Encourager. Dirk Eckart
F. Kennedy, the moon and the power of a vision
by Hermann Scherer, lecturer, and author
Hardly any term is used more by captains of industry than “values” or “visions”. At least the latter was highly controversial, after former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt once said: “If you have a vision, you should go to the doctor.” Only later did he correct in a newspaper interview: “It was an impudent answer to a stupid question.”
Many years earlier, humanity became aware of the power of a vision: When John F. Kennedy gave the “Moon Speech” in Houston on September 12, 1962: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.(…) even though I realize that this is in some measure an act of faith and vision, for we do not now know what benefits await us.”
No values, no goal
Powerful words to the Americans, the Russians and the whole world. Thus, Kennedy became one of the most charismatic presidents of the USA. It shows once more what studies prove: The best way to develop charisma is to have a vision! But what use is the best vision without the values that support it? A person without values is like an astronaut in the weightlessness of space; he cannot hold on anywhere. Thus, a life without values often leads to a life without expectations. At some point, we expect nothing more from ourselves and nothing more from life, or vice versa. We have left ourselves standing by the roadside on the journey of our lives and perceive our goals as accidental remnants of a life plan, like washed up flotsam. We have given up without noticing it.
What good is the best vision without values that support that vision?
The individual matters
Therefore we need people who do not doubt that a person or a small group of people can change the world. It is the only thing that has worked so far. It was always individuals who changed the world. Like Winston Churchill who showed the English who they are and what they stand for, or what Nelson Mandela did for South Africa. People who act. People who produce ideas, strategies, projects and companies, and thus have a positive influence on the world and economy as pioneers and inspirers. Or like Walter Stuber, who with Gemeinhardt Geruestbau Service GmbH brought about people, ideas, strategies and projects in an innovative and networked way and thus has a positive influence on the economy as a charismatic pioneer and inspirer. He has increased the standards and has become a role model, milestone, and benchmark for the entire industry.
It was always individuals who changed the world.
Goal-oriented living leads to success!
Knowing where things are going
by Walter Stuber
Marry at the age of 23. Build a house at 28. Have a child at 29! That was my plan for life. I had already arranged it for myself at an early age. But everything changed completely. Nevertheless, I did not give up on setting goals. But they where quickly forgotten again because I didn’t take them seriously, like the resolutions many people make on New Year’s Eve an already forget at the beginning of January.
That should change. Therefore I attended a seminar at the age of 35 about professional goals and strategies. In retrospect, I know that I took the second step before the first! First, I should ha dealt with myself and answered these questions: What do I want to achieve in my life and, how can that work? How much commitment is possible and necessary? Who has a place in my life? Wife - children - dog - cat? Or do I prefer to stay alone? At that time, I did not face them. Today it is too late, because many things have come up over the years, or maybe not?
What do I want to achieve?
No, that train hasn’t yet left the station for me! I can also pause and reflect even in the middle of my life: What else do I want to achieve? What are my priorities? Certainly, some things are settled. The question of being single, for example, I am married, and I like that! But there are still plenty of opportunities for change!
Today I set myself goals that I really want to achieve: personal goals, goals for the company in terms of my financial investments, goals for my free time with my wife and my family, goals for my Christian faith, etc. I record everything in writing. In November, every year, I formulate anew: What do I want to have achieved in one, three, five and ten years? I look at the lists twice a month so I can keep the goals in mind.
There are ample opportunities for change!
What do I dream of?
Besides, every entrepreneur needs a vision! By this, I mean a dream for the future which is so big that others say: “He is crazy! That will never work! He’s insane!” On the following pages, I will tell you my ideas for the future! None of them are a secret that people should not know! On the contrary: My business partner must know them so that he knows how I see our common future. My employees must also be informed so that they know what the future holds.
Every entrepreneur needs room for the future!
Take the time to formulate your ideas, wishes and goals for the coming years and internalize them. By the way, a business vision is also an excellent investment for credit applications. The bankers will then immediately see that you have given some intensive thought to your company! Goal-oriented and visionary living and working: That is what brings about success in the long run!
My Vision
I expect a lot in the coming years!
by Walter Stuber
On a sunny day in July 2021, my business partner and I enter a hall in Fort Campus in Silicon Valley with 1,000 students and youths from poorer backgrounds. Here we will conduct a book reading. By then, technical development, thanks to our financial support, will be so far along that an app will immediately translate our statements into English. In conclusion, we will make it clear to our listeners that basically everyone has what it takes to become self-employed and successful, if you remain determined and believe in yourself.
Our book “Mutmacher – Das Praxishandbuch von zwei verrückten Unternehmern” (Encourager – A practical guide by two crazy entrepreneurs) will have been translated into several languages and will have sold over 100,000 copies. Every month I will be invited to TV talk shows, to interviews and to give lectures about our company, my life, my Christian beliefs and my family.
Turnover has doubled with just the same number of employees.
Doubling turnover due to the best employees!
My dream comes true: I am earning 500,000 Euro a year. Therefore, I can afford the necessary therapy for my severely disabled granddaughter so that she can a fully recover. I can already see her in 2030, speaking perfectly and walking without any aid!
A new wind is blowing through our company. Our turnover has doubled with just the same number of employees. Everyone on the team sees himself as co-entrepreneurs. Salary is not important because they believe in our vision. 100% are type-A employees! They are all encouragers and are always working for the customer.
Branch office in New York with a world-renowned brand
We have a number one address in New York, and we are currently building a new office in Rosswein