A System of Pyrotechny. James Cutbush

A System of Pyrotechny - James Cutbush

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removing the scum as it forms; then stir it, and before it settles put it into filtering bags, which must be suspended from a rack. Put under the filters glazed earthen pans, to receive the liquor; in which place sticks for the crystals to form on. In two or three days, it will all crystallize.

      In some saltpetre works, sulphate of potassa is used with advantage. This salt is furnished in abundance, by the combustion of a mixture of nitre and sulphur, in the manufacture of oil of vitriol. It forms the residue after the combustion. It is likewise produced in the preparation of nitric acid, in the decomposition of nitrate of potassa, by sulphuric acid. It may, therefore, be obtained in quantity, from the oil of vitriol manufacturers, and the aquafortis distillers. It is usually called vitriolated tartar.

      It is known that sulphuric acid forms, with lime, an almost insoluble compound, called sulphate of lime, or gypsum; and hence, when sulphate of potassa is mixed with a solution of nitrate of lime, nitrate of potassa is formed, which remains in solution, and sulphate of lime is precipitated. The same effect takes place with all earthy nitrates. For the application of sulphate of potassa, in this way, we are indebted to M. Berard. It might be advantageously employed in decomposing the calcareous nitrate of the nitre-caves of the western country.

      M. Longchamp has recommended the use of sulphate of soda, or Glauber's salt, for decomposing the muriate of lime, which exists occasionally in impure nitre. These two salts reciprocally decompose each other; sulphate of lime is precipitated, and muriate of soda remains in solution. The latter is separated by evaporating the nitrous solution.

      M. de Saluces (Mémoire de l'Académie des Sciences de Turin, Année, 1805 à 1808,) has proposed a new process for purifying nitre. It consists in filtering it through argillaceous earth, or clay. Although the process is highly spoken of, yet we can see no particular advantage it possesses.

      Chaptal observes, that the process mostly in use is that of dissolving 2000 pounds of crude saltpetre in a copper boiler, in 1600 lbs. of water. As the solution is made by the heat, the scum, which forms, is taken off. Twelve ounces of glue, dissolved in ten pints of boiling water, and mixed with four pails full of cold water, are then added. This addition cools the solution. As to the manipulations of the process, they have been given. The principal thing to be attended to, is to separate the marine salt, which is done during the boiling.

      To pass this saltpetre through a second operation, in order the more to purify it, it is again dissolved, in the proportion of 2000 pounds, in one-fourth of its weight of water. Heat is applied. The scum is separated; a solution of 8 ounces of glue in one or two pails full of water is then added. After the solution becomes clear, it is suffered to cool, and at the expiration of five days, it will crystallize, or form in a mass, which is then exposed to the air six or eight weeks to become completely dry.

      In treating of the formation of nitre in France, Bottée and Riffault (Traité de l'Art de Fabriquer la Poudre à Canon,) consider it under the following heads:

      1. The constituent principles of nitre; its generation, and the theories respecting it. In this article, the composition of nitric acid and its union with potassa, and the production of artificial nitre, are taken into view.

      2. Nitrous earths, and substances which yield saltpetre. This subject comprehends a view of the substances, which contain saltpetre, as well as those which afford it by nitrification.

      3. The preparation of the substances to produce saltpetre. This article relates to the manipulations required for the production of nitre.

      4. The manner of lixiviating saltpetre earths. The lixiviation is an important part of the process, however simple it may appear; as upon its accuracy depends the quantity of the product.

      5. The treatment of the different waters (lixiviums) with potash, sulphate of potassa, and wood-ashes. This article points out the use of potash in decomposing the earthy salts, such as nitrate of lime; of sulphate of potassa, which converts the nitrate of lime by double decomposition into nitrate of potassa, the sulphate of lime being precipitated; and of wood-ashes, which act in the same manner as potash, as they contain this alkali.

      6. The evaporation of saltpetre waters, and the crystallization of nitre. In this article, they consider the separation of foreign alkaline salts, as muriate of soda, and the crystallization of the nitre, to obtain it in a state of purity.

      7. The treatment of the mother water of crystallization. This article refers to the manner of using the mother water, in order to obtain more nitre from it, and its employment in lieu of fresh water for other lixiviums.

      8. The refining of saltpetre by the old process. They describe here the old process, in which a variety of substances were used to purify the saltpetre, but which is now generally abandoned, or laid aside.

      9. The process of refining saltpetre, as adopted in the establishments of the administration. Under this head they give, in detail, the process employed throughout France, as uniform and the same, in every refinery.

      10. The manner of proceeding in the examination of various kinds of saltpetre in the magazines of the administration. This article relates to the different modes of examining saltpetre.

      11. On the manufacture of potash and pearlash. This subject is important, as potash is an indispensable article in the preparation of saltpetre, and the formation of the alkali may be considered as of primary magnitude in establishments, conducted upon so large a scale as those of France.

      It is thus, that a regular system is adopted, by the French government, for the production of saltpetre; and we may add also, for the manufacture of gunpowder, which we notice in that article.

      It may be proper to mention some facts, respecting the formation of nitre-beds, and the means adopted, in this way, to obtain saltpetre, and to offer, at the same time, some observations on this mode of obtaining nitre.


      The Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, 1720, contain the observations of M. Bouldoc, relative to the process of lixiviating saltpetre earths. Lacourt published a pamphlet some years after, entitled, Instruction concernant la Fabrication du Saltpetre. Various dissertations appeared on the same subject. In 1775, the French Academy of Sciences proposed a prize-question, which produced a more thorough investigation. The Memoirs of Thouvenal, of the Chevalier de Lorgna, and of MM. de Chevrand, and Ganivel, were highly approved, some of which took the prize. Chaptal, who has done more, perhaps, than any other person in France, to promote this all-important object, published, in 1794, an excellent dissertation, founded on experiment and observation. This Memoir was published in the Journal des Arts et Manufactures, t. iii, p. 12.

      Kirwan (Geological Essays, p. 143,) remarks, that the saline crust, which is found on the walls of the houses of Malta, is owing to the walls being built of fine grained limestone. When wetted with sea-water, it never dries. The crust is nitrate of potassa, nitrate of lime, and muriate of soda, and is some tenths of an inch thick. Under this crust, the stone moulders into dust. When the first falls off, it is succeeded by a second, and so on, until the whole stone is destroyed. This particular effect, however, is attributed to the presence of marine salt.

      Mr. Kirwan observes, that, "M. Dolomieu shows, at the end of his Tract on the Lipari Islands, that the atmosphere of Malta, in some seasons, when a south wind blows, is remarkably fouled with mephitic air; and, at other times, when a north wind blows, remarkably pure; and hence, of all others, most fit for the generation of nitrous acid." Mr. Kirwan remarks, "How the alkaline part of the nitre, which is one of the products resulting from the decomposition of this stone, is formed, is as yet mysterious: Is it not from the tartarin lately discovered in clays and many stones?" He adds, after speaking of animal and vegetable decomposition, "I should rather suppose, that the alkali is conveyed into these earths by the putrid air, than newly formed; and the reason is, that tartarin, (potash,) notwithstanding its fixity, is also found in soot; and, in the same manner, may be elevated in putrid exhalations."

      Artificial nitre-beds consist of the refuse of animal and vegetable substances, undergoing putrefaction, mixed with calcareous earth; the refuse of old buildings, particularly plaster; earths from the vicinity of inhabited buildings;

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