History of Fresno County, Vol. 2. Paul E. Vandor
Commission — Charles Chambers, G. C. Freman, S. George.
(Election April 12 — total vote 3,996. Saloon license referendum carried — 1.821 to 1.764. Playgrounds $60,000 bond election: March 19, 1910, carried— 847 to 2.999. Freeholders elected January 16, 1912. Charter election July 26, 1912, defeated— 660 to 1,064.)
Mayor— Dr. Chester Rowell. May 28, 1912, A. E. Snow vice Rowell deceased.
Trustees— T. M. Collins, J. C. Pottle, E. Klette, S. F. Cowan, H. F. Martin, O. V. Cobb, G. W. Pickford, A. E. Snow, G. W. Jones vice Cowan died August, 1909. J. C. Ferger vice Snow. T. G. Hart vice Klette.
School Board— L. L. Archibald, W. J. Kittrell, F. A. Homan, Robert Lochead. J. L. Beall.
Freeholders — Truman G. Hart, Robert Lochead, L. O. Stephens, Joseph P. Bernhard, W. W. Eden, H. E. Barbour. A. E. Snow. E. S. Van Meter. W. H. Ryan. George H. Aiken. Louis Gundelfinger, W. T. Mattingly, W. H. Alexander, Charles Miller, J. T. Anderson.
Attorney — Frank Kauke, resigns June, 1912, E. Klette succeeds. Street Superintendent — Thos. T. Thorn. Engineer — Chris P. Jansen. License Collector — Frederick Mortimer. Electrician — Thomas M. Robinson (September 1910) vice Brown.
Police and Fire — T. G. Hart. Jos. P. Bernhard. W. G. Holland, L. O. Stephens, Henry Pratt (June, 1912) vice Hart.
Library Board — James Gallagher, W. W. Parsons, D. A. Cashin. A. O. Warner. William Glass.
Park Commission — Thomas Dunn. Louis Gundelfinger. Charles Chambers. (January, 1913) J. S. Jones vice Dunn deceased.
Health Board — Dr. L. R. Willson vice Aiken chosen Health Officer. (March, 1911) Dr. A. H. Sweeney vice Bert B. Lamkin. Assistant Health Officer— Dr. Floyd L. Burks.
(Election April U — total vote in city 8,965, in school district 9,149. Referendum on "dry" town after September 1 defeated — 3,202 against 5,060: on "near dry" ordinance 2,533, against 5,144.)
Mayor — A. E. Snow.
Trustees — George S. Waterman, G. M. Boles. T. G. Hart. J. D. Statham, F. L. Irwin, O. V. Cobb, George Pickford, J. C. Ferger. (June, 1914) G. W. Jones vice Statham deceased.
School Board— D. D. Allison. H. D. Carver. H. T. Humphreys, A. E. Sunderland. J. R. Walker. Harry Wilbur vice Carver deceased. W. A. Conn vice Humphreys.
Clerk— W. H. Ryan.
Police Judge — H. H. Briggs.
License Collector — Frederick Mortimer. Attorney — Lewis H. Smith. Street Superintendent — E. H. Chapin. Engineer — Bert E. Cronkite.
Police and Fire— Calvin S. Hill. H. A. Pratt, T. F. Saunders, L. O. Stephens. Robert Lochead vice Hill.
Park Commission— Charles Chambers, Louis Gundelfinger, J. S. Jones (September, 1915), W. S. Marshall vice Chambers. Aubrey Frink vice Jones deceased. Charles E. Jenney vice Frink. E. J. Crawford vice Jenney.
Health Board— Drs. W. T. Barr, J. L. Maupin, A. H. Sweeney, George H. Bland, C. Mathewson (April, 1915). H. H. Hopkins vice Sweeney appointed Health Officer. C. F. Dickenson vice Mathewson (July, 1915). K. J. Stanford vice Barr.
Health Officer— Dr. L. R. Willson.
Playgrounds Commission — Mrs. George H. Taylor, Miss Ruby E. Gracier, J. O. Anderson, F. M. Lane, Benjamin Epstein, W. D. Eastman, C. C. Starr. Mrs. S. S. Hockett vice Gracier.
City Planning Commission — Miss Frances A. Dean, Mrs. W. J. McNulty, Charles E. Butner, Miles O. Humphrey and G. M. Boles.
