Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise. P. Gerald Sanford

Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise - P. Gerald Sanford

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of a fine stream from above. The manufacture can be divided into three distinct operations, viz., nitration, separation, and washing, and it will be well to describe these operations in the above order.

      ~Nitration.~—The most essential condition of nitrating is the correct composition and strength of the mixed acids. The best proportions have been found to be three parts by weight of nitric acid of a specific gravity 1.525 to 1.530, and containing as small a portion of the oxides of nitrogen as possible, to five parts by weight of sulphuric acid of a specific gravity of 1.840 at 15° C., and about 97 per cent. of mono- hydrate. It is of the very greatest importance that the nitric acid should be as strong as possible. Nothing under a gravity of 1.52 should ever be used even to mix with stronger acid, and the nitration will be proportional to the strength of the acid used, provided the sulphuric acid is also strong enough. It is also of great importance that the oxides of nitrogen should be low, and that they should be kept down to as low as 1 per cent., or even lower. It is also very desirable that the nitric acid should contain as little chlorine as possible. The following is the analysis of a sample of nitric acid, which gave very good results upon the commercial scale:—Specific gravity, 1.525, N_{2}O_{4}, 1.03 per cent.; nitric acid (HNO_{3}), 95.58 per cent.

      The amount of real nitric acid (mono-hydrate) and the amount of nitric peroxide present in any sample should always be determined before it is used for nitrating purposes. The specific gravity is not a sufficient guide to the strength of the acid, as an acid having a high gravity, due to some 3 or 4 per cent of nitric oxides in solution, will give very poor nitration results. A tenth normal solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), with phenol-phthalein as indicator, will be found the most convenient method of determining the total acid present. The following method will be found to be very rapid and reliable:—Weigh a 100 c.c. flask, containing a few cubic centimetres of distilled water, and then add from a pipette 1 c.c. of the nitric acid to be examined, and reweigh (this gives the weight of acid taken). Now make up to 100 c.c. at 15° C.; shake well, and take out 10 c.c. with a pipette; drain into a small Erlenmeyer flask, and add a little of the phenol-phthalein solution, and titrate with the tenth normal soda solution.

      The nitric peroxide can be determined with a solution of potassium permanganate of N/10 strength, thus: Take a small conical flask, containing about 10 c.c. of water, and add from a burette 10 to 16 c.c. of the permanganate solution; then add 2 c.c. of the acid to be tested, and shake gently, and continue to add permanganate solution as long as it is decolourised, and until a faint pink colour is permanent.

      Example. N/10 permanganate 3.16 grms. per litre, 1 c.c. = O.0046 grm. N_{2}O_{4}, 2 c.c. of sample of acid specific gravity 1.52 = 3.04 grms. taken for analysis. Took 20 c.c. permanganate solution, O.0046 x 20 =.092 grm. N_{2}O_{4}, and (.092 x 100)/3.04 = 3.02 per cent. N_{2}O_{4}. The specific gravity should be taken with an hydrometer that gives the specific gravity directly, or, if preferred, the 2 c.c. of acid may be weighed.

      A very good method of rapidly determining the strength of the sulphuric acid is as follows:—Weigh out in a small weighing bottle, as nearly as possible, 2.45 grms. This is best done by running in 1.33 c.c. of the acid (1.33 x 1.84 = 2.447). Wash into a large Erlenmeyer flask, carefully washing out the bottle, and also the stopper, &c. Add a drop of phenol- phthalein solution and titrate, with a half normal solution of sodium hydrate (use a 100 c.c. burette). Then if 2.45 grms. exactly have been taken, the readings on the burette will equal percentages of H_{2}SO_{4} (mono-hydrate) if not, calculate thus:—2.444 grms. weighed, required 95.4 c.c. NaOH. Then—

      2.444 : 95.4 :: 2.45 : x = 95.64 per cent. H_{2}SO_{4}.

