enslaved.” The Pāshā told me that this was important information and a clear danger. The entire matter belonged to God alone.
قال عيسى بن هشام; وكنا قد اقتربنا من باب الحان فاذا الثلاثة جالسون حول الدنان فجلسنا بالقرب منهم لنحفظ الحديث عنهم:
الخليع البرنس هنا.
العمدة (منزعجًا) هل يجيء هنا برنس وهل يليق بنا ان نجلس في مكان هو حاضره ولم دخلنا فقم بنا.
الخليع لا عليك وسترى كيف أفعل فلا تقوم الا وهو مصافحك ومجلسك.
العمدة لا تمزح ولا تهزأ فأين البرنسات منا؟
التاجر (للعمدة) صدقه. فإن لبعض البرنسات أخلاقًا لينة ترابية فيساوون أنفسهم بالناس في المعاملات والمجتمعات.
العمدة (للخليع) وما عساك تفعل هل لك معرفة به؟
الخليع نعم وكيف لا أعرفه ولي معه جلسة كل ليلة وكثيرًا ما أوصلته الى قصره؟
العمدة ما أكثر ما تبالغ.
الخليع لا مبالغة وهاك البرهان.
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: By now we had reached the tavern. The three of them were lined up by the kegs. We sat down near them to record their conversation:
Playboy Is the Prince here?
ʿUmdah (astounded) Do princes come here? Is it right for us to sit drinking somewhere in the same company as them? Why did we come here? Let’s go!
Playboy Don’t worry! Just wait and see what I’m going to do. You won’t be leaving here without the Prince shaking your hand and sitting with you.
ʿUmdah Don’t crack jokes at my expense. What business do we have with princes?
Merchant (to the ʿUmdah) You should believe him. Some princes are quite decent and down-to-earth people. They like to deal with people on equal terms in their various meeting places and transactions.
ʿUmdah (to the Playboy) What do you plan to do? Do you know him already?
Playboy Of course! Otherwise how could I get to sit with him every night? I often accompany him to his palace.
ʿUmdah You’re exaggerating!
Playboy No, I’m not. And here’s the proof for you!
قال عيسى بن هشام فيقوم الخليع فيقصد مائدة عليها من الخمر والنقل أصناف وألوان فيميل الى واحد من الجالسين عليها وكان منشغلا بالشراب والنقل يد في الصحن ويد في الكأس ولقمة في الفم
الخليع أسعد الله أوقات مولاي دولة البرنس.
البرنس (مستبشرًا ضاحكًا) أهلا بصاحبنا أين انت؟ فقد طالت غيبتك علينا.
الخليع استغفر الله يا مولاي انا تحت الخدمة وعند الطلب وما منعني عن مجلسكم العالي الا هذان الصاحبان وأحدهما عمدة من عمد الارياف والآخر تاجر من تجار الثغور ولي معرفة سابقة بهما في بلادهما وهما لا يعرفان هذا البلد الا قليلا وكنت وعدتهما ان هما أتيا مصر أن أصحبهما.
أحد الحاضرين (مازحا) لا بل تسحبهما.
فيضحك البرنس ويقول: وهل هنا زريبة يا سيدي؟ فيقهقه الجميع ويقولون: الله در البرنس في هذه النكته!
البرنس انا لم أتعلم التنكيت ولكن ذلك يصادفني في بعض الاوقات.
صاحب لآخر انظر يا أخي الى حدة لطافة البرنس وشدة رقته وضخامة ألفاظه.
الصاحب لصاحبه وأتت ما شاء الله ما أفصحك في تعبيرك واأبلغك في بيانك أتأخذ هذه الجمل عن الجرائد؟
ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: The Playboy stood up and went over to a table piled high with various sorts of wine and dessert. He leaned over to one of the people seated there who was busying himself with the offerings; one hand was holding his plate, the other his glass, and his mouth was full.
Playboy May God grant His Highness the Prince all felicity!
Prince (laughing merrily) Hello to you, my friend! Where have you been? We’ve missed you.
Playboy Please forgive me, Your Highness. I’ve been performing a service and under obligation. What’s kept me away is these two companions of mine: one’s a provincial ʿumdah and the other’s a port merchant. I’ve known them before in their own towns, but they’re both unfamiliar with Cairo. I promised them both that, when they came to Cairo, I would accompany them.
One of the Company (cracking a joke) Don’t you mean “drag them”!27
(The Prince laughs, then says:)
Prince Oh, is there a cattle pen around here?
(Everybody laughs.)
Everyone What a terrific joke the Prince has just made!
Prince I’ve never learned how to crack jokes, but once in a while something will strike me.
One of the Company (to another) Do you see, my friend,