An Elementary Study of Chemistry. William Edwards Henderson
pure zinc. The reaction may be started, however, by the addition of a few drops of a solution of copper sulphate or platinum tetrachloride.
Physical properties. Hydrogen is similar to oxygen in that it is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas. It is characterized by its extreme lightness, being the lightest of all known substances. One liter of the gas weighs only 0.08984 g. On comparing this weight with that of an equal volume of oxygen, viz., 1.4285 g., the latter is found to be 15.88 times as heavy as hydrogen. Similarly, air is found to be 14.38 times as heavy as hydrogen. Soap bubbles blown with hydrogen rapidly rise in the air. On account of its lightness it is possible to pour it upward from one bottle into another. Thus, if the bottle A (Fig. 11) is filled with hydrogen, placed mouth downward by the side of bottle B, filled with air, and is then gradually inverted under B as indicated in the figure, the hydrogen will flow upward into bottle B, displacing the air. Its presence in bottle B may then be shown by bringing a lighted splint to the mouth of the bottle, when the hydrogen will be ignited by the flame. It is evident, from this experiment, that in order to retain the gas in an open bottle the bottle must be placed mouth downward.
Hydrogen is far more difficult to liquefy than any other gas, with the exception of helium, a rare element recently found to exist in the atmosphere. The English scientist Dewar, however, in 1898 succeeded not only in obtaining hydrogen in liquid state but also as a solid. Liquid hydrogen is colorless and has a density of only 0.07. Its boiling point under atmospheric pressure is −252°. Under diminished pressure the temperature has been reduced to −262°. The solubility of hydrogen in water is very slight, being still less than that of oxygen.
Pure hydrogen produces no injurious results when inhaled. Of course one could not live in an atmosphere of the gas, since oxygen is essential to respiration.
Chemical properties. At ordinary temperatures hydrogen is not an active element. A mixture of hydrogen and chlorine, however, will combine with explosive violence at ordinary temperature if exposed to the sunlight. The union can be brought about also by heating. The product formed in either case is hydrochloric acid. Under suitable conditions hydrogen combines with nitrogen to form ammonia, and with sulphur to form the foul-smelling gas, hydrogen sulphide. The affinity of hydrogen for oxygen is so great that a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen or hydrogen and air explodes with great violence when heated to the kindling temperature (about 612°). Nevertheless under proper conditions hydrogen may be made to burn quietly in either oxygen or air. The resulting hydrogen flame is almost colorless and is very hot. The combustion of the hydrogen is, of course, due to its union with oxygen. The product of the combustion is therefore a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. That this compound is water may be shown easily by experiment.
Directions for burning hydrogen in air. The combustion of hydrogen in air may be carried out safely as follows: The hydrogen is generated in the bottle A (Fig. 12), is dried by conducting it through the tube X, filled with some substance (generally calcium chloride) which has a great attraction for moisture, and escapes through the tube T, the end of which is drawn out to a jet. The hydrogen first liberated mixes with the air contained in the generator. If a flame is brought near the jet before this mixture has all escaped, a violent and very dangerous explosion results, since the entire apparatus is filled with the explosive mixture. On the other hand, if the flame is not applied until all the air has been expelled, the hydrogen is ignited and burns quietly, since only the small amount of it which escapes from the jet can come in contact with the oxygen of the air at any one time. By holding a cold, dry bell jar or bottle over the flame, in the manner shown in the figure, the steam formed by the combustion of the hydrogen is condensed, the water collecting in drops on the sides of the jar.
Precautions. In order to avoid danger it is absolutely necessary to prove that the hydrogen is free from air before igniting it. This can be done by testing small amounts of the escaping gas. A convenient and safe method of doing this is to fill a test tube with the gas by inverting it over the jet. The hydrogen, on account of its lightness, collects in the tube, displacing the air. After holding it over the jet for a few moments in order that it may be filled with the gas, the tube is gently brought, mouth downward, to the flame of a burner placed not nearer than an arm's length from the jet. If the hydrogen is mixed with air a slight explosion occurs, but if pure it burns quietly in the tube. The operation is repeated until the gas burns quietly, when the tube is quickly brought back over the jet for an instant, whereby the escaping hydrogen is ignited by the flame in the tube.
A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is explosive. That a mixture of hydrogen and air is explosive may be shown safely as follows: A cork through which passes a short glass tube about 1 cm. in diameter is fitted air-tight into the tubule of a bell jar of 2 l. or 3 l. capacity. (A thick glass bottle with bottom removed may be used.) The tube is closed with a small rubber stopper and the bell jar filled with hydrogen, the gas being collected over water. When entirely filled with the gas the jar is removed from the water and supported by blocks of wood in order to leave the bottom of the jar open, as shown in Fig. 13. The stopper is now removed from the tube in the cork, and the hydrogen, which on account of its lightness escapes from the tube, is at once lighted. As the hydrogen escapes, the air flows in at the bottom of the jar and mixes with the remaining portion of the hydrogen, so that a mixture of the two soon forms, and a loud explosion results. The explosion is not dangerous, since the bottom of the jar is open, thus leaving room for the expansion of the hot gas.
Since air is only one fifth oxygen, the remainder being inert gases, it may readily be inferred that a mixture of hydrogen with pure oxygen would be far more explosive than a mixture of hydrogen with air. Such mixtures should not be made except in small quantities and by experienced workers.
Hydrogen does not support combustion. While hydrogen is readily combustible, it is not a supporter of combustion. In other words, substances will not burn in it. This may be shown by bringing a lighted candle supported by a stiff wire into a bottle or cylinder of the pure gas, as shown in Fig. 14. The hydrogen is ignited by the flame of the candle and burns at the mouth of the bottle, where it comes in contact with the oxygen in the air. When the candle is thrust up into the gas, its flame is extinguished on account of the absence of oxygen. If slowly withdrawn, the candle is relighted as it passes through the layer of burning hydrogen.
Reduction. On account of its great affinity for oxygen, hydrogen has the power of abstracting it from many of its compounds. Thus, if a stream of hydrogen, dried by passing through the tube B (Fig. 15), filled with calcium chloride, is conducted through the tube C containing some copper oxide, heated to a moderate temperature, the hydrogen abstracts the oxygen from the copper oxide. The change may be represented as follows:
hydrogen + {copper} {hydrogen}
{oxygen}(copper oxide) = {oxygen }(water) + copper
The water formed collects in the cold portions of the tube C near its end. In this experiment the copper oxide is said to undergo reduction. Reduction may therefore be defined as the process of withdrawing oxygen from a compound.
Relation of reduction to oxidation. At the same time that the copper oxide is reduced it is clear that the hydrogen is oxidized, for it combines with the oxygen given up by the copper oxide. The two processes are therefore very closely related, and it usually happens that when one substance is oxidized some other substance is reduced. That substance which gives up its oxygen