An Elementary Study of Chemistry. William Edwards Henderson
representing water of crystallization. An examination of substances containing water of crystallization has shown that in every case the water is present in such proportion by weight as can readily be represented by a formula. For example, copper sulphate (CuSO4) and water combine in the ratio of 1 molecule of the sulphate to 5 of water; calcium sulphate (CaSO4) and water combine in the ratio 1: 2 to form gypsum. These facts are expressed by writing the formulas for the two substances with a period between them. Thus the formula for crystallized copper sulphate is CuSO4·5H2O; that of gypsum is CaSO4·2H2O.
Heat of reaction. Attention has frequently been directed to the fact that chemical changes are usually accompanied by heat changes. In general it has been found that in every chemical action heat is either absorbed or given off. By adopting a suitable unit for the measurement of heat, the heat change during a chemical reaction can be expressed in the equation for the reaction.
Heat cannot be measured by the use of a thermometer alone, since the thermometer measures the intensity of heat, not its quantity. The easiest way to measure a quantity of heat is to note how warm it will make a definite amount of a given substance chosen as a standard. Water has been chosen as the standard, and the unit of heat is called a calorie. A calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree.
By means of this unit it is easy to indicate the heat changes in a given chemical reaction. The equation
2H + O = H2O + 68,300 cal.
means that when 2.016 g. of hydrogen combine with 16 g. of oxygen, 18.016 g. of water are formed and 68,300 cal. are set free.
C + 2S = CS2 - 19,000 cal.
means that an expenditure of 19,000 cal. is required to cause 12 g. of carbon to unite with 64.12 g. of sulphur to form 76.12 g. of carbon disulphide. In these equations it will be noted that the symbols stand for as many grams of the substance as there are units in the weights of the atoms represented by the symbols. This is always understood to be the case in equations where the heat of reaction is given.
Conditions of a chemical action are not indicated by equations. Equations do not tell the conditions under which a reaction will take place. The equation
HgO = Hg + O
does not tell us that it is necessary to keep the mercuric oxide at a high temperature in order that the decomposition may go on. The equation
Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl2 + 2H
in no way indicates the fact that the hydrochloric acid must be dissolved in water before it will act upon the zinc. From the equation
H + Cl = HCl
it would not be suspected that the two gases hydrogen and chlorine will unite instantly in the sunlight, but will stand mixed in the dark a long time without change. It will therefore be necessary to pay much attention to the details of the conditions under which a given reaction occurs, as well as to the expression of the reaction in the form of an equation.
1. Calculate the percentage composition of the following substances: (a) mercuric oxide; (b) potassium chlorate; (c) hydrochloric acid; (d) sulphuric acid. Compare the results obtained with the compositions as given in Chapters II and III.
2. Determine the percentage of copper, sulphur, oxygen, and water in copper sulphate crystals. What weight of water can be obtained from 150 g. of this substance?
3. What weight of zinc can be dissolved in 10 g. of sulphuric acid? How much zinc sulphate will be formed?
4. How many liters of hydrogen measured under standard conditions can be obtained from the action of 8 g. of iron on 10 g. of sulphuric acid? How much iron sulphate (FeSO4) will be formed?
5. 10 g. of zinc were used in the preparation of hydrogen; what weight of iron will be required to prepare an equal volume?
6. How many grams of barium dioxide will be required to prepare 1 kg. of common hydrogen dioxide solution? What weight of barium sulphate will be formed at the same time?
7. What weight of the compound Mn3O4 will be formed by strongly heating 25 g. of manganese dioxide? What volume of oxygen will be given off at the same time, measured under standard conditions?
8. (a) What is the weight of 100 l. of hydrogen measured in a laboratory in which the temperature is 20° and pressure 750 mm.? (b) What weight of sulphuric acid is necessary to prepare this amount of hydrogen? (c) The density of sulphuric acid is 1.84. Express the acid required in (b) in cubic centimeters.
9. What weight of potassium chlorate is necessary to furnish sufficient oxygen to fill four 200 cc. bottles in your laboratory (the gas to be collected over water)?
Historical. Nitrogen was discovered by the English chemist Rutherford in 1772. A little later Scheele showed it to be a constituent of air, and Lavoisier gave it the name azote, signifying that it would not support life. The name nitrogen was afterwards given it because of its presence in saltpeter or niter. The term azote and symbol Az are still retained by the French chemists.
Occurrence. Air is composed principally of oxygen and nitrogen in the free state, about 78 parts by volume out of every 100 parts being nitrogen. Nitrogen also occurs in nature in the form of potassium nitrate (KNO3)—commonly called saltpeter or niter—as well as in sodium nitrate (NaNO3). Nitrogen is also an essential constituent of all living organisms; for example, the human body contains about 2.4% of nitrogen.
Preparation from air. Nitrogen can be prepared from air by the action of some substance which will combine with the oxygen, leaving the nitrogen free. Such a substance must be chosen, however, as will combine with the oxygen to form a product which is not a gas, and which can be readily separated from the nitrogen. The substances most commonly used for this purpose are phosphorus and copper.
1. By the action of phosphorus. The method used for the preparation of nitrogen by the action of phosphorus is as follows:
The phosphorus is placed in a little porcelain dish, supported on a cork and floated on water (Fig. 26). It is then ignited by contact with a hot wire, and immediately a bell jar or bottle is brought over it so as to confine a portion of the air. The phosphorus combines with the oxygen to form an oxide of phosphorus, known as phosphorus pentoxide. This is a white solid which floats about in the bell jar, but in a short time it is all absorbed by the water, leaving the nitrogen. The withdrawal of the oxygen is indicated by the rising of the water in the bell jar.
2. By the action of copper. The oxygen present in the air may also be removed by passing air slowly through a heated tube containing copper. The copper combines with the oxygen to form copper oxide, which is a solid. The nitrogen passes on and may be collected over water.