Bright Ideas for Entertaining. Mrs. Herbert B. Linscott
with French peas)
The favors consisted of a ticket for a ball game to be played on the local grounds that afternoon for each boy, and a tin horn with which to "root," as the boys expressed it.
As soon as the luncheon was finished the nine boys departed in great glee for the ball grounds, relieving the hostess of the responsibility of further entertaining them.
Make twelve or fifteen bags, six inches square, of bed-ticking, and loosely fill them with beans which have been washed and dried to remove all dust.
Appoint two leaders, who choose sides, arranging the sides in lines facing each other, with a small table at each end of each line.
The bean bags being equally divided, each leader deposits his share upon the table nearest him. Then, at a given signal, seizing one bag at a time with one hand, with the other he starts it down the line, each player passing it to the next until all the bags reach the last, who drops them upon the table at his end of the line. When all the bags have reached this table, the last player, seizing each in turn, sends them back up the line to the leader, who drops them upon his table. Whichever side first succeeds in passing all the bags down the line and back, wins the round. It takes five rounds to make a game, so that three out of five must be successful for the winning side.
Have you ever "bean" to a "bean" sociable? If not come to the one the Connett Y. W. C. T. U. are having Monday evening, September 1st. If you have never "bean" to one you will enjoy the
"Bean porridge hot,
Bean porridge cold,
Bean porridge in the pot,
Nine days old."
Supper should consist of baked beans, cold and hot, bean porridge or soup, brown bread and butter, and pickles, tea and gingerbread.
Bean bags to go with this sociable.
1. | What berry is red when it's green? | Blackberry. |
2. | What berry is used for making ladies' dresses? | Mulberry. |
3. | What berry is found on the grass? | Dewberry. |
4. | What berry is a dunce? | Gooseberry. |
5. | What berry is irritating? | Raspberry. |
6. | What berry is used for bedding cattle? | Strawberry. |
7. | What berry is celebrating a great festival? | Holly berry. |
8. | What berry is should be respected for its age? | Elderberry. |
9. | What berry is is melancholy? | Blueberry. |
10. | What berry is named for a month? | Juneberry. |
11. | What berry is used in sewing? | Thimbleberry. |
12. | What berry is named for a bird? | Pigeonberry. |
The game of Bible Contest cards can be played very profitably and is very instructive. It can be found in any book store in large cities or can be had of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston, Mass. The cost is very little. Or the cards may be written out as follows:
1 Give the first and last words of the Bible.
2 Whose three daughters were the fairest in all the land?
3 How old was Methuselah when he died?
4 Who was called "a ready scribe in the law of Moses"?
5 Give the names of the three persons who were put in the fiery furnace.
6 Who was the author of the expression, "What hath God wrought?"
7 With how many men did Gideon conquer the Midianites?
8 Who was Moses' brother?
9 Who went down into a pit on a snowy day and slew a lion?
10 Who said "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved"?
11 Who was the mother of Samuel?
12 Who commanded the gates of Jerusalem to be closed on the Sabbath?
13 Whose flock was Moses tending when he saw the burning bush?
14 What city was saved from famine by lepers?
15 Who waxed fat and kicked?
Have the cards distributed; then on a given signal have the answers written out; as fast as finished have them handed in to be examined by the committee who afterward returns them. The first blank for number is for the order in which the cards are handed in, and the second for the order of correctness of the answers.
Here is a well-known alphabet of Scripture proper names, which may be utilized at a social by ranking the members on two sides, and reading these lines one at a time, in the same way that a spelling-bee is carried on: