Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times. Samuel Pegge

Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times - Samuel Pegge

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with Lord George and Lord John Cavendish, Lord Danby (Son of the Marquis of Carmarthen), and Lord Francis Osborne, with their Preceptor Dr. Jackson, Prebendary of Westminster, &c. The cavalcade from Whittington to Chesterfield, where we were to dine at four o'clock, was amazingly grand, no less than 50 coaches and chaises with horses dressed with orange ribbons; large and fine banners, with sundry bands of music. There were about 1000 on foot, with orange cockades, and about 300 on horseback, many of whom, besides cockades, were in blue, with orange capes. At half past six the fireworks, by an Italian artist, began, and very admirable they were; he had twenty pounds given him by the Managers. The ball room, at nine, was so crowded that, though it is large, there could be but little dancing. The ball was given to the Ladies, with an entertainment of cakes, sweetmeats, negus, &c. It was a fine day; and not the least accident happened, though it is supposed not less than 30,000 people were assembled. Hogsheads of liquor were given by the Managers at Whittington and Chesterfield, and the Duke of Devon gave twenty-four guineas to the footmen mentioned above. I saw nobody however in liquor; and when Mr. Rooke and I returned to Whittington, at one o'clock or after, we had a sober driver.

      It happened to be my birth-day; which being known to some gentlemen at all the three great inns where the company dined, they drank my health with three cheers, requesting me to print my Sermon. This request I have complied with, and it is now printed at Chesterfield; I will take care that a copy be sent to you and Mr. Nichols. But I must observe to you on the occasion, that the Sermon will not read so well as it was heard, because having good command over myself at the time, I delivered it with energy and emphasis.

      There will be a monument erected at the Revolution House in Whittington; a column I suppose; and 148 guineas are already subscribed. N. B. The Duke of Devon and the Earl of Stamford were excepted from subscribing, so they reluctantly desisted. Sir H. Hunloke, a Catholic, is a subscriber, and went in the cavalcade, but was not at church, as you may suppose.

      We have a very fine time here, no signs of winter but the absence of leaves; the want of water however is very wonderful, considering the time of year, and is even distressing. I grow very idle and good for nothing; but, such as I am, I remain your very affectionate and much obliged servant,

      S. Pegge.

       Whittington, Dec. 22, 1788.

      Dear Sir,

      By this time I hope you are in possession of my Sermon, as I desired my Son to send one copy to you, and another to Mr. Nichols. If I know you, your sentiments in politics coincide with mine; so that I have no fear of your concurrence in that respect and have only to wish that the composition may please you.

      I am, dear Sir, your truly affectionate and much obliged servant,

      S. Pegge.

       Table of Contents

      By the Editor.

       Table of Contents

      Samuel Pegge, Esq. the only surviving Son[50] of the venerable Antiquary whose Life has just been recorded, was born in 1731. After an excellent classical education, at St. John's College, Cambridge, he was admitted a Barrister of the Middle Temple; and was soon after, by the favour of the Duke of Devonshire, then Lord Chamberlain, appointed one of the Grooms of His Majesty's Privy-Chamber, and an Esquire of the King's Household.

      Mr. Pegge married Martha, daughter of Dr. Henry Bourne, an eminent Physician, of Spital, near Chesterfield, in Derbyshire[51], and sister to the Rev. John Bourne[52], Rector of Sutton, and Vicar of South Wingfield, co. Derby.

      By this lady, who was born in 1732, and died in 1767, he had one son, Christopher, of whom hereafter; and one daughter, Charlotte-Anne, who died, unmarried, March 17, 1793.

      Mr. Pegge married, secondly, Goodeth Belt, daughter of Robert Belt, Esq. of Bossall, co. York, by whom he had no issue[53].

      After the death of his Father, Mr. Pegge, though somewhat advanced in life, was desirous of becoming a Member of the Society of Antiquaries. He was accordingly elected in 1796; having previously shewn that he was well deserving of that distinction, by the accuracy and intelligence displayed in the "Curialia."

      He survived his Father little more than four years; during which period he enjoyed but an indifferent state of bodily health. His mental faculties, however, were, to the last, strong and unimpaired; his manners truly elegant; his conversation always sensible and pleasant; and his epistolary correspondence[54] lively and facetious.

      His death is thus recorded on an upright stone on the West side of Kensington church-yard:

      "Samuel Pegge, Esq.

       died May the 22d, 1800, aged 67 years.

       Martha, Wife of Samuel Pegge, Esq.

       died June 28, 1767, aged 35 years.

       Charlotte-Anne, the only Daughter

       of Samuel and Martha Pegge,

       died March 17, 1793, aged 31 years.

       Mrs. Christiana Pegge died July 1, 1790."

      To Mr. Pegge, we are indebted for the foregoing circumstantial Memoir or his very learned Father; and for several occasional communications to the Gentleman's Magazine.

      But his principal Work Was intituled, "Curialia; or, an Historical Account of some Branches of the Royal Household[55];" Three Portions of which he published in his life-time:

      Part I. consisted of "Two Dissertations, addressed to the President of the Society of Antiquaries, London; viz. 1. On the obsolete Office of the Esquires of the King's Body. 2. On the original Nature, Duty, &c. of the Gentlemen of the King's Most Honourable Privy Chamber, 1782."

      Part II. contains "A Memoir regarding the King's Honourable Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, from its Establishment to the present Time, 1784."

      Part III. is "A Memoir respecting the King's Body-Guard of Yeomen of his Guard, from its Institution, AD 1485; 1791."

      During the remaining period of his life, Mr. Pegge amused himself in preparing several other Numbers of his "Curialia" for the press; the materials for which, and also his "Anecdotes of the English Language," he bequeathed to Mr. Nichols; who printed "The Anecdotes of the English Language" in 1803. This Work having been noticed with much approbation in the principal Reviews, and very favourably received by the Publick at large, a Second Edition (corrected and improved from his own detached MSS.) was published in 1814. To this Edition was added, "A Supplement to the Provincial Glossary of Francis Grose, Esq." compiled by Mr. Pegge.

      In 1806 Mr. Nichols published Two additional Numbers of the "Curialia:"

      Part IV. "A History of Somerset House[56], from the Commencement of its Erection in 1549."

      Part V. "A Dissertation[57] on the ancient Establishment and Function of the Serjeant at Arms."

      The further continuation of that interesting work was broken off by the melancholy accident mentioned in page v.

      In the early part of his life Mr. Pegge was a considerable proficient in Musick. He composed a complete Melo-Drama, both the words and the musick in score, which still remains in MS. Many Catches and Glees also, and several of the most popular Songs for Vauxhall Gardens were written and set to music by him.

      His Muse was very fertile; and though his modesty forbade the avowal, he was the Author of some occasional Prologues and Epilogues which were favourably received by the Publick: a Prologue, particularly, spoken by Mr. Yates at Birmingham in 1760, on taking the Theatre into his own hands; an Epilogue spoken by the same excellent Actor, at Drury Lane, on his return from France, and another Epilogue, filled with pertinent allusions to the Game of Quadrille, spoken by Mrs. Yates, at her Benefit, in

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