The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775. Abraham Tomlinson

The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775 - Abraham Tomlinson

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for Home on Sonday—this day I wrote a Letter & sent to John.

      Thursday ye 2nd. Very cold—our men turned out to cutting fashheens & the orders were that it was the last days work that we should do.

      Friday ye 3d. Very cold—our men all turned out upon works notwith Standing yesterdays promise—our men had but poor incouragements to work & laid but Little weight to what the jineral promised them for he said the first man that disobeyed his orders again should be shot to death whatsoever soldier or officer.

      Saturday 4th. I was orderly after the jineral & our men all to work a drawing in Canon into the fort & our quorter guard was not releaved til after noon & after that orders com out that we should strike our tents by 8 oclock and be ready to march by 9—one Cimbals got his discharge from the regular service to day.

      Sonday ye 5th. Being very cold it began to rain so that we were detained but Colonel Whiting Marched of—rainy all day Long—we had orders to be ready to march at 7 Oclock in the morning.

      Monday ye 6th. Cloudy stil—at 8 Oclock we struck our tents & at 9 aclock we marched of & about half after 12 we arrivd at Fort Miller and made a little stop then marched again and arived at Saratoga Son about one hour high & made no stop their but marched on about 3 mile & Encampt in the woods.

      Friday ye 10th. Very stormy & snow in the Morning—we drawd 2 days alowance of provissions but no money and about 2 o clock we sot out from Green Bush & arivd at Cantihook Town about ten a clock at knight—13 of us & Lieutenant Larnard.

      Saturday 11th. From thence we marched son two Hours high & arivd at John Hug gar Booms[95] & revived our selves a little & bought som rum that belonged to Colonel Whitens Rigiment & from thence to Love Joys & went to supper & from thence to Robberses & lodged their in the Patterroon lands.[96]

      Sonday 12th. Being stil cold we sot out at Son rise & arived at Bushes in Sheffield and had a good brecfirst & their was moore with Horses & from thence to Larrances & revivd our selves their—to Coles & thence to Seggick in Cornwel & then to Wilcocks in Goshen & Lodged their.

      Monday 13th. Cold—I com up to Holleboate & sent my Pack a long from goshen & then we marched and arived at Litchfield & then to Herrintown to Wiers & from their to Strongs in Farmingtown & Lodged their.

      Tuesday 14th. Very cold & frosty—marched 5 mile through the Meadows & went to Brecfast and com to Mercies and stayed their & capt.n Holmes came up.

      Wednesday 15th. We marched & arived at Chenys in Bolton and from thence we marched and Arived at Lees in covantry[97] & Lodged their—very rainy Stephen Lyon met us with the Horses.

      Thursday 16th. Being warm & pleasant we arived at Woodstock.

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