Repensar la educación en derecho internacional en América Latina. Enrique Prieto-Rios

Repensar la educación en derecho internacional en América Latina - Enrique Prieto-Rios

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and its methods of work”, p. 217.

      29 Villalpando, “The ‘Invisible College of International Lawyers’ forty years later.”, p. 8.

      30 Schachter argumenta acerca da existência de dois tipos de internacionalista: aquele que trabalha na academia e o que trabalha em funções governamentais. Ocorre que, nas últimas décadas, houve um incremento enorme nas funções que podem ser desempenhadas pelo jurista de Direito Internacional fora do ambiente acadêmico e, ainda, fora do âmbito estatal. Schachter, “The role of the Institute of International Law and its methods of work”, p. 218. Villalpando aponta, em rol exemplificativo e não exaustivo, a existência de cargos e funções como a magistratura internacional, atividades de monitoramento e relatórios internacionais em diversas matérias, arbitragem internacional, aconselhamento de órgãos não-estatais, secretariados civis internacionais. Villalpando, “The ‘Invisible College of International Lawyers’ forty years later”, p. 14.

      31 Villalpando, “The ‘Invisible College of International Lawyers’ forty years later”, p. 14.

      32 Anthea Roberts, Is International Law International? Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017.

      33 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 1.

      34 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 2.

      35 “In examining the extent to which international law is international in the academies and textbooks of these states, this book makes three arguments. First, international law academics are often subject to differences in their incoming influences and outgoing spheres of influence in ways that affect how they understand and approach international law. Second, actors, materials and approaches from some states and regions have come to dominate certain transnational flows and forums in ways that make them disproportionately influential in constructing the ‘international’ – a point that holds true for Western actors, materials and approaches in general, and Anglo-American ones in particular. Third, existing understandings of the field are likely to be disrupted by factors such as changes in geopolitical power that will make it increasingly important for international lawyers to understand the perspectives and approaches of those coming from unlike-minded states”. Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 5.

      36 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 2.

      37 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 3.

      38 “Despite this ideal, international law is marked by tension between multiple languages and the increasing emergence of English as the lingua franca. The existence of multiple languages is analogous to the observation of national and regional differences. Instead of being a single community speaking a single language, albeit with different accents, international lawyers from different communities often speak different languages. People, materials, and ideas move more easily within linguistic communities than between such communities. And it is not always clear whether these communities are having the same debates, only in different languages, or whether their approaches differ in terms of their assumptions, arguments, conclusions and world views”. Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 3 (tradução nossa).

      39 Entre os vinte livros didáticos mais utilizados de Direito em universidades de oitenta países de língua inglesa, conforme compilação feita pelo Open Syllabus Explorer em 2019, três deles são em matérias de Direito Internacional, todos de juristas oriundos do Reino Unido: Malcolm N. Shaw, Malcolm D. Evans e Ian Brownlie. In: Open Syllabus Project (OSP). About us. New York, 2019. Disponível em: <>, acesso em 31 jul. 2019.

      40 “The term ‘critical approach’ is used here as a generic phrase for those approaches critical of the mainstream liberal approach to international law. It subsumes within it left-liberal scholars like Richard Falk and José Alvarez, critical legal studies scholars like David Kennedy and Martti Koskenniemi, feminist scholars such as Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin, and Third-World approaches to international law (TWAIL) articulated by, amongst others, Antony Anghie, B.S. Chimni, James Gathii, Obiora Okafor, Karin Mickelson and Vasuki Nesiah”. Bhupinder S. Chimni. “Legitimating the international rule of law”, em, The Cambridge Companion to International Law, organized by James Crawford y Martti Koskenniemi. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 297.

      41 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 323.

      42 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 5.

      43 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 256.

      44 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 259

      45 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 262.

      46 Roberts, Is International Law International?, p. 221-226.

      47 Patrícia Campos Mello. “Itamaraty orienta diplomatas a frisar que gênero é apenas sexo biológico”, Folha de São Paulo, 26 jun. 2019. Disponível em: <>, acesso em 30 nov. 2019; Lara Haje. “Ministro confirma diretriz da política externa contra conceito de gênero e contra aborto”, Câmara dos Deputados. Disponível em: <>, acesso em 30 nov. 2019.

      48 Patrícia Campos Mello. “Governo brasileiro participa de reunião com negacionistas do clima”, Folha de São Paulo, 30 jul. 2019. Disponível em: <>, acesso em 30 nov. 2019; Renato Grandelle. “Bolsonaro mantém país em acordo climático, mas avanço do desmatamento afasta doadores internacionais”, O Globo, 27 jun. 2019. Disponível em: <>, acesso em 30 nov. 2019; Joana Oliveira. “Política ambiental de Bolsonaro ameaça acordo com EU e alarma até agronegócio exportador”. Disponível em: <>, acesso em 30 nov. 2019.

      49 Michelle R. Sanchez, Elaini C. Da Silva, Evorah L. Cardoso & Priscila Spécie. “Política externa como política pública: uma análise pela regulamentação constitucional brasileira (1967-1988)”. Revista de Sociologia e Política, n. 27 (2006) p. 125-143,

      50 Dom Phillips. “Indict Jair Bolsonaro over Indigenous rights, international court is urged”, The Guardian, 28 nov. 2019. Disponível em: <>, acesso em 30 nov. 2019; Monica Bergamo. “Bolsonaro é denunciado ao Tribunal penal Internacional por crimes ‘contra a humanidade’”, Folha de São Paulo, 28 nov. 2019. Disponível em: <>,

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