This commission was a successor of an informal City Beautiful Committee of ladies and gentlemen named by the mayor to employ moral suasion in an improving and beautifying of the city on sanitary lines, in the planting of flowers and trees, in a clean-up day, in the removal of tawdry cloth awnings and especially in the prospect obstructing wooden balcony awnings of a day gone by style of architecture, notably in the landmark sidewalk covering, pillared balcony on the J and Mariposa Streets frontages of the Grand Central Hotel. Its activities were prognostic of what the future had in store in the city planning and zoning commission with the authority of the reform immigration and housing laws of the state.
(Election April 19. City vote 9,859; School district, 7.755).
Mayor— William F. Toomey (2,696) as against L. O. Stephens (2.849), Edward Tones (2,222) and C. Anderson (92).
Trustees— G. S. Waterman, S. M. Ballard, A. W. Goodfellow, W. S. Johnson, F. L. Irwin, George Pickford, T. M. Anton and L. W. Wilson for the eight wards in the order named. Ballard relinquished his seat in the contest instituted on the ground that he was not a resident of the ward at the time of the election and therefore disqualified. W. L. Cole, who was a candidate for the trusteeship at the election, was appointed to the vacancy. Wilson resigned 1919, succeeded by O. V. Cobb. Cole resigned April, 1919, succeeded by Henry M. Dermer. Irwin resigned in June, 1919, succeeded by J. J. Creem.
School Board — George Cosgrave (chairman), W. A. Conn, Berton Einstein, Elma P. Giffen, Dr. J. R. Walker. Jerome O. Cross of Pasadena was chosen by the board city superintendent of schools and inaugurated an enterprising and most satisfactory administration.
City Clerk— William H. Ryan (6.065). Upon his death Charles Dillon, license collector, was appointed to the vacancy.
Police Judge — H. F. Briggs.
Police and Fire Commission — Mayor, J. E. Davis; T. G. Hart, William Shaw, Andrew Duncan.
Park Commission — Mayor, Thomas E. Risley; C. B. Harkness, E. J. Crawford and City Engineer Clarence Murray. Risley resigned, succeeded by Roy L. Payne chosen chairman; Crawford resigned, succeeded by George C. Roeding.
Library Trustees — William Glass, Ray W. Baker, John A. Neu, John Braves, Mrs. W. A. Fitzgerald. With the merger of the city library into the county library, the commission was legislated out of office. The supervisors are now the authoritative power. Public Librarian Miss Sarah E. McCardle.
Health Board— T. M. Hayden chairman, A. B. McConnell, J. H. Pettis, Kenneth J. Standiford and Clifford D. Sweet. Dr. Standiford resigned and Dr. H. H. Hopkins was appointed and numerous other changes followed during the war period.
Playgrounds Commission — Benjamin Epstein chairman, Mrs. S. S. Hockett, W. D. Eastman resigned, H. J. McFarland named; Mrs. G. H. Taylor, F. M. Lane, J. O. Anderson resigned, J. H. Henderson named and also resigned, Berton Einstein succeeding (June, 1918), Bart A. Harvey. R. L. Quigley superintendent. Clerk of Commission, Miss Flossie Kidd.
Board of Freeholders elected June 11, 1918, to frame a city charter — Robert Lochead (900). Charles Dillon, Alexander Bartlett. A. V. Rowe, H. A. Brensing; H. E. Barbour, L. O. Stephens, W. B. Munson, Alva E. Snow, Mrs. S. S. Hockett, Ben Epstein. Mrs. W. J. McNulty. R. F. Felchin, B. O. Warner and A J. Kemalyan (732).
City Planning Commission — Miles O. Humphreys, Charles E. Butner resigns to enter the war and is succeeded by LeRoy R. Payne, City Trustee A. W. Goodfellow succeeds Trustee G. M. Boles, Mrs. W. J. McNulty and Miss Frances A. Dean, the mayor, city engineer and attorney members of the commission; Charles H. Cheney, consulting architect. The proposed reforms of the commission were regarded as too radical for popular approval. Its activities were suspended during the war and no budget allowances having been voted for its continuance the commission went out of existence. Its work had effect, however, in popular educational results and its existence was not altogether in vain.
The city balance sheet at the close of the year 1917 makes