      It has been proposed to free nitric acid from the oxides of nitrogen by blowing compressed air through it, and thus driving the gases in solution out. The acid was contained in a closed lead tank, from which the escaping fumes were conducted into the chimney shaft, and on the bottom of which was a lead pipe, bent in the form of a circle, and pierced with holes, through which the compressed air was made to pass; but the process was not found to be of a very satisfactory nature, and it is certainly better not to allow the formation of these compounds in the manufacture of the acid in the first instance. Another plan, however, is to heat the acid gently, and thus drive out the nitrous gases. Both processes involve loss of nitric acid.

      Having obtained nitric and sulphuric acids as pure as possible, the next operation is to mix them. This is best done by weighing the carboys in which the acids are generally stored before the acids are drawn off into them from the condensers, and keeping their weights constantly attached to them by means of a label. It is then a simple matter to weigh off as many carboys of acid as may be required for any number of mixings, and subtract the weights of the carboys. The two acids should, after being weighed, be poured into a tank and mixed, and subsequently allowed to flow into an acid egg or montjus, to be afterwards forced up to the nitrating house in the danger area. The montjus or acid egg is a strong cast-iron tank, of either an egg shape, or a cylinder with a round end. If of the former shape, it would lie on its side, and upon the surface of the ground, and would have a manhole at one end, upon which a lid would be strongly bolted down; but if of the latter shape, the lid, of course, is upon the top, and the montjus itself is let into the ground. In either case, the principle is the same. One pipe, made of stout lead, goes to the bottom, and another just inside to convey the compressed air, the acids flowing away as the pressure is put on, just as blowing down one tube of an ordinary wash- bottle forces the water up the other tube to the jet. The pressure necessarily will, of course, vary immensely, and will depend upon the height to which the acid has to be raised and the distance to be traversed.

      The mixed acids having been forced up to the danger area, and to a level higher than the position of the nitrating house, should, before being used, be allowed to cool, and leaden tanks of sufficient capacity to hold at least enough acid for four or five nitrations should be placed in a wooden house upon a level at least 6 or 7 feet above the nitrating house. In this house also should be a smaller lead tank, holding, when filled to a certain mark, just enough of the mixed acids for one nitration. The object of this tank is, that as soon as the man in charge knows that the last nitration is finished, he refills this smaller tank (which contains just enough of the mixed acids), and allows its contents to flow down into the nitrating house and into the nitrator, ready for the next nitration. The nitration is usually conducted in a vessel constructed of lead, some 4 feet wide at the bottom, and rather less at the top, and about 4 feet or so high. The size, of course, depends upon the volume of the charge it is intended to nitrate at one operation, but it is always better that the tank should be only two-thirds full. A good charge is 16 cwt. of the mixed acids, in the proportion of three to five; that is, 6 cwt. of nitric acid, and 10 cwt. of sulphuric acid, and 247 lbs. of glycerine.

      Upon reference to the equation showing the formation of nitro-glycerine, it will be seen that for every 1 lb. of glycerine 2.47 lbs. of nitro- glycerine should be furnished,[A] but in practice the yield is only a little over 2 lbs., the loss being accounted for by the unavoidable formation of some of the lower nitrate of glycerine (the mono-nitrate), which afterward dissolves in the washing waters. The lead tank (Fig. 5) is generally cased in woodwork, with a platform in front for the man in charge of the nitrating to stand upon, and whence to work the various taps. The top of the tank is closed in with a dome of lead, in which is a small glass window, through which the progress of the nitrating operation can be watched. From the top of this dome is a tube of lead which is carried up through the roof of the building. It serves as a chimney to carry off the acid fumes which are given off during the nitration. The interior of this tank contains at least three concentric spirals of at least 1-inch lead pipe, through which water can be made to flow during the whole operation of nitrating. Another lead pipe is carried through the dome of the tank, as far as the bottom, where it is bent round in the form of a circle. Through this pipe, which is pierced with small holes, about 1 inch apart, compressed air is forced at a pressure of about 60 lbs. in order to keep the liquids in a state of constant agitation during the whole period of nitration. There must also be a rather wide pipe, of say 2 inches internal diameter, carried through the dome of the tank, which will serve to carry the mixed acid to be used in the operation into the tank. There is still another pipe to go through the dome, viz., one to carry the glycerine into the tank. This need not be a large bore pipe, as the glycerine is generally added to the mixed acids in a thin stream (an injector is often used).

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