Glass Manufacture. Walter Rosenhain

Glass Manufacture - Walter Rosenhain

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deposits of sand have always been formed by the disintegration of a siliceous rock, and the fragments so formed have been sifted and transported by the agency of water, being finally deposited by a river either in the sea (marine deposits) or in lakes (lacustrine deposits), while the action of the water, either during transport or after deposition, has frequently worn the individual particles into the shape of rounded grains.

      In consequence of this origin, the chemical composition of sand varies very greatly with the nature of the rock whose denudation gave rise to the deposit. Where rocks very rich in silica, or even consisting of nearly pure silica, have been thus denuded, the resulting sand is often very pure, deposits containing up to 99·9 per cent. silica being known. More frequently, however, the sand contains fragments of more or less decomposed felspar, which introduce alumina, iron and alkalies into its composition. Finally, “sands” of all ranges of composition from the pure varieties just referred to down to the clay marls, very rich in iron and alumina, are known.

      For the best varieties of glass, viz., optical glass, flint glass and the whitest sheet-glass, as well as for the best Bohemian glass, a very pure variety of sand is required, preferably containing less than 0·05 per cent. of iron, and not more than 0·05 per cent. of other impurities such as alumina, lime or alkali. As a matter of fact, sands containing so little iron rarely contain any other impurity except alumina in measurable quantities. The best-known deposit of such sand in Europe is that at Fontainebleau near Paris, but equally good sand is found at Lippe in Germany, whence sand is delivered commercially with a guaranteed silica content of 99·98 per cent. Sand of excellent quality, although not quite so good as the above, is obtained at Hohenbocka in Germany (Saxony) and at a few other places in Europe. In England no deposit of sand of such purity is at present being exploited.

      Next in order of value to these exceedingly pure sands, come the glass-making sands of Belgium, notably of Epinal. These usually contain from 0·2 to 0·3 per cent. of iron and rather more alumina, but they are used very largely for the manufacture of sheet and plate-glass. When the standard of quality is further relaxed, a large number of sand deposits become available, and the manufacturers of each district avail themselves of more or less local supplies; thus in England the sands of Leighton in Bedfordshire and of Lynn on the East Coast, are largely used. Finally, for the manufacture of the cheapest class of bottles, sands containing up to 2 per cent. of iron and a considerable proportion of other substances are employed.

      Silica, in various states of purity, occurs in nature in a number of other forms than that of sand. By far the commonest of these is that of more or less compact sedimentary rock, known as “sandstone.” As far as chemical composition is concerned, some of these stones are admirably suited for making the best kinds of glass, although as a rule a stone is not so homogeneous as the material of a good sand-bed. The stone has the further disadvantage that it requires to be crushed to powder before it can be used for glass-making, and the crushed product is generally a mixture of grains of all sizes ranging from a fine dust to the largest size of grain passed by the sieves attached to the crushing machine. The presence of the very fine particles is a distinct objection from the glass-maker’s point of view, so that it would probably be necessary to wash the sand so as to remove this dust—a process that in itself adds to the cost of the crushed stone and at the same time leads to the loss of a serious percentage of the material. Objections of the same kind apply, but with still greater force, to the use of powdered quartz or flint as sources of silica for the glass-maker; further, these materials are exceedingly hard and therefore difficult to crush, so that the price of the materials is prohibitive for glass-making purposes. The use of ground quartz and flint is therefore confined to the ceramic industries in which these substances serve as sources of silica for both bodies and glazes; in former times, however, ground flint was extensively used in the manufacture of the best kinds of glass, as the still surviving name of “flint glass” testifies.

      Minerals of the felspar class, consisting essentially of silicates of alumina and one or more of the alkalies, are extensively used in glass-making and should be mentioned here, since their high silica-content (up to 70 per cent.) constitutes an effective source of silica. As a source of this substance, however, most felspars would be far too expensive, and their use is due to their content of alumina and alkali.

      (2) Sources of Alkali.—Originally the alkaline constituents of glass were derived from the ashes of plants and of seaweed or “kelp”; in both cases the alkali was obtained in the form of carbonate and was ordinarily used in a very impure form; at the present time, however, the original source of alkali for industrial purposes is found in the natural deposits and other sources of the chlorides of sodium and potassium. At the present time it is not yet industrially possible to introduce the alkalies into glass mixtures in the natural form of chlorides. The principal difficulty in doing this arises from the fact that the chlorides are volatile at the temperature of glass-melting furnaces and are only acted upon by hot silica in the presence of water vapour. Introduced into an ordinary glass furnace, therefore, these salts would be driven off as vapour before they could combine with the other ingredients in the desired form of double silicates.

      Alkalies are, therefore, introduced into the glass mixture in less volatile and more readily attackable forms. Of these the carbonate is historically the earlier, while the sulphate is at the present time industrially by far the more important. The Carbonate of Soda, or soda ash, which is used in the production of some special glasses, and is an ingredient of English flint glasses, is produced by either of two well-known chemical processes. One of these is the “black ash,” or “Le Blanc” process, in which the chloride is first converted into sulphate by the direct action of sulphuric acid, and the sulphate thus formed is converted into the carbonate by calcination with a mixture of calcium carbonate and coal. The sodium carbonate thus formed is separated by solution and subsequent evaporation. A purer form of sodium carbonate can be obtained with great regularity by the “ammonia soda” process, in which a solution of sodium chloride is acted upon by ammonia and carbonic acid under pressure. Soda ash produced by this process is now supplied regularly for glass-making purposes in a state of great purity and constancy of composition. It is upon these qualities that the great advantages of this substance depend, since its relatively high cost precludes its use except for special kinds of glass, and for these purposes the qualities named are of great value.

      For most purposes of glass-making, such as the production of sheet and plate-glass of all kinds, the alkali is introduced in the form of salt-cake—i.e., sulphate of soda. This product is obtained as the result of the first step of the Le Blanc process of alkali manufacture—i.e., by the action of sulphuric acid on sodium chloride; salt-cake is thus a relatively crude product, and its use is due to the fact that it is by far the cheapest source of alkali available for glass-making. There are, however, certain disadvantages connected with its use. The chief of these is the fact that silica cannot decompose salt-cake without the aid of a reducing agent; such a reducing agent is partly supplied by the flame-gases in the atmosphere of the furnace, but in addition to these a certain proportion of carbon, in the form of coke, charcoal or anthracite coal must be added to all glass mixtures containing salt-cake. The use of a slightly incorrect quantity of carbon for this purpose leads to disastrous results, while even under the best conditions it is not easy to remove all traces of sulphur compounds from glass made in this way. A further risk of trouble arises in connection with salt-cake from the fact that it is never entirely free from more or less deleterious impurities. According to the exact manner in which it has been prepared, the substance always contains a small excess either of undecomposed sodium chloride or of free sulphuric acid, or the latter may be present in the form of sulphate of lime. A good salt-cake, however, should contain at least 97 per cent. of anhydrous sodium sulphate, and not more than 1·0 per cent. of either sodium chloride or sulphuric acid. While pure sodium sulphate is readily soluble in water, ordinary salt-cake always leaves an insoluble residue, consisting frequently of minute particles of clay or other material derived from the lining of the furnace in which it was prepared, or from the tools with which it was handled; and these impurities are liable to become deleterious to the glass if present in any quantity. The insoluble residue should not exceed 0·5 per cent. in amount, and in the best salt-cake is generally under 0·2 per cent.

      Salt-cake possesses certain other properties that make it somewhat troublesome to deal with as a glass-making material.

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