A System of Pyrotechny. James Cutbush
From these results, it appears, that, by the eprouvette of Darcy, the muriated powder, or that prepared with chlorate of potassa, gave a superiority of force of about one-fourth.
2nd. By the eprouvette of Regnier, which is repelled by the explosion, to a distance greater or less, measured by the degrees of the arc which it describes:
Muriated powder, | 42 |
Idem, | 51¾ |
Idem, moistened, | 52 |
Common powder, superfine, | 23 |
Idem, | 22½ |
From which it results, that by the eprouvette of Regnier, the force of the powder of the oxymuriate is double that of the nitrate, or common powder.
M. Ruggieri is of opinion, that chlorate, or hyperoxymuriate of potassa may be employed with advantage in the composition of rockets, but we have not heard that it has been used. It is more powerful in its effects, and probably for this reason he recommended it. This salt, mixed with other substances, will produce the green fire of the palm-tree, in imitation of the Russian fire.
Chloric acid may be obtained in a separate state, by boiling the compound solution formed by passing chlorine gas through a solution of barytic earth, with phosphate of silver, which separates the muriatic acid. By evaporation, the chlorate of barytes will crystallize in fine rhomboidal prisms. When these crystals are dissolved in water, and diluted sulphuric acid added by degrees, an acid liquid will be obtained, which, if the sulphuric acid be added cautiously, will be found entirely free from the latter acid and barytes, and not affected by nitrate of silver. This is the chloric acid dissolved in water. Chloric acid unites with sundry bases. Combined with ammonia, it forms a fulminating salt, formerly described by M. Chenevix. This salt is formed, by mixing together carbonate of ammonia, and chlorate of lime. The carbonate of lime is then separated by the filter, and the clear liquid, holding the chlorate of ammonia in solution, is evaporated. Chlorate of ammonia is very soluble in water and alcohol, and decomposed by a moderate heat.
Chlorates, as the chlorate of potassa, are formed more readily in the manner already stated: viz. by saturating the base with chlorine, but in this case two salts are produced, the chlorate and hydrochlorate. Chloric acid has also been obtained in a separate state, from chlorate of potassa, by a process recommended by Mr. Wheeler.
Perchloric acid, composed of seven primes of oxygen and one of chlorine, is obtained from chlorate of potassa, treated in a particular manner. Three parts of sulphuric acid and one of chlorate of potassa, when heated, will give a saline mass, consisting of bisulphate of potassa, and perchlorate of potassa. Deutoxide of chlorine will be evolved. The perchlorate detonates feebly when triturated with sulphur.
Sec. IV. Sulphur.
Sulphur, or brimstone, is a principal ingredient in almost all the compositions of fire-works. It should, therefore, be pure. The flowers may be considered the purest kind of sulphur.
Sulphur is found native, either alone, or accompanying certain minerals, such as gypsum, rock-salt, marl, and clay, as in Switzerland, Poland, and Sicily. In the neighbourhood of salt-springs, it is also found; and frequently in water, in combination with hydrogen, forming the natural hepatic waters. It is also found on the surface of the earth, as in Siberia. Volcanic sulphur, or that which occurs in the fissures and cavities of lava, near the craters of volcanoes, is very common.
Solfatere, Sicily, the Roman states, Guadaloupe, and Quito, in the Cordilleras, are most celebrated for native sulphur. It has been found in the United States, but in no quantity. We have a number of mineral springs, which deposite sulphur. The Clifton Springs of Ontario are of this kind. It occurs abundantly, in combination with hydrogen, as sulphuretted hydrogen gas, in various parts of the United States.
Native sulphur is abundant in the island of Java. It is obtained from the now almost extinct volcano, about sixty miles from the town of Batavia. At the bottom of the crater, there is said to lie many hundred tons of native sulphur. Silliman (Journal, vol. i, p. 58) observes, that it is in the crater of this volcano, that the celebrated lake of sulphuric acid exists, "and from which it flows down the mountain, and through the country below, a river of the same acid."
Sulphur, however, is usually obtained from pyrites or metallic sulphurets, by fusion and sublimation. It is usually denominated by the name of the place whence it comes. Hence we have the Italian and Sicilian sulphur; the crude, roche, or stone brimstone of Marseilles, &c.
The quantity of sulphur, which may be obtained from the galena, or sulphuret of lead, by sublimation, is considerable. Twenty-five per cent is the loss sustained in the reduction of the lead ore, which occurs so abundantly in the neighbourhood of St. Louis. When general, the then lieut. Pike, (Expeditions, &c. Appendix) interrogated Mr. Dubuque in 1805, respecting the quantity of lead obtained from those mines, a detailed account of which is given by Schoolcraft, he replied that the mineral would yield seventy-five per cent. of lead, and hence the twenty-five per cent. loss must be the sulphur, together with any foreign matter it may contain.
The experiments of M. Vauquelin, (Annales de Chimie, 1811) to determine the quantity of sulphur contained in some metallic sulphurets, show, at once, the proportion which may be obtained from those combinations. Thus he found, that sulphuret of copper contains 21.31 per cent of sulphur; sulphuret of tin, 14.1; sulphuret of lead, 13.77; sulphuret of silver, 12.73; sulphuret of iron, 22; sulphuret of antimony, 25; sulphuret of bismuth, 31.75; sulphuret of manganese, 74.5; and sulphuret of arsenic, 43.
Of native or prismatic sulphur, there are two species, the common and volcanic. The former is of two kinds, the compact and earthy.
Sulphur, says Hanway, (Travels, &c.) is dug at Baku on the western side of the Caspian sea. It is found in the neighbourhood of the celebrated naphtha springs, some of which form a mouth of 8 or 10 feet diameter.
Von Humboldt (Annales de Museum National) communicated to the French national institute, that he discovered, in the province of Quito, a bed composed of sulphur and quartz, in a mountain of mica slate, and also sulphur in primitive porphyry. Kirwan (Geological Essays, p. 143) observes, that sulphur promotes decomposition, by absorbing oxygen, while it is thus converted into vitriolic acid; but moisture is also requisite. He attributes, in the same manner, the decomposition of stones that contain pyrites.
As the sulphur, which occurs in commerce, is chiefly obtained from its native combinations, it may be proper to make some brief remarks on this head. Sulphur in the state of combination is abundantly met with, and in all countries. It is found in the state of sulphuric acid, in various salts, as gypsum, epsom salt, native alum, &c.; and united with metals, forming natural sulphurets, as in sulphuret of iron, or iron pyrites, sulphuret of copper, or copper pyrites, sulphuret of lead, or potter's lead ore, called also galena, sulphuret of antimony, or crude antimony, sulphuret of zinc, or blende, sulphuret of mercury, or cinnabar, sulphuret of arsenic, or orpiment, &c. In fact, it appears to be a general mineralizer. It is found also in some plants, and in animal substances.
Without detailing minutely the processes employed for extracting sulphur from its combinations, which may be seen in Thenard, (Traité de Chimie, tome i, p. 184) it will be sufficient to observe, that, in general, pyrites, both of iron and copper, are arranged in alternate layers in the form of a pyramid, and the roasting is continued for several months. Part of the sulphur is consumed, and part is sublimed, and is condensed and collected in hollows, in the upper part of the pyramid, whence it is removed several times