Glass Manufacture. Walter Rosenhain

Glass Manufacture - Walter Rosenhain

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glass are exposed to a current of air saturated with moisture at a temperature of about 80° C. in a specially arranged incubator for one or more days, means being provided for securing a constant stream of moist air during the whole time. On examining the glass surfaces after this exposure—any wiping or other cleaning of the surfaces being avoided—various qualities of glass are found to show widely varying appearances. The best and most stable glasses remain entirely unaffected; less stable kinds show small specks, which merge into a generally dulled surface in unstable kinds. There is no doubt that this test gives a sharp classification of glasses, but it yet remains to be proved that this classification agrees with their true relative durability in practice; the writer is inclined to doubt whether this is really the case, since certain glasses that have proved very satisfactory in this respect in practical use all over the world were classed among the less stable kinds by this test.

      Before leaving the subject of the chemical behaviour of glass, a reference should be made to the changes which glass undergoes when acted upon by light and other radiations. Under the influence of prolonged exposure to strong light, particularly to sunlight, and still more so to ultra-violet light, or the light of the sun at high altitudes, practically all kinds of glass undergo changes which generally take the form of changes of colour. Glasses containing manganese especially are apt to assume a purple or brown tinge under such circumstances, although the powerful action of radium radiations is capable of producing similar discoloration in glasses free from manganese. Apart from these latter effects, of which very little is known as yet, there can be no doubt that the action of light brings about chemical changes within the glass, but it is by no means easy to ascertain the true nature of these changes, although they most probably consist in a transfer of oxygen from one to another of the oxides present in the glass. Although it has not been definitely proved, it seems very unlikely that the glass either loses or gains in any constituent during these changes. Good examples of the changes undergone by glass under the action of sunlight are frequently found in skylights, where the oldest panes sometimes show a decided purple tint which they did not possess when first put in place. The glass spheres of the instruments used for obtaining records of the duration of sunshine at meteorological stations also show signs of the changes due to light—the glass of these spheres when new has a light greenish tint, but after prolonged use the colour changes to a decided yellow. The coloured glass in stained-glass windows also shows signs of having undergone changes of tint in consequence of prolonged exposure to light; glass removed from ancient windows usually shows a deeper tint in those portions which have been protected from the direct action of light by the leading in which the glass was set, and it is at least an open question whether the beauty of ancient glass may not be, in part, due to the mellowing effect of light upon some of the tints of the design. This photo-sensitiveness of glass is also of some importance in connection with the manufacture of photographic plates. It has been found that if the glass plate of a strongly-developed negative be cleaned, a decided trace of the former image is retained by the glass, and this image is apt to re-appear as a “ghost” if the same glass be again coated with sensitive emulsion and again exposed and developed. The best makers of plates recognise this fact and do not re-coat glass that has once been used for the production of a negative.




       Table of Contents

      The Mechanical Properties of Glass are of considerable importance in many directions. Although glass is rarely used in such a manner that it is directly called upon to sustain serious mechanical stresses, the ordinary uses of glass in the glazing of large windows and skylights depend upon the strength of the material to a very considerable extent. Thus in the handling of plate-glass in the largest sheets, the mechanical strength of the plates must be relied upon to a considerable extent, and it is this factor which really limits the size of plate that can be safely handled and installed. The same limitation applies to sheet-glass also, for, although its lighter weight renders it less liable to break under its own weight, its thinner section renders it much more liable to accidental fracture. In special cases, also, the mechanical strength of glass must be relied upon to a considerable extent. Gauge tubes of high-pressure boilers, port-hole glasses in ships, the glass prisms inserted in pavement lights, and the glass bricks which have found some use in France, as well as champagne bottles and mineral water bottles and syphons, are all examples of uses in which glass is exposed to direct stresses. It is, therefore, a little surprising that while the mechanical properties of metals, timbers, and all manner of other materials have been studied in the fullest possible manner, those of glass have received very little attention, at all events so far as published data go. One reason for this state of affairs is probably to be found in the fact that it is by no means easy to determine the strength of so brittle and hard a body as glass. As a consequence even the scanty data available can only be regarded as first approximations. The following data are only intended to give an idea of the general order of strength to be looked for in glass:—

Tensile strength:
From 1 to 4 tons per sq. in. (Trautwine).
1/3 to 1¼ ” ” ” (Henrivaux).
2 to 5½ ” ” ” (Winkelmann and Schott).
5 to 6 ” ” ” (Kowalski).
Crushing strength:
From 9 to 16 tons per sq. in. (Trautwine).
3 to 8 ” ” ” (Winkelmann and Schott).
20 to 27 ” ” ” (Kowalski).

      Of the above figures the experiments of Winkelmann and Schott are probably by far the most reliable, but these refer to a series of special Jena glasses, selected with a view to determining the influence of chemical composition on mechanical properties, and, unfortunately, this series does not include glasses at all closely resembling those ordinarily used for practical purposes. The attempt to connect tensile and crushing strength with chemical composition was also only very partially successful; but the results serve to show that the chemical composition has a profound influence on the mechanical strength of glass, so that by systematic research it would probably be possible to produce glasses of considerably greater mechanical strength than those at present known. It must be noted in this connection that the mechanical properties of glass depend to a very considerable extent upon the rate of cooling which the specimen in question has undergone. It is well known that by rapid cooling, or quenching, the hardness of glass can be considerably increased; such treatment also increases the strength both as against tension and compression, and numerous processes have been put forward for the purpose of utilising these effects in practice. Unfortunately the “hardened” glass thus obtained is extremely sensitive to minute scratches, and flies to pieces as soon as the surface is broken, and the great internal stress which always exists in such glass is thereby relieved. All these peculiarities are, of course, dependent as to their degree upon the rapidity with which the glass has been cooled, and the aim of inventors in this field has been to devise a rapid cooling process which should strike the happy mean between the increased strength and the induced brittleness resulting from quenching. Thus processes for “tempering” glass by cooling it in a blast of steam or in a bath of hot oil or grease have been brought forward; but, although some such glass is manufactured, no very extensive

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