Wasps, Social and Solitary. George W. Peckham

Wasps, Social and Solitary - George W. Peckham

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inches, and ended in three pockets which were well stocked with dead aphides, there being fifty-seven in all. The innermost cell contained a larva, and in the others were eggs, one of which hatched on the next day and one on the day following. This second one was probably laid just before the nest was sealed, giving forty hours for the egg stage; and it proved to be the healthiest of the three. The others perished in early infancy; but this one passed twelve days in eating, not only its own share of provisions, but those destined for the other members of the family as well, and then spun its cocoon.

      We afterwards saw many of these wasps working in the logs of the cabin, and noticed that they seemed to have seasons of leisure alternating with spells of active work, as though when one cell had been filled up and the egg laid they felt at liberty to amuse themselves for a time before beginning on another. When an entirely new residence was to be chosen they went house-hunting among the old holes in the logs; and whether they had a high standard of sanitary conditions, or whether they objected to making extensive repairs, a great many places were examined and rejected before they settled down. The choice once made, many loads of pith were carried out before the little householder was satisfied. After the new abode was put to rights, the wasp would pass a whole day in rest, spending much of the time in looking out of her doorway and perhaps in observing the doings of her neighbors, but when she began to work she was very industrious, and allowed nothing to interfere with her labors, paying no more attention to us, no matter how closely our curiosity led us to interrogate her, than if we had been trees blown about by the wind.ill89


      Some of the wasps dig deep into the stems of bushes to form galleries for their nests, but we found one wise genus that went in only far enough to make one or two cells, thus saving the trouble of carrying her cuttings thirty or forty centimeters in direct opposition to the force of gravity. This was Odynerus, whose nests we found in July, in blackberry and raspberry stems. Our first species was perennis, whose nests bear her mark in the shape of a pellet of earth placed above each mud partition. One of her cells contained a wasp larva and about sixteen caterpillars, nearly one third of which were dead, while the rest were more or less lively. They seemed to have been stung near the anterior part, as the last three or four segments were jerked up violently when touched. The larva went on eating, and the caterpillars went on dying from hour to hour. At the end of the eighth day, the baby wasp finished its meal, having eaten all that had been provided for it, as well as two dead caterpillars from another nest.

      Much interest attaches to the way in which Odynerus lays her egg, since instead of following the common fashion of fastening it to the prey she suspends it by a tiny filament of web from the wall or ceiling of her cell. Thus in O. reniformis, nesting in the ground, it is hung from the ceiling, a mass of very imperfectly paralyzed caterpillars being collected below, and when the larva comes out the thread lengthens until the tiny jaws reach the food supply. Startle it ever so slightly and the waspling retreats by way of its web, descending again only when everything is quiet. For twenty-four hours it retains this path to safety, and then, growing bold, it drops down and feeds at its ease.

      We had opened hundreds of plant stems in quest of these suspended eggs without being so fortunate as to find one, and were therefore much pleased when our kind friend, Dr. Sigmund Graenicher, whose interest in bees keeps him in touch with out-of-door happenings, and who has given us much valuable help, brought us two stalks, one of which had in it a nest of O. conformis, while the other contained two freshly provisioned cells of O. anormis. In all three the egg had been hung from the side of the cell about one third of the way down, and in the nest of conformis, from which all but one of the caterpillars had fallen, it hung loose against the wall. In the other nests the lower part was packed tightly with sixteen small larvæ, upon which lay the egg, supported in a horizontal position, although attached to the side wall exactly as in conformis, and above were eight more caterpillars, the whole forming a compact mass shut in by the usual partition of mud. So closely were they crammed in that after counting them we were unable to get them all back again, and although motionless in their narrow quarters they became quite active when relieved from pressure. This is an entirely different arrangement from that of O. reniformis, and since the larva is in contact with the caterpillars from the moment of hatching the manner of the egg-laying has no significance in relation to the safety of the young.ill91


      Conformis hatched on the morning after we received it, sloughing off the skin of the egg, but remaining attached to it, and thus doubling the length of the thread by which it hung. The caterpillar was slightly separated from it, and it seemed to have no notion of feeling about for its food, eating nothing for twenty-four hours, but growing and developing nevertheless. We now piled up some caterpillars in contact with it, and it began to eat, but after its own caterpillar and as many as we dared take from anormis were gone it stubbornly refused to take soft, tender little spiders, or caterpillars out of our garden; and it perished, a victim to prejudice.

      The two eggs of anormis were probably laid within a few hours of each other, since they had both hatched on the morning of the third day, and had broken from their attachment, beginning to eat at once. They cocooned on the fifth day after hatching.

      We had long wished to find a nest of O. capra, and early in September fortune favored us. A neighbor of ours keeps a large tin horn hanging under the porch. One day when she wished to use it, no amount of blowing would bring forth a sound; and when she unscrewed the mouthpiece to investigate the matter, out tumbled several small green caterpillars and a quantity of dry mud. When we heard of this incident we begged that if it should be repeated the nest and its contents might be saved for us; and on the second of September we received the mouthpiece of the horn with a message to the effect that a wasp had been working at it for some days. Examination showed that there were three cells, each containing a larva and a supply of caterpillars, of which there were ten in the cell most lately formed, and only one left uneaten in the oldest. The caterpillars, all of them being alive, together with the wasp larvæ, were transferred to a place in which they could be conveniently watched. None of the caterpillars died until they were attacked. The larvæ ate all the food that was provided, the oldest one cocooning on the fourth, and the second one on the seventh of September. Of the third, we have no record, excepting that the caterpillars had all been eaten on September eighth.

      We happened to be passing through our neighbor’s grounds at nine o’clock on the morning of September fifth, and calling to ask whether there had been any more visits from the wasp, we learned that capra had been seen making a mud partition in the horn on the day before. While we were speaking she arrived and entered the mouthpiece, where she remained for about ten minutes. When she departed we found that she had laid her egg, which we carried away with us, wishing to determine the length of the egg stage. This proved to be longer than that of any wasp that we had heretofore known, for not until the morning of September ninth did the larva make its appearance, the egg skin bursting and leaving its tenant free to crawl away. In other genera the egg changes into a larva imperceptibly, there being no sloughing off of the skin.

      Capra, then, first finds a suitable crevice, and builds a partition across the inner end, the earth being scratched up from some dry, bare spot, and moistened in her mouth. Before gathering the ten or twelve small caterpillars that are to provision the cell, she lays her egg; and although we could not be sure, we thought that in this case as in the others it was suspended.

      Unless the cell is tightly packed at the beginning, capra certainly needs the filament, for her caterpillars were so far from being reduced to a state of decent immobility that we had to press wads of cotton into the tubes in which they were kept to prevent them from wriggling out of the way of the larva. None of our larvæ, not even the one-day-old ones, were injured by their activity; but had the egg been left to its fate among them it might have perished.

      Later in September we found O. vagus bringing pellets from a sharp-edged hole in the ground. Her method was to carry each load on the wing to a distance of ten or twelve inches, where it was dropped without the lively fling with which Ammophila discards her lump

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