Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times. Samuel Pegge

Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times - Samuel Pegge

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to Chesterfield in grand procession.

      In the year 1791 (July 8) Mr. Pegge was created D. C. L. by the University of Oxford, at the Commemoration. It may be thought a little extraordinary that he should accept an advanced Academical Degree so late in life, as he wanted no such aggrandizement in the Learned World, or among his usual Associates, and had voluntarily closed all his expectations of ecclesiastical elevation. We are confident that he was not ambitious of the compliment; for, when it was first proposed to him, he put a negative upon it. It must be remembered that this honour was not conferred on an unknown man (novus homo); but on a Master of Arts of Cambridge, of name and character, and of acknowledged literary merit[30]. Had Mr. Pegge been desirous of the title of Doctor in earlier life, there can be no doubt but that he might have obtained the superior degree of D. D. from Abp. Cornwallis, upon the bare suggestion, during his familiar and domestic conversations with his Grace at Lambeth-palace.

      Dr. Pegge's manners were those of a gentleman of a liberal education, who had seen much of the world, and had formed them upon the best models within his observation. Having in his early years lived in free intercourse with many of the principal and best-bred Gentry in various parts of Kent; he ever afterwards preserved the same attentions, by associating with respectable company, and (as we have seen) by forming honourable attachments.

      In his avocations from reading and retirement, few men could relax with more ease and cheerfulness, or better understood the desipere in loco;—could enter occasionally into temperate convivial mirth with a superior grace, or more interest and enliven every company by general conversation.

      As he did not mix in business of a public nature, his better qualities appeared most conspicuously in private circles; for he possessed an equanimity which obtained the esteem of his Friends, and an affability which procured the respect of his dependents.

      His habits of life were such as became his profession and station. In his clerical functions he was exemplarily correct, not entrusting his parochial duties at Whittington (where he constantly resided) to another (except to the neighbouring Clergy during the excursions before-mentioned) till the failure of his eye-sight rendered it indispensably necessary; and even that did not happen till within a few years of his death.

      As a Preacher, his Discourses from the pulpit were of the didactic and exhortatory kind, appealing to the understandings rather than to the passions of his Auditory, by expounding the Holy Scriptures in a plain, intelligible, and unaffected manner. His voice was naturally weak, and suited only to a small Church; so that when he occasionally appeared before a large Congregation (as on Visitations, &c.), he was heard to a disadvantage. He left in his closet considerably more than 230 Sermons composed by himself, and in his own hand-writing, besides a few (not exceeding 26) which he had transcribed (in substance only, as appears by collation) from the printed works of eminent Divines. These liberties, however, were not taken in his early days, from motives of idleness, or other attachments—but later in life, to favour the fatigue of composition; all which obligations he acknowledged at the end of each such Sermon.

      Though Dr. Pegge's life was sedentary, from his turn to studious retirement, his love of Antiquities, and of literary acquirements in general; yet these applications, which he pursued with, great ardour and perseverance, did not injure his health. Vigour of mind, in proportion to his bodily strength, continued unimpaired through a very extended course of life, and nearly till he had reached "ultima linea rerum:" for he never had any chronical disease; but gradually and gently sunk into the grave under the weight of years, after a fortnight's illness, Feb. 14, 1796, in the 92d year of his age.

      He was buried, according to his own desire, in the chancel at Whittington, where a mural tablet of black marble (a voluntary tribute of filial respect) has been placed, over the East window with the following short inscription:

      "At the North End of the Altar Table, within the Rails,

       lie the Remains of

       Samuel Pegge, LL. D.

       who was inducted to this Rectory Nov. 11, 1751,

       and died Feb. 14, 1796;

       in the 92d year of his Age."

      Having closed the scene; it must be confessed, on the one hand, that the biographical history of an individual, however learned, or engaging to private friends, who had passed the major part of his days in secluded retreats from what is called the world, can afford but little entertainment to the generality of Readers. On the other hand, nevertheless, let it be allowed that every man of acknowledged literary merit, had he made no other impression, cannot but have left many to regret his death.

      Though Dr. Pegge had exceeded even his "fourscore years and ten," and had outlived all his more early friends and acquaintance; he had the address to make new ones, who now survive, and who, it is humbly hoped, will not be sorry to see a modest remembrance of him preserved by this little Memoir.

      Though Dr. Pegge had an early propensity to the pursuit of Antiquarian knowledge, he never indulged himself materially in it, so long as more essential and professional occupations had a claim upon him; for he had a due sense of the nature and importance of his clerical function. It appears that he had read the Greek and Latin Fathers diligently at his outset in life. He had also re-perused the Classicks attentively before he applied much to the Monkish Historians, or engaged in Antiquarian researches; well knowing that a thorough knowledge of the Learning of the Antients, conveyed by classical Authors, was the best foundation for any literary structure which had not the Christian Religion for its cornerstone.

      During the early part of his incumbency at Godmersham in Kent, his reading was principally such as became a Divine, or which tended to the acquisition of general knowledge, of which he possessed a greater share than most men we ever knew. When he obtained allowable leisure to follow unprofessional pursuits, he attached himself more closely to the study of Antiquities; and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Feb. 14, 1751, N. S. in which year the Charter of Incorporation was granted (in November), wherein his name stands enrolled among those of many very respectable and eminently learned men[31].

      Though we will be candid enough to allow that Dr. Pegge's style in general was not sufficiently terse and compact to be called elegant; yet he made ample amends by the matter, and by the accuracy with which he treated every copious subject, wherein all points were matured by close examination and sound judgment[32].

      and a fund of knowledge, more than would have displayed itself in any greater work, where the subject requires but one bias, and one peculiar attention[33].

      It is but justice to say, that few men were so liberal in the diffusion of the knowledge which he had acquired, or more ready to communicate it, either vivâ voce, or by the loan of his MSS. as many of his living Friends can testify.

      In his publications he was also equally disinterested as in his private communications; for he never, as far as can be recollected, received any pecuniary advantage from any pieces that he printed, committing them all to the press, with the sole reserve of a few copies to distribute among his particular Friends[34]. —No. III. 1766. "An Essay on the Coins of Cunobelin; in an Epistle to the Right Rev. Bishop of Carlisle [Charles Lyttelton], President of the Society of Antiquaries." [105 pages, 4to.] [This collection of coins is classed in two plates, and illustrated by a Commentary, together with observations on the word tascia. N. B. The impression consisted of no more than 200 copies.]—No. IV. 1772. "An Assemblage of Coins fabricated by Authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury. To which are subjoined, Two Dissertations." [125 pages, 4to.] 1. On a fine Coin of Alfred the Great, with his Head. 2. On an Unic, in the Possession of the late Mr. Thoresby, supposed to be a Coin of St. Edwin; but shewn to be a Penny of Edward the Confessor. [An Essay is annexed on the origin of metropolitical and other subordinate mints; with an Account of their Progress and final Determination: together with other incidental Matters, tending to throw light on a branch of the Science of Medals, not perfectly considered by English Medalists.]—No.

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