A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Perfumery. C. Deite
About eight inches from the bottom is a perforated diaphragm or false bottom, upon which the material to be distilled is placed by introducing it through the still-head. A perforated coil below the diaphragm projects steam upwards through the mass, which is occasionally agitated from without by means of a horizontal stirring apparatus indicated by the two crosses. Any condensed water which may run back is converted into steam by the heating coil at the bottom. Meanwhile, the mass itself is heated by a long coil lining the body of the still and carrying steam at a high pressure. Whatever of volatile oil is carried forward by the steam passes through the still-head into the cooler on the right, where both oil and steam are condensed, and from where they flow through a small funnel tube into three successive receivers, which are arranged like Florentine flasks, and which retain the volatile oil that has separated. From the last receiver the water, which is still impregnated with oil, enters another reservoir, shown in the illustration only by dots, and from there it flows into a small globular still situated underneath; in which, by means of steam, nearly all the oil still retained is again volatilized with the steam of the water and both again conducted to the cooler.
Fig. 6.
Attempts have been made to effect the distillation of volatile oils without the use of steam by means of hot air, but comparative experiments have shown that less oil is obtained. With the use of steam, the vegetable substances swell up by the absorption of water, and thus afford a free passage to the oil, liberated from the sacs containing it. With the use of hot air, on the other hand, the surface of the plant is completely dried and shrivels to a hard solid mass, which offers considerable resistance to the process of distillation.
This injurious effect of hot air can be somewhat overcome by thoroughly moistening the plants to be distilled, and allowing the hot air, before entering the still, to pass through a pipe filled with sponges constantly kept wet. But this process offers no advantages over that by steam. The apparatus required is far more complicated; and, besides, a ventilator has to be provided for forcing the hot air through the apparatus.
Separation of the oil and water.—As previously mentioned the specific gravity of most volatile oils is less than that of water. This behavior is utilized for the separation of the oil and water, by means of a so-called Florentine flask (Fig. 7). It consists of a glass flask provided near the bottom with a pipe, a, rising vertically to near the neck c of the flask where it is bent downwards as shown in the illustration. The mixed liquid of water and oil drips from the cooling pipe into the flask, and the water w, being specifically heavier, separates from the oil floating on the top, and gradually ascends in the pipe a, finally flowing over at d. Oils specifically heavier than water are caught in receivers provided with a discharge-pipe near the mouth of the flask as shown in Fig. 8.
The oil delivered from the receivers is, however, still mixed with some water, dirt, etc., and for their separation is allowed to stand quietly for some time. The final separation is effected either by simply pouring off the oil, especially if larger quantities have to be handled, or with the assistance of a separator-funnel (Fig. 9). This consists of the glass-funnel T secured to the stand G, and provided with a close-fitting lid, P. The fluid is poured into the funnel, the lid placed in position, and the whole allowed to rest until the water W is completely separated from the oil O. The oil is then separated from the last drops of water by carefully opening the faucet H.
Most volatile oils are obtained by distillation, but this method is not practicable for separating the odoriferous principle of many of the most sweet-scented and delicate flowers, partially because the flowers contain too little oil, and partially because the oil would lose in quality if obtained by distillation.
Fig. 9.
Extraction.—For obtaining the volatile oils by extraction various solvents such as ether, bisulphide of carbon, etc., may be employed. Carefully rectified petroleum-ether is very suitable for the purpose. It completely evaporates at about 122° F., and when sufficiently purified does not possess a disagreeable odor. The process of extraction is briefly as follows: The material to be extracted is treated in a digester with petroleum-ether or one of the above-named solvents. The solution is then drawn off and the solvent evaporated in a still. The recondensed solvent flows immediately back into the digester and further extracts the material contained therein. The operation is repeated until nothing soluble remains. In practice some difficulties are, however, connected with this process since, besides the volatile oils, resins, and coloring and extractive substances are dissolved, which have to be removed, as well as the last traces of the solvent, as otherwise the oil would acquire a foreign odor. Further the solvents mentioned are very volatile and inflammable, requiring the greatest precautions as regards fire. For these reasons the extraction process is not suitable for many purposes, and though at first great hopes were entertained in regard to it, its use is limited to substances with a large content of volatile oil.
Fig. 10.
For extraction on a small scale, the apparatus, Fig. 10, is a very suitable one. It is especially adapted for manufacturers of perfumery, who wish to extract fresh flowers. It consists of a cylindrical vessel, C, of tin plate, provided on the bottom with the stop-cock a and the pipe b. The lid D fits into a gutter, R, running around the edge of C, and is hermetically closed by water in R. The cylinder is filled with the vegetable substance to be extracted, and sufficient petroleum-ether or bisulphide of carbon to cover it, poured in. The lid is then adjusted, the gutter R filled with water and the apparatus allowed to stand quietly for forty minutes. To remove the fluid from the cylinder, the faucet o in the lid is first opened, and then the stop-cock a; the fluid escapes at b, and is caught in a well-closed vessel. The operation may be repeated once or twice, or the vegetable substance is pressed out by means of a wooden plate, and the apparatus filled anew. The faucet h serves for emptying the gutter R.
Fig. 11.
Extraction being finished, the cock o is opened, and then the cock a, and the fluid allowed to run into the flask of the distilling apparatus (Fig. 2). For working on a large scale, the flask is, however, too small, and is suitably replaced by a bottle-shaped tin vessel, F (Fig. 11), the conical cover D of which is secured by means of the rubber ring R and iron screw-clamps, S. A bent glass tube fitted into the cover is connected with the cooling-pipe of the apparatus shown in Fig. 2. But the oils prepared by extraction are not sufficiently purified by mere rectification, as traces of the solvent adhere tenaciously to them, which can only be removed by passing a current of air through the oil. But contact with air has an injurious effect upon the delicacy of the odor. For expensive oils a current of air should therefore never be used, but one of pure carbonic acid. Fig. 12 shows a suitable apparatus for the purpose. The large bottle A, filled half full with pieces of white marble, is closed with a doubly-perforated cork; through one of the holes is inserted a funnel-tube, and through the other a short tube bent at a right angle. The latter is connected with another tube which reaches to the bottom of the vessel B, in which is also inserted a tube open in the bottom, and a short tube bent at a right angle. Alongside B stands another vessel, C, arranged in the same manner. The tube leading from C is connected with a tin pipe, D, with a rose-like expansion on its lower end. This pipe is inserted in the glass balloon containing the volatile oil. Finally, a pipe leads to the flask F, filled with water.
Fig. 12.