My Opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. Marietta Holley

My Opinions and Betsey Bobbet's - Marietta Holley

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A VISIT TO HORACE. First Impressions of him—No Peace for Candidates—Men all Alike—Darwin’s Idees—Horace’s old Letters—His Admissions—Wimmen’s Influence at Washington—The Wrong Foot Forrerd—A Woman, or Patrick Oh Flanegan—The Widder Albert—Queen Bees—Paul’s Opinions—Christ’s Example—Nearly Overcome—Betsey’s Overtures—Horace and I Part 365–396 A SEA VOYAGE. Left by the Cars—On the Canal Boat—Terrible Storm—Dangers Surround Us—Betsey Writes a Poem—Sings Sea Odes—The Poem—At Home 397–405 OLD FRIENDS IN NEW GARMENTS. Betsey Bobbet Married—Poor Simon Slimpsey—Betsey at Home—Her Last Poem—The End 406–420 HOME AND JOSIAH. Bad News—Horace Greeley dead—A Review of my Tower—Victory in Jail—Miss Aster a deception—Beecher slandered—Tilton do. do.—Doubts of Josiah—My Kitchen—I wear a bow on principle—Our supper—Josiah grows sentimental—I don’t discourage him 421–434

       Table of Contents

1 The Pleasant Supper (full page) (Frontispiece)
2 I and Josiah 19
3 Refreshments (tail piece) 20
4 Tirzah Ann 23
5 Betsey Bobbet 27
6 Readin’ Poetry 33
7 Looking for a Victim (tail piece) 37
8 Preparin’ for a Picture 39
9 The Picture 45
10 The Surprise Party (full page) 53
11 Delicious (tail piece) 57
12 The Quiltin’ Party (full page) 77
13 Scandalized (tail piece) 84
14 An Accident 101
15 Josiah Bein’ Cheerful 105
16 Keepin’ the Sick Quiet 109
17 A full Quire 123
18 The Ear Ring Pedler (full page) 141
19 Disgust (tail piece) 144
20 The Serenaders (full page) 150
21 Mewsin’ (tail piece) 156
22 The Fourth of July Celebration (full page) 162
23 What happened at the Dinner (full page) 170
24 Countin’ the Cost (full page) 175
25 Simon Slimpsey 182
26 Simon Overwhelmed 187
27 Prof. Gusher 195
28 Livin’ on Gospel 204
29 The Enemy Attacked 210
30 The Elder on the Alert 213
31 Betsey seeks Relief 219
32 A Strong Attachment (tail piece) 221
33 Female Delicacy 224
34 No Time to Vote 226
35 Dreadful Short of Time 227
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