Good Things in England - A Practical Cookery Book for Everyday Use, Containing Traditional and Regional Recipes Suited to Modern Tastes. Florence White
1.Measure equal portions of the sauce and vinegar, and half one portion of made mustard.
2.Mix well.
3.Add a little bit of butter.
4.Make all very hot.
5.And pour piping hot over the broiled bones.
Devilled Bones
Boodle’s Club, 1923
INGREDIENTS: Bones with a little meat on; butter 4 oz.; dry mustard; ground black pepper; salt; curry powder; a teaspoonful of each; cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoonful; Worcester sauce 1 tablespoonful; a sauce-boat of Devil sauce.
1.Work the butter, mustard, pepper, salt, curry powder, cayenne pepper, and Worcester sauce all together; keep on ice.
2.First score the meat, then grill the bones.
3.After grilling coat with the devilled butter and put under the grill for two or three minutes and serve, with or without a Devil or grill sauce.
Devil or Grill Sauce
Dr. Kitchiner, 1823
INGREDIENTS: Gravy 1/2 pint; butter 1 oz.; flour 1 ordinary tablespoonful; mushroom or walnut ketchup, 1 tablespoonful; lemon juice 2 teaspoonfuls; made mustard one teaspoonful; minced capers 1 teaspoonful; black pepper 1/2 teaspoonful; lemon, grated rind of one quarter; essence of anchovies; shallot, a very small piece; chilli vinegar a very little, and a few grains of cayenne.
1.Heat the gravy.
2.Melt an ounce of fresh butter.
3.Add a tablespoonful of flour, and brown it over a moderate fire but be careful not to burn.
4.Remove from fire and dilute gradually with the hot gravy, beating it in vigorously to make it quite smooth.
5.Add the rest of the ingredients.
6.Simmer all together for a few minutes.
7.Pour a little on the grill and serve up the rest in a sauce tureen.
N.B. — For other sauces see Index, and pages 117 to 125.
English Kedgeree
INGREDIENTS: Patna rice 4 oz.; water 2 quarts; salt 2 teaspoonfuls; cooked finnan-haddock, or other cooked fish, or cold boiled ham 4 oz.; hard-boiled eggs 1 or 2; butter 2 oz.; chopped watercress 2 teaspoonfuls, pepper, salt; a little tomato sauce or ketchup (1 dessertspoonful more or less according to taste).
TIME: to cook about 30 minutes.
1.Boil the rice as you would for curry in boiling salted water (see p. 182).
2.Remove all skin and bone from the fish and chop it finely.
3.Chop up the white of the hard-boiled egg.
4.Put the butter into a stewpan; when it is melted toss the rice in it with pepper and salt.
5.Add the fish or meat and chopped white of egg.
6.Stir a dessertspoonful of tomato ketchup or sauce into it.
7.Toss all together over the fire till piping hot.
8.Then stir in the chopped watercress,
9.And serve quickly on a dish also piping hot, scattering the chopped or grated hard-boiled yolk of egg over the top.
Fish Cakes
Mrs. Brewitt, Melton Mowbray, 1927
INGREDIENTS: Potato (cooked) 2 lb.; cold fish (cooked) 1 lb.; lemon juice 2 teaspoonfuls; anchovy essence 2 teaspoonfuls; chopped parsley 2 teaspoonfuls; cayenne, a dash; some pepper and salt.
1.Mash up all the ingredients and mix together.
2.Make into little round flat cakes 3/4 inch thick.
3.Egg and bread-crumb.
4.Leave to dry for half an hour.
5.Fry in a very little clarified dripping or bacon fat.
6.Drain on a clean cloth.
N.B. — Fat off the top of boiled bacon, clarified, is one of the best mediums for frying.
Mrs. Brewitt, Melton Mowbray, 1927
INGREDIENTS: Haddock; water; rashers of bacon not smoked.
TIME: 30 minutes.
1.Put a skinned haddock in a frying-pan in cold water, simmer for 5 minutes.
2.Leave it in the same water for 5 minutes.
3.Lift out, drain and put it in an oven dish.
4.Cover with rashers of bacon.
5.Cook it all in the oven till the bacon is done.
[N.B.— Finnan-haddock may be skinned by holding it for a few minutes skin side near the flame over a lighted gas-ring or any other heat of the same strength; the skin will cockle and can be easily pulled off. — ED.]
Creamed Cod Fish
Mrs. Brewitt, Melton Mowbray, 1927
INGREDIENTS: Fish 1 lb.; milk 1 pint; butter 2 oz.; flour 2 oz.; mashed potatoes 1/2 lb.; salt and cayenne pepper.
TIME: 1 hour.
1.Place the fish in cold water and boil or steam over water till tender.
2.Strain, bone, skin and flake with a fork.
3.Make a sauce of the milk, butter and flour in the usual way (see p. 117), season with cayenne pepper and salt
4.Lay in the fish and the ma hed potatoes.
5.Whisk all together with a fork or Scotch whisk.
6.Serve as hot as possible.
To Fry Sprats
A good Southwold Recipe, sent by Mrs. Loftus
INGREDIENTS: Fresh sprats; flour or fine oatmeal, coarse salt.
1.Wash and dry the sprats well.
2.Dust with flour or fine oatmeal.
3.Sprinkle the bottom of the frying-pan with warm salt.
4.Make it hot.
5.Then put in your sprats, and fry them a nice brown.
N.B. – No fat is needed as the salt draws out the fat of the sprats.
Finnan-Haddock and Tomato
Florence White, Westminster, 1922
1. Butter a piedish.