The Conquest of the River Plate (1535-1555). active 16th century Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca

The Conquest of the River Plate (1535-1555) - active 16th century Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca

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      The dividing line between Spanish and Portuguese territories in the accompanying map differs only in one-and-a-half or two degrees of longitude from that drawn by M. Adolpho de Varnhagen in his Historia Geral do Brazil. The question about the present boundary of those territories has been settled by modern treaties.

      It must also be remarked that the boundaries of the ancient Province of Rio de la Plata, in 1534, were very soon modified by the Spanish Government, who did the same thing by the four other Provinces into which the Continent of South America south of the equator was divided in that year.

      L. L. D.


       (Click on image to enlarge.)

       Table of Contents

      A true and agreeable description

       of some principal Indian lands and islands,

       which have not been recorded in former

       chronicles, but have now been first

       explored amid great danger during

       the voyage of ULRICH SCHMIDT of

       Straubing, and most carefully

       described by him.

      A true and agreeable description of

       some principal Indian lands and islands, which have not

       been recorded in former chronicles, but have now been

       first explored amid great danger during the voyage

      Among these fourteen ships, one belonged to Messrs. Sebastian Neidhart and Jacob Welser, from Nürnberg, who had sent their factor, Heinrich Paeime, with merchandise to Riodellaplata. With these and others, as Germans and Netherlanders, about eighty men, armed with arquebuses and muskets, I went to Riodellaplata.

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