Invariants And Pictures: Low-dimensional Topology And Combinatorial Group Theory. Vassily Olegovich Manturov
12.Word and Conjugacy Problems in
12.1.1Existence of the algorithmic solution
12.1.2Algorithm of solving the conjugacy problem in
12.2.1Presentation of the group H4
12.2.3The solution to the word problem in H4
13.The Groups
13.4Circles in 2-manifolds and the group
13.6A map from knots to 2-knots
Manifolds of Triangulations
14.1The manifold of triangulations
15.2A group homomorphism from PBn to
15.3A group homomorphism from PBn to
15.5Lines moving on the plane and the group
15.5.1A map from a group of good moving lines to
15.5.2A map from a group of good moving lines to
15.5.3A map from a group of good moving unit circles to
15.6A representation of braids via triangulations
16.1The group
16.2The general strategy of defining
Unsolved Problems
17.1The groups
17.1.1Algebraic problems
17.4.1Cobordism genera
17.5.1Picture-valued solutions of the Yang–Baxter equations