The Expositor's Bible: The General Epistles of St. James and St. Jude. Alfred Plummer

The Expositor's Bible: The General Epistles of St. James and St. Jude - Alfred Plummer

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clergy of Edessa are directed to read the Law and the Prophets, the Gospel, St. Paul's Epistles, and the Acts, no other canonical book being mentioned. In all Churches the number of Christian writings read publicly in the liturgy was at first small, and in no case were the Catholic Epistles the first to be used for this purpose.

      The internal evidence, as we shall see when we come to examine it more closely, is even more strong than the external. The character of the letter exactly harmonizes with the character of James the first Bishop of Jerusalem, and with the known circumstances of those to whom the letter is addressed, and this in a way that no literary forger of that age could have reached. And there is no sufficient motive for a forgery, for the letter is singularly wanting in doctrinal statements. The supposed opposition to St. Paul will not hold; a writer who wished to oppose St. Paul would have made his opposition much more clear. And a forger who wished to get the authority of St. James wherewith to counteract St. Paul's teaching would have made us aware that it was either an Apostle, the son of Zebedee or the son of Alphæus, or else the brother of the Lord, who was addressing us, and would not have left it open for us to suppose that the Epistle was from the pen of some unknown James, who had no authority at all equal to that of St. Paul. And let any one compare this Epistle with those of Clement of Rome, and of Barnabas, and of Ignatius, and mark its enormous superiority. If it were the work of a forger, what a perplexing fact this superiority would be! If it be the work either of an Apostle or of one who had Apostolic rank, everything is explained.

Canonical Books (ἐνδιάθηκοι γραφαί) Universally acknowledged (τὰ ὁμολογούμενα) Four Gospels, Acts, fourteen Epistles of Paul (Hebrews ?), 1 John, 1 Peter, Apocalypse (?).
Disputed (τὰ ἀντιλεγόμενα) As to authenticity—2 Peter.
As to Apostolicity—James, Jude, 2 and 3 John.
Uncanonical Orthodox, but of no authority, because defective As to authenticity—Acts of Paul, Shepherd, Apocalypse of Peter.
As to Apostolicity—Epistle of Barnabas, Doctrines of the Apostles, Gospel according to Hebrews, Apocalypse (?).
Heretical Gospels of Peter, Thomas, Matthias, Acts of Andrew, John, etc., etc.
Compare Clement with James.
x. 1 ii. 23.
xi. 2 i. 8; iv. 8.
xii. 1 ii. 25.
xvii. 6 iv. 14.
xxx. 2 iv. 6.
xxxi. 2 ii. 21.
xlvi. 5 iv. 1.
xlix. 5 x. 20.