The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775. Abraham Tomlinson
in the after noon to meeting again.
Monday 3d. Yesterday Mager putnoms S Company came up and this morning Mager putnom[34] come up and the Connetticuts rigiment were Imbodied for to learn how to form your front to the Right and left for Jineral Abbacromba[35] and his A de Camp to vieu.
Tuesday 4. This day I cut my hat and received my amanition and provision for 4 days and made radey for to go on.
Wednesday 5th. This day the Army by son rise got ready for to March and Marched of by Water, and Arived at the Saberday point[36] & stayed their til midnight then Marched again to the first narrows & Landed their and went down.
Thursday 6th. 12 A Clock at night we marched of again[37] & landed at the 1st narrows & then we Marched on to the falls[38] within 2 miles of the fort and there we was attackt by the Enemy[39] and the Engagement held 1 hour and we kiled and took upwards of 2 & 50, & of Captain Holmes Company we had 3 Men wounded. Sergent Cada Sergent Armsba and Ensign Robbins & at Sondown the French come out again 5 thousand strong and our men came back again to the Landing place & Lodged their.
Friday 7th. Majer Rogers went down to the mils and drove them of there from & kild and took upwards of 150 & at Son down the last of the Army marched down to the Mils and Majer putnom made a Bridge over by the Landing place this night we lodged by the Mils.
Saturday 8th. Then marched back 2 or 3 rigiments to the Landing place to guard & help Get up Artillira and we worked all the fore noon onloading the Battoes and at noon we set out down to the Mils with the Artillira & we got near the Mils and we had orders to leave the Artillira[40] their and go back & get our arms and we went down to the Mils of our rigiment 2 Hundred were ordered to go over on the point to keep the French from Landing their and we stayed while next morning son 2 hours high & when we came in all our army and Artillira was gorn back & the Mils fired and we marched back to the Landing place and had to secure matter of 200 Barrels of Flour & we heard the French were a coming upon us and we stove them all and come of us as soon as we could and about 10 Ock we sot sail and & by Son down we arrived at Lake George[41] according to all accounts the Engagement began about 10 clock and held 10 Hours steady and we lost 3 Thousand rigulars.
Monday 10th. Stil at Lake George in our old encampment 2 Cannon and 2 morter peaces all of them Brass come into Lake George to day.
Tuesday 11th. I washed my Clothes to day had Tea for Brecfirst.
Wednesday 12th. To day I was cald upon guard. Stephen Lyon went to Fort Edward.
Thursday 13th. To day washed My Clothes.
Friday 14th. Nothing remarkable.
Saturday 15th. Nothing remarkable cald out to work.
Sonday 16th. Went to meeting to hear Mr. Pommerai[42] & his text was in the 16th Chapter of Isaiah the 9th verce in the afternoon went to hear Mr. Eals and his text was in 4th Chapter of Amos & the 12th verce Sung the 45 Salm the last time sung the 44th Salm this day Colonel Dotays Rigiment marched of.
Monday 17th. This day Sergent Joseph Mathers had a new shirt put on of 70 stripes[43] I washed and at night was caled upon the picket guard Barny went down to the halfway brook[44] and back again to guard Artillira.
Tuesday 18th. One Samuel Jonson died very suddenly he belonged to Captain Latimer Company of new Cannen, Nehemiah Blackmore was whipt 10 stripes for fireing his gun.
Wednesday 19th. This day to work upon the Hospetal gitting timber to it I went upon the Island[45] to stay thair a week.
Thursday 20th. Stil at work Colonel Worster sot out to go down to Albany and a number of men with him this morning 10 Men were a going to the half way Brook to guard the Post and the Indians way laid them and kild 9 of them & 1 got in safe and they rallyd out from the Brook 100 & went back to see what was the Matter and they laid wait for them & they fired upon the front first and kiled 2 Captains and 2 Leiutenants on the spot & our men were supprised and run back all but a few and they stood a little while & lost 17 men the engagement began son 2 hours high about a nowr after Leiut. Smith & 200 of our men went down to help guard the teames down to Fort Edward.
Friday 21st. This day at knight Leiut. Smith came back & very poor he was the rest of the guard returned well.
Saturday 22d. This day Colonel Partrages[46] rigiment were resolved to have their full Allowance or go of and they got it[47]—a small shower & at night our post came in and our Men that stayed behind came up I received a letter from Home.
Sonday 23d. Went to meeting and the text was in the 3 chapter of John & the 16 verse & in the after noon the Text was in the 6 chapter of Micah 6 & 7 verses this day wet & hard showers.
Monday 24th. This day a week ago Ensign Robins died at Albany this day Henry Morris came up to Lake George with 2 Waggon Loads of Rum and sold it right of—
Tuesday 25th. Captain Holmes and 5 of our men went down to the half way Brook to be stashoned their til Furder orders—at 9 Ock one James Makmehoon[48] was hanged upon the galloes upon the top of the Rockka noose[49] our post came in and I was released from the Haspital work.
Wednesday 26th. Majer putnom had orders to list 400 ranjers and listed some to day.
Thursday 27th. This day the Captains of the Companys drawed out 9 men of a company for ranjers.
Friday 28th. There was about 40 teams & wagons a coming up about half way between Forte Edward and half way Brook and a scout of French & Indians way laid them and kiled every ox and destroyed all their stors every thing[50] and about midnight our camps were alarmd of it and Majer putnom rallyd about a 1000 Men & went after them.
Saturday 29th. This day Rogers went upon the track with his ranjers[51] and sent back for all the picket guard and they went & this day I was very poor & took a portion of fizik.
Sonday 30th. This morning by break of day som of Majer putnoms men that he left with the Battoes spied some more a coming down the Lake and they com & told & Limon rallyd up about 2000 men and went up the Lake I was poor and went to meeting Mr. Ingarson[52] preach'd & his text was in salms the 83 & the 14 & 15 & the after noon the text was in Duteronemy 32 & 29 verse.
Mon. 31st. 9 of our Newingland Men were put under guard for making a false larrom about the battoes coming down upon us & also one regular that Rogers took that desarted last year to the French from us.
Tuesday August 1st. Their was about 700 men went down to the Half Way Brook to be stashond their and 8 of our company and Captain Holmes came back.
Wednes. 2. To day Jineral Limon came in of a scout & the men that went with him and Rogers and putnom went of a scout with 14 or 15 hundred for 10 days[53] this day Craft died and was buried Stephen Lyon come of scout.
Thurs. 3rd. Two of our men went out a fishing for 2 days but had poor luck.
Friday 4th. We had orders to march to Fort Edward & I washed up my clothes.
Sat. 5th. This morning about half our rigiment marched forward to build brest Works along upon the road in some bad places we arived at Fort Edward at 9 O clock & we Built 2 Brest works.
Sonday 6th. We drawd 3 days provision and this afternoon the Rest of our Rigiment came down and the teams that went up the day Before we received our pacet[54] of letters from home.
Monday 7th. Cap.n & all that were able to go were ordered to guard down to Fort Miller and back again.
Tues. 8th. In the morning we were drawd out for work and worked the fore noon then we were ordered to fix every Man in the rigiments to make ready, to go out to help Majer putnom and we met them a coming in about son down and we helpt them a long as far as we could & that nite & lay out that nite & 3 of the wounded men died there and Ben Deny for one.[55]
Wed. 9th. We got in about 8 a clock & Buried the dead & the wounded were dresd