What 'Isa ibn Hisham Told Us. Muhammad al-Muwaylihi

What 'Isa ibn Hisham Told Us - Muhammad al-Muwaylihi

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(to the Playboy) Come and sit down.

      Playboy What about my two companions?

      One of the Company They’re relaxing.

      Prince Are they known to be rich?

      Playboy The ʿUmdah owns a thousand feddans of land. The Merchant owns the biggest tavern in his town. The ʿUmdah owns ten irrigation pumps and holds the second grade. The merchant owns a cotton mill, and is in line for the third grade.

      Prince If that’s the case, why not invite them to join us?

      One of the Company (to another) That’s all the aggravation we need. I can’t stand staying here any longer. Let’s go!

      The Other Member Wait a bit until they bring the round of drinks we’ve ordered and the bowl of mussels the Prince asked for earlier.


      ثم يعود الخليع الى صاحبيه ليجلس بهما في مجلس البرنس فيقوم العمدة له موقرًا مبجلا فيسقط فم السيجارة من يده على الرخام فينحني عليه العمدة يجمع شظاياه متأسفًا متأنفًا فيجره من يديه ويقول:

      الخليع أتهتم بمثل هذا الشيء الحقير ولا تملك نفسك امام البرنس وهو يدعوك اليه؟

      العمدة ليس اهتمامي به الا لكونه تذكارًا عندي من حضرة مأمور المركز كنت أهديته فرسًا فأهداني هذا الفم وهو عندي ثمين ولكن دعنا من هذا وقل لي أحقًا ان دولة البرنس يدعوني اليه وكيف عرفني وماذا قلت له عني؟

      التاجر أي نعم قل لنا بالله كيف كان ذلك؟

      الخليع قلت ما قلت فارسل حكيمًا ولا توصه.

      العمدة بالله ماذا ذكرت له عني فاني رأيته مسرورًا يضحك كثيرًا؟

      الخليع أخبرته بقصتك مع سمسار القطن ونفوذ حيلتك فيه وهو الآن يحب أن يسمعها منك.

      التاجر وعلى ذكر السمسار هل باع دولة البرنس قطنه أو هو ممن تأخروا في البيع؟

      الخليع (للعمدة) تفضلوا بنا.

      ولما صاروا امام البرنس مد العمدة يديه منحنيًا ثم رفعهما الى رأسه فنظر اليه البرنس متبسمًا وأشار بيده مسلمًا وأومأ اليه أن يجلس فاستغفر ثم استغفر وأبى الجلوس حتى أجلسه الخليع فجلسوا.

      البرنس (لاحد الحاضرين) ذكرني بالله غدًا بتصوير الفرس الفلانية فان الدوك بروك أرسل اليّ من لوندره على يد صاحبه المستشار يطلب صورتها.

      أحد الحاضرين الأحسن أن يؤخذ رسمها امامه بعد غد عند حضوره مع مفتش الري للغذاء الذي دعوتهما اليه.

      العمدة يتأخر قليلا فتصيب رجل الكرسي اصبع التاجر فيفز متضجرًا ثم يجلس متململا

      البرنس (للعمدة) ماذا تشرب يا شيخ يا بك؟

      العمدة (واقفًا) العفو يا مولاي.

      الخليع الامتثال خير من الادب.

      البرنس يطلب دورًا ويطلب العمدة بعده دورًا آخرا باشارة الخليع.

      The Playboy went back to his companions to bring them over to the Prince’s table. The ʿUmdah got up to pay his respects, but, as he did so, dropped his cigarette holder on the marble floor. He bent down sadly to pick up the fragments, but the Playboy dragged him by the hand.

      Playboy Don’t bother about such trifles now! Can’t you control yourself when the Prince is inviting you over?

      ʿUmdah I’m only sorry because it was a memento I received as a present from the district’s Municipal Superintendent when I presented him with a horse. That’s why I valued it so highly. But let’s leave that now. Tell me, has the Prince really invited me over? How did he even know me? What have you told him about me?

      Merchant Yes, do tell us how it happened!

      Playboy I said what I said. As the proverb puts it, “Send a wise man, but don’t advise him.”

      ʿUmdah What was said about me during the conversation? I saw him laughing a lot.

      Playboy I told him about the clever way you dealt with the cotton broker. Now he’d like to hear it from you in person.

      Merchant Talking of brokers, has His Highness the Prince sold his cotton or is he one of the people holding back?

      Playboy (to the ʿUmdah) Let’s go!

      When they reached the Prince’s table, the ʿUmdah extended his hand with a bow, then raised it to his head. The Prince smiled at him, gave him a greeting, and gestured to him to sit down. The ʿUmdah declined and remained standing until the Playboy sat him down. With that everyone sat.

      Prince (to one of the company) Remind me tomorrow about the picture of that horse. The Duke of Brook has written to me by way of his friend the Counselor asking me for a picture.

      One of the Company It would be better to have the picture taken in his presence the day after tomorrow when the Counselor comes with the Irrigation Inspector to the lunch to which you’ve invited them both.

      The ʿUmdah moved back a bit, and his chair leg hit the Merchant’s toe. He leapt up angrily, but then sat down again, muttering to himself.

      Prince (to the ʿUmdah) What will you have to drink, my dear Shaykh, my dear Bey?

      ʿUmdah (standing up) If you’ll excuse me, Your Highness, I won’t have anything.

      Playboy In this case conformity takes precedence over good manners.

      The Prince ordered a round of drinks, then at the Playboy’s suggestion the ʿUmdah did the same.


      ويأخذ الخليع علبة السجارات من امام البرنس ويعطي منها للعمدة وللتاجر فيتحاشى العمدة اشعال السيجارة ويبقي في قبضته ثم يأتي أحد الباعة

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