Wasps, Social and Solitary. George W. Peckham

Wasps, Social and Solitary - George W. Peckham

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idea. She has visited the doorway, but has not seen the interior. Who knows whether all is well within? She drops her prey and again runs off. The visit to the interior is made, more touches are given, and once more she returns. Will the journey be accomplished this time? Impossible to say. Some wasps, more given to worry than others or more forgetful of the small details of architecture, to repair their neglect or to clear up their suspicions, abandon their booty five or six times in succession to retouch the nest or simply to visit the interior. The prey, once brought to the nest, is carried in without the preliminaries that are common to the other species.

      Chapter IV

       Table of Contents


      IN a search for the nest of one of our garden wasps we found, in the woods beyond the fence, an old, weather-beaten stump which was riddled with holes both large and small. The large ones were evidently the passage-ways of ants, and were in constant use. The small ones seemed to be uninhabited; but thinking they might contain the nests we were in search of, and hoping that if we watched long enough we might see our wasps flitting in and out, we settled ourselves close by. We were resolved to stay as long as was necessary, and we blessed the fate that made it our duty to sit on the grass under the shade of a wide-spreading oak rather than in the distressing glare and heat of the garden; for this was on the tenth of July, and the weather was what the farmers call “seasonable.”

      Twenty, thirty, forty minutes passed. Our eyes ached with persistent gazing, and we had nearly made up our minds that the likely-looking little holes were untenanted, when lo! a tiny wasp, carrying something which we could not see distinctly, darted into one of them. It was gone so quickly that we could not be sure that it was the species we were looking for, and when it reappeared, after two or three minutes, we saw that it was not. This point being determined, we watched the hole with redoubled interest.

      It was wearisome work, for the wasp stayed away a long time, and we dared not let our gaze wander lest she should slip in without our knowledge. At the end of thirty-five minutes she returned, but again we failed to see what she carried. She flew with great rapidity, and we scarcely caught sight of her before she vanished into her nest. We could not but wonder at the ease and certainty with which she recognized her own doorway among the hundreds of holes on the side of the stump. This power of localization, while it is one of the most common among wasps, is surely also one of the most remarkable.

      Our little Rhopalum pedicellatum, for that proved to be her name, made six more journeys within the next two hours. At the end of this time we opened the tunnel, and, after a great deal of sawing and cutting, succeeded in finding the nest five inches from the surface. It was nothing but a slight enlargement of the gallery, in the soft decaying wood. In it we found thirty-three gray gnats, all of them, except two, being dead. On one of the dead ones was the egg, which had probably been laid within a few hours.

      The egg hatched two days later, on July twelfth, but on the fifteenth the larva died. By this time many of the gnats looked very dry, although we had tried to arrange for both moisture and ventilation by packing the bottom of the tube with pith and covering the top with muslin.

      Further watching gave us one more wasp of this species, in the same stump. This time the nest was only two inches from the surface. It contained four dead gnats and two live ones, but no egg, showing that the egg is not always laid on the first ones stored.

      Much later in the season, toward the end of August, we found another species of Rhopalum which proved to be new, and for which Mr. Ashmead has proposed the name rubrocinctum, since it wears a red girdle around the front end of the abdomen, being otherwise dressed in black like pedicillatum. It makes its home in the stalks of raspberry bushes. We opened a stem which contained thirteen compartments, separated by partitions of pith. These were filled with black, gray, and green gnats, which were packed in so closely that they were doubled over and pressed out of shape. Each cell contained from twenty-five to thirty gnats. In some of them were cocoons, in others larvæ, and in one was an egg. The gnats were very carefully examined, and all of them, from the cells that had been filled last as well as from those provisioned earlier, were dead.

      Other species of Rhopalum are said to prey upon spiders and aphides.

      In studying the species that come in our way we are continually developing distinct likings for some kinds above others. The appearance of one of these favorites is always hailed with delight, and when the season’s work is over we remember them with lively pleasure. ill75


      It is thus, dear little Oxybelus, that we dwell upon the thought of you and your pretty ways. No other wasp rose so early in the morning, no other was so quick and tidy about her work, so apt and business-like without any fuss or flurry. No other was more rapid and vigorous in pursuit of her prey, and we think with admiration and gratitude of the number of flies that you must have destroyed in the course of the summer.

      O. quadrinotatus is only one-quarter of an inch long, and is dark gray with four whitish spots on the abdomen. It was before nine o’clock in the morning that, while out on an early inspection tour in the garden, we saw one of these wasps descend upon a sandy spot, and after a moment’s rapid scratching with her first legs enter the hole that she had opened. Under her body she was carrying a fly which looked like the common domestic species. It was upside down, its head being tightly clasped with the third pair of legs, and all of its abdomen projected beyond the abdomen of the wasp. Ashmead quotes from Fabre the remarkable statement that Oxybelus carries her flies home impaled on her sting, an idea that probably arose from the fact that nearly the whole body of the fly is visible.

      Our new-found wasp stayed only a moment in her nest, although, as we afterward found, it was long enough for her to lay her egg on the fly. When she came out she quickly smoothed the sand over the spot with her head and legs so that there was nothing to mark the nest, and flew away. In three minutes she returned with another fly. She alighted two or three inches away, and scratched for an instant, but quickly saw her mistake, and found the right spot.

      Again and again the pretty little worker went and came, while we sat watching close by, admiring her deft handiwork in opening and closing the nest and wondering at the ease with which she found it at each return. There was nothing tiresome or dilatory about this species, and within twenty minutes we had seen six flies stored up. The nest was closed and the place smoothed over every time before she went away, but when she entered she left the door open behind her. We once tried to make her drop the fly, but when disturbed she flew up and alighted on a plant near by, keeping her hold on it. The whole performance was brisk and business-like, but without the feverish hurry of Ammophila and Pompilus.

      After the sixth fly was taken in we were afraid to let her go again, thinking that the nest must now be completely provisioned, and that she would not return. She was such a charming little wasp, scarcely bigger than a fly herself and yet so useful in her industry, that we hated to disturb her; but as we were obliged to have her for identification we first caught her, and then opened the nest. It contained only the flies that we had seen taken in, the egg being attached to the one lowest down, on the left side, between the head and the thorax. It was long and cylindrical. The flies were dead, but showed no marks of violence. We learned later that it takes Oxybelus two hours to make her nest so that this one must have been prepared the day before.

      The egg, which was laid just before nine o’clock on the morning of August seventh, hatched at a little after nine on the morning of August eighth. The larva began to eat at once, and devoured all the inside of the thorax and abdomen of the fly to which it was attached, in the first twenty-four hours. On August twelfth it had reached the sixth fly, and we supplied it with three more. On August fourteenth these were gone, and we again replenished its larder, this time with two flies. The larva had partly eaten these when something went wrong. Its appetite failed, and on August sixteenth it died.

      On further acquaintance this wasp lost none of her

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