Turning to the Other. Donovan D. Johnson

Turning to the Other - Donovan D. Johnson

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some twenty-five hundred years ago.”21 Accordingly, Buber’s formulation of the I-Thou relation is “a culturally transplanted accretion to Taoist mysticism, an organic growth of Chuang Tzu’s philosophy in a new historical and spiritual context.”22 Herman’s radical conclusion is that I and Thou can be read as the presentation of “a profound transformation of self before the text of Chuang Tzu.”23

      Each of these three readings provides a very different context for understanding I and Thou, yet each in its own way presents a kind of transformation as the dynamic core of the work. Transformation is the issue and the outcome of Buber’s two periods of creative withdrawal, times of focusing inward which initiated him into the realm of the spirit and then later into the world of dialogue.

      3. Recovery

      If we work to approach Buber’s book as Thou, we can see it as a testament not to a doctrine but to Buber’s inner struggle which calls forth a new, deeper “I” within. For the book is much more than merely a philosophical statement—it is a white-hot distillation from the fire of Buber’s imagination when it burned most brightly. It is the product of an intense process of intellectual struggle and marks Buber’s breakthrough to a new level of resolution expressing this process, thereby functioning as a testament to Buber’s life’s work as a path-breaking thinker.

      4. Overview of this Book

      The chapters of this book amount to a series of forays into the world of Martin Buber and into the world presented to us by I and Thou. Taken together, these forays constitute a quest for understanding, which in dialogical terms is the quest for an adequate response to Buber’s call to dialogue.

      This introductory chapter has presented I and Thou as a spiritual treasure worthy of reclaiming from the cloud of familiarity that has reduced it to just another piece of cultural goods. Chapter 2 presents the two-part spiritual initiation of Martin Buber as the crucial development, the immediate context out of which I and Thou was created. The first was Buber’s spiritual awakening in response to the testament of the founder of Hasidism when Buber was a young man. The second phase of this spiritual initiation took place when Buber was struck by the loss of his friend at mid-life. His struggle to come to terms with that loss resulted in the breakthrough expressed in I and Thou.

      Chapter 3 lays out the nature of Buber’s message: he felt compelled to proclaim it; at the same time, he had to develop unique, original means to do so. Buber’s struggle with the depths in the face of his loss led him to develop these means, summed up in his metaphor of “pointing,” and in the rhetoric he developed to express his message in his construction of I and Thou.

      Chapter 4 presents I and Thou in the context of the relationships that punctuated Buber’s life, some of which are chronicled in his “Autobiographical Fragments.” The chapter begins with the early loss of his mother, which led to his concept of Vergegnung, “mismeeting,” and his subsequent relationships with his paternal grandmother and his wife, Paula. His spiritual initiation through reading the Testament of Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, the Baal-Shem-Tov, is linked to the influence of his paternal grandfather, Salomon Buber, a scholar of the Jewish Haskalah. Following on Buber’s great mismeeting with his mother, subsequent mismeetings, such as with the Rev. William Hechler and then with a youth named Mehe, became occasions for Buber’s further reflection and growth. Finally, Buber’s friendships with Gustav Landauer and Franz Rosenzweig, both fellow German Jewish intellectuals, became the major remaining relationships that shaped and embodied his dialogical life.

      Chapters 5 and 6 lay out some of the contexts of the book as they influenced the development and major motifs of Buber’s thinking. First, chapter 5 explores the existential edge of Buber’s thinking that intensified in the transitional years around World War I. This existential dimension developed along with his specifically Jewish thinking, so that his Judaism and his universalism dialectically reinforced each other. Buber’s change of position on the role of Erlebnis (inner experience) in the spiritual life became a major pivot point in the development of his thinking. This and other changes in his thinking necessitate careful consideration of his controversial early treatise on Taoism in chapter 6 and of the concepts it developed: the teaching, the master, “the one thing needful,” the Tao—all of which came into play in the evolution of Buber’s understanding of Hasidic spirituality. These broad, free-ranging intellectual and cultural contexts all serve as reference points for the reading of I and Thou, and they all intersect in our construction of the meaning of the book.

      Chapter 7, the exposition of part one of I and Thou, is informed by the metaphor of the journey. This metaphor helps us to see connections between Buber’s spiritual initiation and what he points to when he takes us to his window to show us what he sees. As our guide

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