History of Fresno County, Vol. 2. Paul E. Vandor
(The records are very confusing as to the coronership and public administratorship, the coroner often acting in ex-officio capacity in the other office. As to the coroner there is no straight record until after 1883. From scattered data, it would appear that the following named have filled the two offices.)
1856— H. A. Carroll. 1857— Dr. H. du Gay. 1860— Ira McCray. 1868— Frank Carroll. 1870— Ira McCray. 1871— W. J. Lawrenson. 1874— C. A. Heaton, followed by Thomas R. Lowe. 1875— T. W. Simpson. 1877— N. P. Duncan. 1879— E. C. Cram or Crane. 1882— A. J. Witthouse. 1883— J. J. White, followed by S. B. Bresee. 1886— E. J. King. 1888— W. N. Bishop (resigned in June 1890) G. N. Freman appointed. 1891— E. E. Brown. 1892— L. O. Stephens. 1894— Dr. G. L. Long. 1902— Dr. A. B. Cowan. 1906— W. A. Bean. 1919— John N. Lisle.
1856— Joseph Smith. 1864— N. L. Bachman. 1866— Clark Hoxie. 1868 —J. R. Jones. 1869— William Faymonville. 1872— T. W. Rich. 1877— N. P. Duncan. (Here follows a long: lapse in the record.) 1882 — A. J. Witthouse followed by J. J. White. 1885— E. J. Kin.?. 1888— W. N. Bishop, who resigning was succeeded by G. N. Freman. 1891 — J. M. Johnson. 1892 — G. A. Everts. 1894— L. H. Church. 1898— W. O. Miles. 1902— R. D. Chittenden. 1906— G. R. Andrews.
County Seat Removal Election held March 23, 1874, Fresno receiving 417 out of total vote of 757.
S. A. Holmes elected delegate from this county on June 19, 1877 to the constitutional convention.
Constitution ratified in this county at the election on May 7, 1879. For 975, Against 398: total 1373.
County divided into five instead of three supervisor districts in June 1882.
Courthouse bonds issue of $100,000 defeated at election in November 1892: Yes 2903, No 3247. Again failed to carry by necessary two-thirds at election in September 1893— Yes 1010, No 904.
Hal! of Records proposed bond issue defeated at November 1908 election lacking the necessary two-thirds.
"Wet" or "Dry" election in May 1912 on the question. Shall the Liquor Business be Licensed in the County Outside of Incorporated Towns? The vote according to supervisor districts was:
District Yes No
One 415 763
Two 398 865
Three 87 177
Four 437 1,731
Five 801 1,425
All county liquor licenses were cancelled beginning August 14, 1912. At the November 1916 election the vote on the two constitutional amendments was:
Yes No
Prohibition 14,906 12,463
Second Amendment 16,165 11,093
A proposed county bond issue of $3,600,000 for "Good Roads" was defeated at the special election held on October 25, 1916 by the following vote:
Yes 9,421
No 7,136
Total 16,557
Necessary to carry 11,038
Defeated' by 1,617
The welfare department was created to go into operation January 1, 1918, taking charge of all the eleemosynary work of the county under the most modern, scientific and practical lines as well. Before the close of the 1917-18 fiscal year, it had dispensed with the county orphanage, putting the children out to board in families on the theory that it will make them better citizens not to hamper them by the shortcomings of an institutional training. The department was working so well that Miss Beulah Miller, assistant secretary, was given six months' leave of absence to introduce the system by invitation in Humboldt County.
In June, 1918, was made to the supervisors, after a preliminary survey by W. H. Lynch as senior engineer of the U. S. office of public roads and rural engineering, report of a system of county highways contemplating 170.75 miles at an estimated cost of $2,393,192, including the so-called Coalinga lateral to the state highway from the valley to the sea coast with Fresno's share of construction cost $425,842. No need of going further into details of this proposed system. The recommendation was that while the county needs very much a system of improved roads a bond election for permanent road improvements is not advisable until after the war, and if conditions then permit steps be taken to start the construction of the planned roads to place the county on an equal basis with adjoining counties and give it the type of roads that its traffic demands.
The following named are the presidential appointees who have served as postmasters at Fresno from the establishment of a post office at that place in 1872 with dates of their appointments:
Russell H. Fleming August 28, 1872
Charles W. De Long November 14, 1873
Otto Froelich March 29, 1880
Nathan W. Moodey July 6, 1882
Wesley E. Hughes April 14, 1886
Mary C. Hughes March 10, 1887
Mary C. Hughes December 21, 1889
Nathan W. Moodey March 29, 1890
William L. Hedrick May 5, 1894
John W. Short May 5, 1898
E. E. Hughes June 6, 1913
(Wesley E. Hughes died in office; his widow was appointed to fill the unexpired term and reappointed with the name of the post-office changed from Fresno City to Fresno, January 31, 1889. These Hughes and E. E. Hughes, grandson of T. E. Hughes, "the Father of Fresno," are no kin.)
(Incorporation Election September 29, 1885. Polling place at Courthouse. Total vote 462— For 277; Against 185. Incorporated October 27, 1887, under state law of March 13, 1883 and as amended. First named trustee until the 1901 election acted as the mayor.)
Trustees — William Faymonville, Dr. W. L. Graves, T. E. Hughes, J. M. Braley and A. Tombs, Graves and Hughes drawing 4-year terms, the others in for two years each.
School Board— T. F. Wharton, W. W. Phillips, Dr. C. D. Latimer, George E. Church, M. K. Harris.
Clerk and Assessor — W. B. Dennett. Marshal — C. T. Swain, resigned August 1886. J. H. Bartlett. Treasurer— W. H. McKenzie. Recorder— S. H. Hill. Attorney — H. S. Dixon. Engineer — J. S. Eastwood. Office vacated October, 1886, John Stevens succeeding as street superintendent in November and J. C. Shepherd as engineer in December, 1886.
Health Board — Drs. A. J. Pedlar and C. D. Latimer, Louis Einstein, W. T. Riggs and Engineer Eastwood (Secretary). Board organized January, 1886.
(Election April 11, 1887. Polling place at Courthouse.) Trustees— Dr. W. L. Graves, A. Tombs. Dr. A. J. Pedlar, H. P. Hedges, A. M. Clark (Chairman, October, 1887), J. H. Hamilton vice Graves deceased. School Board — J. F. Wharton, Colin Chisholm, George E. Church, J. W. Short vice Wharton.
Clerk and Assessor— W. B. Dennett. Marshal—