Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission. Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
the director of exhibits, have authority to appoint, as associates or experts, one or more persons especially skilled in matters submitted for examination. These experts shall participate only in such special work as they are selected to perform and shall have no vote on the question of the merit of the exhibit under consideration.
8. Each group jury shall carefully examine all exhibits pertaining to the group to which it has been assigned. It shall also consider and pass upon the merits of the collaborators whose work may be conspicuous in the design, development, or construction of the exhibits.
The jury shall prepare separate lists presenting the names of such exhibitors as are out of competition, awards recommended to exhibitors in order of merit, awards recommended to collaborators in order of merit, a report giving an account of the most important objects exhibited, and a general account of the group as a whole.
These papers shall be certified to the chief of the department to which the group belongs, and the chief of the department shall certify the same, with such recommendations as he may deem advisable, to the department jury.
9. In order to expedite their work group juries may be divided into committees for the examination of exhibits.
These committees shall be governed by paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of rule 8, just cited; when they have completed the work assigned them they shall report to the full jury, which shall review the findings after an inspection of all the exhibits in the group.
10. When the exigencies of the work require such procedure, and when recommended by a chief of a department and approved by the director of exhibits, two or more group juries may be combined.
11. In the case of temporary exhibits and such other exhibits as are developed through a considerable period of time, or which for other reasons can not be governed by the time limits prescribed, the juries of such groups may continue in service throughout the entire period of the exposition. Special juries may be formed when urgently needed for special occasions.
At the close of each temporary exhibit or competition the jury having the same in charge shall prepare a list of awards proposed in order of merit and shall certify the same to the chief of the department to which the exhibit pertains.
Special awards for such temporary exhibits or competitions may be provided by the chief of the department to which the exhibits belong, on the approval of the director of exhibits and the president of the Exposition Company.
12. Each department jury shall be composed of the chairman and vice-chairman of the group juries of the respective departments, with one member of the directory of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, to be named by the president of the company, and one person appointed by the board of lady managers.
The department juries shall choose their own officers,
consisting of a chairman, three vice-chairmen, and a secretary.
The chairman and first vice-chairman shall be, one a citizen of
the United States, and the other a citizen of a foreign country.
The secretary may be selected by the members of the jury from a
list of persons recommended by the director of exhibits.
13. Each department jury shall complete its organization and
begin its work on September 20, 1904.
The duties of these juries shall be to consider carefully and review the reports of the group juries; to harmonize any differences that may exist between the recommendations of the several group juries as to awards, and to adjust all awards recommended so that they will be consistent with the rules and regulations.
No more than ten days may be devoted to this work, and when the awards recommended by the group juries have been adjusted, the department juries shall, through the chiefs of their respective departments, submit their findings to the director of exhibits, who shall, within five days after the receipt thereof, certify the same to the superior jury, including such work as may have been left incomplete by the department jury.
14. The officers and members of the superior jury shall be as follows: President, the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company; first vice-president, the director of exhibits; second vice-president, a citizen of the United States to be named by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission. The members of the jury shall further consist of the commissioners-general of the nine foreign countries occupying with exhibits the largest amounts of space in the exhibit palaces; the chairman and first vice-chairman of the department juries; the chiefs of the exhibit departments, and one person appointed by the board of lady managers.
Two additional vice-presidents and such other officers as may be required shall be elected by the superior jury from the members herein provided for.
No chief of a department shall represent more than a single department. The president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company shall appoint from the United States membership of the department juries such other members as may be necessary to give to each exhibit department of the exposition a representative on the superior jury.
There shall also be a secretary of the superior jury, who may be selected by the members of the jury from a list of persons recommended by the president of the jury.
15. The superior jury shall determine finally and fully the awards to be made to exhibitors and collaborators in all cases that are formally presented for its consideration.
Formal notification of the awards shall, in each case, be sent by the president of the jury to the exhibitors at the place of their respective exhibits.
If, for any reason, an award is not satisfactory to an exhibitor, he may file written notice to that effect with the president of the jury within three days after the date of the official notification of the award; and this notice shall be followed, within seven days after said date, by a written statement setting forth at length his views as to wherein the award is inconsistent or unjust.
In the adjustment of differences and in considering the recommendations of the department juries, the superior jury may provide for hearings of members of the department jury and of exhibitors, but in no case shall it be required to consider matters which have not been regularly presented as heretofore provided.
16. The work of the superior jury shall be completed on October 15, 1904, and, as soon as practicable thereafter, formal public announcement of the awards shall be made. A final complete list of awards shall be published by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of the act of Congress, and section 6, Article XXII, of the rules and regulations.
17. A committee, consisting of the president and the four vice-presidents of the superior jury, shall continue the work of the superior jury as long as may be found necessary after that jury has disbanded.
This committee shall have charge of the preparation, collection, and publication of the official list of awards and shall make the necessary provisions for the proper distribution of the awards.
18. The deliberations of all juries shall be strictly secret.
The president of the Exposition Company, the director of exhibits, and the chiefs of departments shall have the privilege of attending any sessions of the several juries.
A majority of any jury shall, in all cases, render and confirm a decision.
19. The exhibits of persons serving as jurors or alternates over groups embracing their exhibits shall be classed as noncompetitive and shall not be examined by the juries. This rule applies to managers, agents, or others representing a company or corporation which is entered as an exhibitor. It does not, however, apply to the officers or representatives of governments which are entered as exhibitors.
20. Each regular exhibitor may receive an award, although his exhibit be joined with that of others in a single installation.
Only one award shall be given to a collective exhibit, but the names of all the contributors to such collective exhibit may be entered on the diplomas awarded, and each participant