Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times. Samuel Pegge
Jan. 1, 1793.
Samuel Pegge, Rector."
2. Whittington Rectory.
This View was taken also, in 1789, by Mr. Schnebbelie; and the account of it drawn up in 1793 by Dr. Pegge, then resident in it, at the advanced age of 88.
"The Parsonage-house at Whittington is a convenient substantial stone building, and very sufficient for this small benefice. It was, as I take it, erected by the Rev. Thomas Callice, one of my predecessors; and, when I had been inducted, I enlarged it, by pulling down the West end, making a cellar, a kitchen, a brew-house, and a pantry, with chambers over them. There is a glebe of about 30 acres belonging to it with a garden large enough for a family, and a small orchard. The garden is remarkably pleasant in respect to its fine views to the North, East, and South, with the Church to the West. There is a fair prospect of Chesterfield Church, distant about two miles and a half; and of Bolsover Castle to the West; and, on the whole, this Rectorial house may be esteemed a very delightful habitation.
S. Pegge."
In this Parsonage the Editor of the present Volume, accompanied by his late excellent Friend Mr. Gough, spent many happy hours with the worthy Rector for several successive years, and derived equal information and pleasure from his instructive conversation.
Whittington Rectory.
Gent. Mag. Sep. 1810. Pl. II, p. 217.
Schnebbelie del.
3. The Revolution House.
To complete the little series of Views at Whittington more immediately connected with Dr. Pegge, a third plate is here given, from another Drawing by Mr. Schnebbelie, of the small public-house at Whittington, which has been handed down to posterity for above a century under the honourable appellation of "The Revolution House." It obtained that name from the accidental meeting of two noble personages, Thomas Osborne Earl of Danby, and William Cavendish Earl of Devonshire, with a third person, Mr. John D'Arcy[36], privately one morning, 1688, upon Whittington, Moor, as a middle place between Chatsworth, Kniveton, and Aston, their respective residences, to consult about the Revolution, then in agitation[37]; but a shower of rain happening to fall, they removed to the village for shelter, and finished their conversation at a public-house there, the sign of The Cock and Pynot[38].
The part assigned to the Earl of Danby was, to surprize York; in which he succeeded: after which, the Earl of Devonshire was to take measures at Nottingham, where the Declaration for a free Parliament, which he, at the head of a number of Gentlemen of Derbyshire, had signed Nov. 28, 1688[39], was adopted by the Nobility, Gentry, and Commonalty of the Northern Counties, assembled there for the defence of the Laws, Religion, and Properties[40].
The success of these measures is well known; and to the concurrence of these Patriots with the proceedings in favour of the Prince of Orange in the West, is this Nation indebted for the establishment of her rights and liberties at the glorious Revolution.
The cottage here represented stands at the point where the road from Chesterfield divides into two branches, to Sheffield and Rotherham. The room where the Noblemen sat is 15 feet by 12 feet 10, and is to this day called The Plotting Parlour. The old armed chair, still remaining in it, is shewn by the landlord with particular satisfaction, as that in which it is said the Earl of Devonshire sat; and he tells with equal pleasure, how it was visited by his descendants, and the descendants of his associates, in the year 1788. Some new rooms, for the better accommodation of customers, were added about 20 years ago.
The Duke of Leeds' own account of his meeting the Earl of Devonshire and Mr. John D'Arcy[41] at Whittington, in the County of Derby, AD 1688.
The Earl of Derby, afterwards Duke of Leeds, was impeached, A.D. 1678, of High Treason by the House of Commons, on a charge of being in the French interest, and, in particular, of being Popishly affected: many, both Peers and Commoners, were misled, and had conceived an erroneous opinion concerning him and his political conduct. This he has stated himself, in the Introduction to his Letters, printed A. 1710, where he says, "That the malice of my accusation did so manifestly appear in that article wherein I was charged to be Popishly affected, that I dare swear there was not one of my accusers that did then believe that article against me."
His Grace then proceeds, for the further clearing of himself, in these memorable words, relative to the meeting at Whittington, the subject of this memoir.
"The Duke of Devonshire also, when we were partners in the secret trust about the Revolution, and who did meet me and Mr. John D'Arcy, for that purpose, at a town called Whittington, in Derbyshire, did, in the presence of the said Mr. D'Arcy, make a voluntary acknowledgment of the great mistakes he had been led into about me; and said, that both he, and most others, were entirely convinced of their error. And he came to Sir Henry Goodrick's house in Yorkshire purposely to meet me there again, in order to concert the times and methods by which he should act at Nottingham (which was to be his post), and one at York (which was to be mine); and we agreed, that I should first attempt to surprize York, because there was a small garrison with a Governor there; whereas Nottingham was but an open town, and might give an alarm to York, if he should appear in arms before I had made my attempt upon York; which was done accordingly[42]; but is mistaken in divers relations of it. And I am confident that Duke (had he been now alive) would have thanked nobody for putting his prosecution of me amongst the glorious actions of his life."
Celebration of the Revolution Jubilee, at Whittington and Chesterfield, on the 4th and 5th of November, 1788.
On Tuesday the 4th instant, the Committee appointed to conduct the Jubilee had a previous meeting, and dined together at the Revolution House in Whittington. His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Stamford, Lord George and Lord John Cavendish, with several neighbouring Gentlemen, were present. After dinner a subscription was opened for the erecting of a Monumental Column, in Commemoration of the Glorious Revolution, on that spot where the Earls of Devonshire and Danby, Lord Delamere, and Mr. John D'Arcy, met to concert measures which were eminently instrumental in rescuing the Liberties of their Country from perdition. As this Monument is intended to be not less a mark of public Gratitude, than the memorial of an important event; it was requested, that the present Representatives of the above-mentioned families would excuse their not being permitted to join in the expence.
On the 5th, at eleven in the morning, the commemoration commenced with divine service at Whittington Church. The Rev. Mr. Pegge, the Rector of the Parish, delivered an excellent Sermon from the words "This is the day, &c." Though of a great age, having that very morning entered his 85th year, he spoke with a spirit which seemed to be derived from the occasion, his sentiments were pertinent, well arranged, and his expression animated.
The descendants of the illustrious houses of Cavendish, Osborne, Boothe, and Darcy (for the venerable Duke of Leeds, whose age would not allow him to attend, had sent his two grandsons, in whom the blood of Osborne and D'Arcy is united); a numerous and powerful gentry; a wealthy and respectable yeomanry; a hardy, yet decent and attentive peasantry; whose intelligent countenances shewed that they understood, and would be firm to preserve that blessing, for which they were assembled to return thanks to Almighty God, presented a truly solemn spectacle, and to the eye of a philosopher the most interesting that can be imagined.
After service the company went in succession to view the old house, and the room called by the Anti-revolutionists "The Plotting-Parlour," with the old armed-chair in which the Earl of Devonshire is said to have sitten, and every one was then pleased to partake of a very elegant cold collation, which was prepared in the new rooms annexed to the cottage. Some